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7/25 You are gods (Jn. 10:34)

You are gods (Jn 10:34)


Jesus says, “You are gods.” (Jn. 10:34) How is this possible?

At baptism, we become partakers of the divine nature,” (CCC 1265 or 2Pt.1:4) or as St. Athanasius states that we are, “becoming by grace what God is by nature.” The Catechism quotes St. Athanasius to explain this teaching, “For the Son of God became man so that we might become God,” (460) and furthermore it explains, “The only-begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that He, made man, might make men gods.” (CCC 460)

For most of us, the concept that “You are gods.” (Jn. 10:34) or that we are being “divinized” is difficult to grasp so let us first look at Jesus’ baptism when the Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus and the Heavenly Father says, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” (Matt. 3:17) Likewise, the Holy Spirit also descends into our souls at baptism, and we, too, become His sons and daughters as the Psalmist states, “You are ‘gods’; you are all sons of The Most High.” (82:6)  The Heavenly Father’s words also apply to us as when St. Faustina hears Him say, “You are My delightful dwelling place; My Spirit rests in you.”  (Diary 346)


Our Lady of the Divine Indwelling

St. Paul reminds us that we are temples of God, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you?” (1Cor.6:19) and “For this reason, those in whom the Spirit dwells are divinized.” (CCC 1988) Divinization also means that the Holy Spirit makes us, “a new creature.” (CCC 1265) However, it is not just the Holy Spirit that dwells in our souls, but it is also the Holy Trinity.   The Catechism explains that baptism is the “entry into the life of the Most Holy Trinity,” (1239) and we become “the indwelling of His Presence in us” (2781).  



St. John Paul II enlightens us that “‘Divinization’…occurs through the admission into the intimacy of the Trinitarian life”, (Novo Millennio Ineunte no. 23) as when the Holy Trinity speaks in the soul of St. Faustina, “‘You are Our dwelling place.’ At that moment, I felt in my soul the presence of the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I felt that I was the temple of God. I felt I was a child of the Father,” she said. (Diary 451)

St. Faustina says, “Divinize me so that my deeds may have supernatural value,” (1242) but she remains a meek and humble student of the indwelling Presence. She accepts to be molded regardless of her sins and frailties.  Jesus explains to St. Faustina what He can do despite our faults and failings, “Your heart is My constant dwelling place, despite the misery that you are.  I united Myself with you, to take away your misery and give you My mercy.” (Diary 723)  She learns to worship the Holy Trinity within her soul so well that the Blessed Virgin Mary appears to her explaining the divinization going on in her soul, “You are a dwelling place pleasing to the living God; in you, He dwells continuously with love and delight. And the living presence of God, which you experience in a more vivid and distinct way, will confirm you, my daughter, in the things I have told you.” (Diary 785)

Divine Mercy and St Faustina

Divine Mercy and St Faustina

St. Faustina continues to plead with God, “Divinize me that my deeds may be pleasing to You,” (Diary 1289) so the Blessed Virgin Mary gives her instruction on how to live continually with the indwelling Presence, “My daughter, strive after silence and humility, so that Jesus, who dwells in your heart continuously, may be able to rest. Adore Him in your heart; do not go out from your inmost being. My daughter, I shall obtain for you the grace of an interior life which will be such that, without ever leaving that interior life, you will be able to carry out all your external duties with even greater care. Dwell with Him continuously in your heart. He will be your strength. Communicate with creatures only in so far as is necessary and is required by your duties.” (Diary 785)

Divinization is difficult to understand due to the way we view ourselves, “we hold this treasure in earthen vessels,” (2Cor.4:7) but Instrumentum Laboris instructs us that the “Eucharist is the summit of the Church’s life, since communion with the Lord leads to the sanctification and “divinization” of the person.” (1) Similarly, to help St. Faustina comprehend, Jesus tells her that as she sees Him outside so He is within, “I am dwelling in your heart as you see Me in this chalice.” (1820)  But, why is all this relevant or important to us now?  Because “The hour is coming when true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth.” (John 4:23)


