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Reflections On Giving Jesus, Mary, And Luisa Freedom To Operate In The Soul

Reflections On Giving Jesus, Mary, and Luisa Freedom

To Operate In The Soul

From The Writings Of Luisa Piccarreta

“The Little Daughter Of The Divine Will”


VOL. 11 – July 19, 1912

Then He added: “True love must stand alone. When it leans on something else – even a holy thing or a spiritual person – it gives Me nausea and, instead of content, I feel embittered and bothered. Only when love is alone can I take control and do with the soul whatever I want. This is the nature of true love. But when it does not stand alone, one thing can be done, something else cannot. It is a hindered command, which does not give full freedom; therefore, love feels uncomfortable and constrained.”


VOL. 11 – March 2, 1916

Then He added: “My daughter, when the soul gives herself completely to Me, I establish my residence within her. Many times I like to close everything and be in the shade; other times I like to sleep and place the soul as a sentry, so that she may not allow anybody to bother Me and interrupt my sleep; and if necessary, she has to face the bothers and answer for Me. Other times, I like to open everything and let in the winds, the coldness of the creatures, the darts of sin that they send Me, and many other things. The soul must be content with everything; she has to let Me do whatever I want; even more, she must make my things her own. If I were not free to do whatever I want, I would be unhappy in that heart. If I had to be careful to make her feel only how much I enjoy, and to unwillingly hide from her how much I suffer – where would my freedom be? Ah, everything is in my Will. If the soul takes It, she takes all the substance of my Being, and encloses everything within herself. So, as she does good, keeping within herself the substance of my Life, she makes that good come out from Myself. Coming from Me, that good runs like a ray of light for the benefit of all creatures.”

VOL. 12 – March 16, 1918

The nourishment of Jesus.

I felt a great need, and I turned my sorrowful laments to Jesus. And He, all goodness, came out from within my interior, clothed in a garment studded with most refulgent diamonds, and as though waking up from a great sleep, all tenderness, told me: “My daughter, what do you want? Your laments wounded my Heart, and I woke up to answer your needs immediately. You must know that I was inside your heart, and as you were doing your acts, your prayers, your reparations, pouring yourself into my Will and loving Me, I took everything for Myself, and I used it to nourish Myself and to embellish my garment with precious diamonds. This is so true that, as you were loving Me, praying Me, and so on, I did not remain on an empty stomach as if you were doing nothing. I was the One who took everything, since you gave Me full freedom. Now, when the soul does so, I cannot rest when she is in need; I make Myself all for her. Tell Me, then, what do you want?”

I told Him my extreme needs, shedding bitter tears, to the extent of wetting the Most Holy hands of Jesus. And sweet Jesus squeezed me to His Heart, pouring a most sweet water from His Heart into mine, which refreshed all of me. Then He added: “My daughter, do not fear, I will be all for you. If creatures will be missing, I will do everything – I will bind you and release you. I will never leave you without Me; you are too dear to Me. I raised you in my Will; you are part of Me. I will guard you, and I will say to everyone: ‘No one touch her.’ Therefore, calm yourself, for your Jesus will not leave you.”


VOL. 12 – August 7, 1918

This consummation of the soul is not human, but fully Divine; and I feel satisfaction as if another Divine Life of Mine had consumed Itself for love of Me. In fact, it was not her life that was consumed, but Mine, which she can no longer feel or see, and it seems to her that I have died for her. And I renew the effects of my consummation for creatures, while I redouble grace and glory to this soul. I feel the sweet enchantment, the attractions of my Humanity, which allowed Me to do whatever I wanted. Therefore, you too, let Me do whatever I want within you – let Me be free, and I will carry out my Life.”


VOL. 12 – August 12, 1918

And I: ‘My Jesus, I cannot understand this. You keep me without suffering; it seems that You hold me suspended from the state of victim, and then You tell me that You are using me in order not to send the world to demolition?” And Jesus: “Yet, it is false that you do not suffer. At the most, you do not suffer such pains as to be able to disarm Me completely; and if sometimes you remain suspended, your part – your will – is not in it. On the other hand, your will would enter in here. Ah! you cannot understand the sweet violence that you do to Me with your waiting, your feeling suspended, not seeing Me as you used to, and still remaining at the same place, without moving in anything. And then, I want to have freedom over you – whenever I please, I will keep you suspended; when I don’t, I will keep you bound. I want you at the mercy of my Will, without your will. If you are happy with this, you can do It – otherwise not.”


VOL. 12 – February 10, 1919

Continuing in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus came, and taking my hands in His own, He held them tightly, and with a majestic affability said to