St Marget Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Yes, the hour is coming very soon when there will be no physical Church to worship in as Pope Benedict XVI explains in the year 2010:

“This passage in chapter 4 of John’s Gospel is the prophecy of a worship in which there will no longer be any temple, but in which the faithful will pray without an external temple in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit and the truth of the Gospel, in communion with Christ; where what is needed is no longer a visible temple but rather the new fellowship with the risen Lord.  That always remains important, because it signifies a major turning point in the history of religion as well.”

(Light of the World, pages 16-17)

Finally, believe and understand that He wants to divinize us not by the “counterfeit divinization of eros,” (Pope Benedict XVI, Deus Caritas Est no. 4) as when the serpent says, “you will be like gods,” (Gen.3:5) but by being humble, intimate, and living temples of God as when Jesus states, “We will come into him, and make Our dwelling in him.” (Jn. 14:23) Therefore, in these turbulent times trust and have confidence that His loving indwelling Presence is always with us day and night to divinize us as Jesus tells St. Faustina, “You are my

Inner Light - Source Unknown

Inner Light – Source Unknown

dwelling place and my constant repose.  For your sake I bless the earth.” (Diary 431) ST FAUSTINA PRAY FOR US.

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7/24 Feast Day of St. Sharbel (St. Charbel) Malkhuf, Priest


7/24 St. Sharbel (St. Charbel) Makhluf, Priest; Feast Day

Great Healings

St. Sharbel (Charbel) Makhluf, Priest
1828 – 1898
Feast Day July 24th

Youssef Antoun Makhlouf was born in 1828, in Bekaa Kafra (North Lebanon). He had a true Christian upbringing, which had given him a passion for prayer. Then he followed his two hermit uncles in the hermitage of the St Antonious Kozhaya monastery and was converted to monastic and hermetical life.

In 1851, he left his family village and headed for the Our Lady of Maifouk monastery to spend his first monastic year, and then he went to the St Maron monastery in Annaya, where he entered the Maronite Order, carrying the name Charbel, a name of one of theAntioch church martyrs of the second century. On November 1st. 1853, he exposed his ceremonial vows in St Maron’s monastery – Annaya. Then he completed his theological studies in the St Kobrianous and Justina monastery in Kfifan, Batroun.

He was ordained a priest in Bkerky, the Maronite Patriarchate, on July 23rd, 1859. He lived 16 years in the St Maron’s monastery – Annaya. From there, he entered, on February 15th, 1875, the St Peter & Paul hermitage, which belongs to the monastery. He was a typical saint and hermit, who spent his time praying and worshipping. Rarely had he left the hermitage where he followed the way of the saintly hermits in prayers, life and practice.

St Charbel lived in the hermitage for 23 years. On December 16th, 1898 he was struck with an illness while performing the holy mass. He died on Christmas’ eve, December 24th, 1898, and was buried in the St Maron monastery cemetery in Annaya.

Few months later, dazzling lights were seen around the grave. From there, his corpse, which had been secreting sweat and blood, was transferred into a special coffin. Hordes of pilgrims started swarming the place to get his intercession. And through this intercession, God blessed many people with recovery and spiritual graces.

In 1925, his beatification and canonization were proposed for declaration by Pope Pious XI. In 1950, the grave was opened in the presence of an official committee which included doctors who verified the soundness of the body. After the grave had been opened and inspected, the variety of healing incidents amazingly multiplied. A multitude of pilgrims from different religious facets started flocking to the Annaya monastery to get the saint’s intercession.

Prodigies reached beyond the Lebanese borders. This unique phenomenon caused a moral revolution, the return to faith and the reviving of the virtues of the soul.


From the website
Note:  Wikipedia identifies the Feast Day of St. Sharbel (Charbel) Makhluf as July 17, so that is probably why also did.


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7/24 The Doctrine of Living In the Divine Will

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The doctrin of living in the Divine Will


The doctrin of living in the Divine Will

We can easily affirm that “living in the Divine Will” is the center of the mystical experience and of every page of the writings of Luisa. The simple language, full of examples, stories and images, often mediated by dialectal expressions, is able to capture and dispose the soul of those who are about to descend into the depths of the expression of the Lord’s Prayer “Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Mt 6, 10). The message that God entrusts her consists in understanding its meaning, asking for it as gift in the prayer and living every moment in the Divine Will of Jesus “as” a unique will. In other words, living in the Divine Will means for the creature “living with just one Will”, that is God’s Will. So there is a great difference between “doing” and “living in” the Divine Will. On the whole, we may say that “living in the Divine means “reigning” with Jesus, while “doing His Will” means “complying with His orders”. The first is the state of one who “owns”, the second is for those who “receive”. By living in the Divine Will, the creature assumes the Divine Will as “something of his own”, as to “have It at his disposal”. Indeed, using another image, we may also say that “living in the Divine Will” means living as “a son”, while “doing the Will of God” only means living as “a servant” and no one can deprive a son from the rights he has on his father’s goods. It’s possible to understand how this “living in the Divine Will” is very similar to the life of the Blessed in Heaven.

The question arises spontaneously on how a human creature could not only do the will of God, but even possess it as his own. Exactly on this point, Our Lord displays to Luisa all his plans, solemnly declaring that this is a “gift” He has decided to do ” in these times so sad”. And love calls love. With the understanding that Jesus has given them everything and He has no greatest gift to give them than the possession of His Will to win their love, creatures will appreciate “the great good they possess” and in It they will reciprocate love. Evidently, this reciprocity is very similar to the heavenly love between the Divine Persons of the Holy Trinity!

So here is the news of the message of Luisa Piccarreta: the Divine Will operating in the creature and the creature divinely operating in it. The news is this Grace of graces, this “gift of gifts”: not only doing what God wants, but being sure that His Will becomes part of the creature, shapes in the man “His life”, to live and reign with It and in It, in a constant exchange of human and Divine will, which returns to the creature the divine likeness lost through sin.

Since the day of her First Communion, with the Eucharist Luisa is conducted from the voice she interiorly hears, to a gradual assimilation of Christ’s humanity. Through a path of special graces she immerge herself “into” the Holy Humanity of Jesus and observes how in Jesus the Divine Nature “completely overpowered Humanity”. Jesus did nothing but entrusting Himself “to the mercy of the Will of the Father”. Her understanding progresses, therefore, on the mystery of redemption made by Jesus. Indeed, as in Christ’s Humanity His Divinity operated, she clearly understands that Jesus during His earthly life “operated for everyone in general and distinctly for each one” what everybody should have done for God. In this environment of the eternal will, He could see all the acts of creatures, the undone acts that could have been done and “the good ones, but badly done”. His redemptive action let Him realize the undone acts and redo those “badly done”. So, all that each one must do to love God, “has already been done before in the Heart of Christ”. The acts not realized by creatures but only by Jesus are all “suspended” in His Divine Will waiting for the creatures repeat in His Will what He did or, in other words, they are willing to “live in the Divine Will of Jesus”.

The Virgin Mary, the Heavenly Queen, was the first creature to “repeat” all the acts of His Son for the benefit of humanity. Who wants to live in the Divine Will has a powerful Queen and Mother who will compensate for what they lack and will shape their acts conforming them to those of Jesus in her.

Luisa, with her staying in a bed, has a dual mission. Even remaining a victim soul, she lives her “duty” in a new and original way. Jesus reveals her a second dimension of the mission entrusted to her, a sort of “second duty”, which has to be expressed more in terms of being than of doing. He teaches her to be a victim, but in His Divine Will. Indeed, from that being in a bed for more than sixty years, one would have “simply” expected an attitude of resignation, of obedience, of unconditional surrender to the Will of God, a Fiat of passive submission to God. But Jesus teaches her a different way of staying in the Will of God, that is “entering” or “melting in the Will of God” by replacing in everything her will with the Divine Will, in an attitude of active and conscious participation in the Will of God.

Luisa, “merging” herself in the Holy Will of Jesus joins His Humanity and constituted, as a gift, by a single will with Jesus like Mary, she repeats the same acts of Jesus’ Humanity. She is called to imitate “the way” in which Jesus’ humanity has fulfilled the Will of the Father. It is a sanctity “all-depending, at the expense of Jesus”.

In this way of living, Luisa Piccarreta is “the origin”, “the first” that many others will follow. Rather, with her life, she is just a ring to which “crowd of souls” will attach, living in the Divine Will of Jesus, as and with Maria and Luisa, they will do again all the acts of creatures in order to give the glory to God on behalf of all.

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‘Broken Crosses’

From the Desk of Sr. Emmanuel Maillard:


1. [More than a month ago alleged seer] Mirjana Soldo [of Medjugorje] received her monthly apparition at the Blue Cross, in the presence of a fairly large crowd. After the apparition, she shared the following message:

“Dear children! My motherly heart desires your true conversion and a firm faith so that you may be able to spread love and peace to all those who surround you. But, my children, do not forget: each of you is a unique world before the Heavenly Father. Therefore, permit the continuous working of the Holy Spirit to work on you. Be my spiritually pure children. In spirituality is beauty. Everything that is spiritual is alive and very beautiful. Do not forget that in the Eucharist, which is the heart of faith, my Son is always with you. He comes to you and breaks the bread with you; because, my children, for your sake He died, He resurrected and is coming anew. These words of mine are familiar to you because they are the truth, and the truth does not change. It is only that many of my children have forgotten it. My children, my words are neither old nor new, they are eternal. Therefore, I invite you, my children, to observe well the signs of the times, to ‘gather the shattered crosses’ and to be apostles of the revelation. Thank you.”

2. Shattered Crosses

Many people have asked us about the meaning of this sentence: “Therefore, I invite you, my children, to observe well the signs of the times, to ‘gather the shattered crosses’ and to be apostles of the Revelation.” Mirjana asked that the phrase “gather the shattered crosses” be put in quotation marks; this means that the Blessed Moher is referring to something which is already known. An explanation can be found in the messages Bruno Cornacchiola received in 1947 at The Three Fountains, in the outskirts of Rome, where St Paul was beheaded.

A brief flashback is required here: Bruno, who fiercely opposed the Catholic Church, devised a plan to kill Pope Pius XII by stabbing him. On the eve of the crime, Saturday April 12, 1947, he was with his family at The Three Fountains, where his children were playing near a cave. He was working on his book which spoke against “The Immaculate”. When the time came to go home, his youngest daughter remained in the cave, so Bruno said to his son, “Go fetch your sister!” He went, but didn’t come back. Bruno then sent his other son, but he didn’t come back either. Bruno, who was angry, went himself and found all three of his children on their knees, hands joined in prayer and their eyes in ecstasy. They remained deaf to their father’s call.

Bruno was then thrust to the ground on his knees, against his will. When he raised his eyes, Our Lady was there, looking at him. She told him:

“I am she who is in the Divine Trinity. I am the Virgin of Revelation. You have persecuted me, now it is enough! Come back to the holy flock which is the Celestial Court on earth. God’s promise is unchangeable and will remain so. The nine First Fridays in honor of the Sacred Heart, which your faithful wife persuaded you to observe before you walked down the road of lies, has saved you.”

Bruno shared how the Blessed Mother made a gesture with her right arm, pointing at the ground with her index finger. Lying there at her feet, he saw a shattered cross, a piece of black cloth and a cassock.

The cassock thrown to the ground represents the abandonment of the priesthood by so many priests. She said, “this is a sign that my sons will leave their habits…. You, be strong in the faith!” (The “sons” Mary speaks about here are the members of the clergy). The broken cross, near the cassock, represents the martyrdom of priests who remain faithful to Christ in the persecution.The black fabric symbolizes that the Church will become a widow, left to the mercy of the world. Our Lady said to Bruno, “The Church will be persecuted, broken.”

Then the Virgin Mary revealed to Bruno what was going to happen, especially the defection of so many priests, and how much he should love and serve the Church despite all that was happening. She added that, “even when priests are in an infernal whirlwind”, said Mary, “they are dear to me. They will be trampled upon and massacred.”

Bruno converted on the spot. He even became a fervent apostle and a great defender of the Church until his death in June 2001. (His cause for Beatification has been opened in Rome). During all those years, he received words from Our Lady, especially through dreams, like St. John Bosco. These messages are prophetic, they concern the near and distant future of the Church, and the internal tragedies the Church is experiencing, (See PS 2).

Why is Our Lady telling us today about the shattered crosses we need to gather? It looks like she is flashing a warning light to us, who desire to serve Christ and His Church, amidst the great confusion and deep pain in this spiritual battle. Our world is swimming in murky waters. It is no longer just a single shattered Cross (that of 1947) but many shattered crosses (those of 2016)! Mary is expressing to us her immense pain at the defection of so many Christians, priests and lay people, the betrayals within the very heart of the Church herself and the widespread apostasy of our time.

Mary revealed to Bruno the name by which she wants to be invoked in this place: “I am the Virgin of the Revelation”. She held in her hands a little book: the Apocalypse of Saint John, also known as “The Book of Revelation”. The Virgin of the Revelation invites us today to be the “apostles of the Revelation”!

She clearly indicates the characteristics of these apostles who will remain loyal in the midst of tribulation. “They do not complain, they keep quiet and they do not rebel.” Didn’t she herself experience these characteristics during her earthly life?

The Book of Revelation is a partly sealed sacred text. It announces the fate of humanity and the victory of God over the Dragon and the Beast, after a terrible fight. How can we not open our eyes and see that indeed, today as never before, the fight against the Beast is violent and decisive? Satan knows that his days are numbered, and he is playing his last few cards with the energy of desperation. Does Our Lady want to tell us that we are in a key moment, a significant turning point in the life of the Church? A time when the realization of the Apocalypse is near and when everyone will have to take a stand, to be with Christ or against Christ? I believe so, because in her messages she never alluded to another apparition, (apart in August 25, 1991 when she referred to her apparition in Fatima). Why, this month, is she bringing up the key points of her apparition at Three Fountains?

On this occasion, it is important for us all to re-read the Book of Revelation, especially chapter 12, where “The Woman” (Mary!) is present. She said to Bruno: “Before I withdraw, I say this to you: The Revelation is the Word of God and this Revelation talks about me. This is why I took this title, the Virgin of the Revelation.” (Let me point out that it is the only Book of the Bible where a Beatitude is offered: “Blessed is he who reads these prophetic words.” Rev. 1:3)

It is also important to realize during a heart to heart fervent prayer, how much Our Lady is expecting us to make reparation for all the offenses against Jesus in the Eucharist and the Priesthood that He entrusted to men. “My Immaculate heart bleeds,” she said on April 25. She is not asking us to “gather the broken Crosses” in order to criticize and make negative comments against certain priests and prelates, or to become discouraged. No, she is inviting us to do everything in our power to help them and to support them through our prayers and sacrifices. What a consolation we can bring her by uniting our hearts to her broken heart! Yes, her heart is bleeding, but it is also confident in the final victory and in her triumph that is drawing closer each day!

That is why she is seeking souls that are willing to be at one with her soul!

3. Jolanda Cornacchiola

The wife of Bruno Cornacchiola, Jolanda, is an admirable example that will be a path to Holiness for many spouses experiencing hardship in their marriage. Despite Bruno’s repeated betrayals prior to his conversion, Jolanda remained faithful to him, fervently praying, to the point that Our Lady herself praised her! “God’s promises are and will remain unchanged” she said to Bruno. “The Nine first Fridays in honor of the Sacred Heart which your faithful wife persuaded you to observe before you walked down the road of lies, has saved you!” Isn’t this beautiful? This simple devotion saved Bruno from perdition! (See PS3) The Blessed Mother never experienced this type of problem with her husband Joseph, thank God! But she came to the defense of Jolanda, asserting to Bruno that she had remained faithful to him and had never committed the sins of which he accused her. In fact he would beat her, probably unloading on her the remorse for his own infidelities, until the night that preceded the apparition. (One could suggest to the Holy See to beatify Jolanda at the same time as her husband!) And Our Lady continues saying, “The Ave Maria’s that you pray with faith and love are like many golden arrows that reach out to the Heart of Jesus.”

P.S. 3. At Paray-le-Monial (France), in 1675, Christ gave Saint Marguerite-Marie Alacoque 12 promises for those who venerate his Sacred Heart especially during 9 first Fridays of 9 consecutive months. These are as follows:

I will give them all the graces necessary for their state of life.

I will establish peace in their families.

I will console them in all their troubles.

They shall find in My Heart an assured refuge during life and especially at the hour of death.

I will pour abundant blessings on all their undertakings.

Sinners shall find in My Heart the source of an infinite ocean of mercy.

Lukewarm souls shall become fervent.

Fervent souls shall speedily rise to great perfection.

I will bless the homes where an image of My Heart shall be exposed and honored.

I will give to priests the power of touching the most hardened hearts.

Those who propagate this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart, never to be removed.

The all-powerful love of my Heart will grant to all those who shall receive Holy Communion on the First Friday of 9 consecutive months the grace of final repentance; they shall not die under my displeasure, nor without receiving their Sacraments; my Heart shall be their assured refuge at that last hour.

Conditions. In order to be worthy of these promises, it is necessary to:

1. To receive Communion in the state of grace: If you are in mortal sin, then confession is required.

2. Devotion must be continued for nine consecutive months. For those who leave out even one communion must start over.

3. The pious practice can begin on the first Friday of every month.

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7/20 Cardinal Burke Calls Our Nation To Pray 54 Day Rosary Novens



Cardinal Burke

This is the official endorsement of “Novena for Our Nation” by His Eminence, Cardinal Raymond Burke:

“There is no doubt that our beloved nation is in one of the worst crises which it has ever experienced, a profound moral crisis which generates division on all levels and results in an ever-greater more pervasive violence and killing. For Roman Catholics, who have always been known for their faith-filled patriotism, the first response to this crisis is fervent prayer and, in particular, prayer through the intercession of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Mary Immaculate who is also the patroness of our nation.

One of the most powerful prayers which is ours in the Church is, in fact, the Holy Rosary. I think, for instance, of the Battle of Lepanto and the victory which was won on October 7, 1571, over the Saracens who were bent on conquering Christian Europe. Let us now turn to the powerful prayer of the Holy Rosary, asking Mary Immaculate to intercede with Our Lord to bring healing to our nation and to inspire in her citizens the holiness of life which alone can transform our nation.

I wholeheartedly endorse the Novena for Our Nation (Starting August 15) and the Rosary Rally on October 7th next, the 445th anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto. I urge as many as are able to participate in these great spiritual works for the sake of our entire nation. In a special way, as the spiritual advisor to the Holy League, I urge all members of the Holy League to give strong leadership in this great campaign of prayer for our nation.”

This is a nationwide prayer campaign called the “Novena for Our Nation.” Everyone from around the nation is encouraged to join ranks as, united, we pray the very powerful 54 Day Rosary Novena from the Feast of the Assumption on August 15 to the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7.

Posted July 18, 2016 by

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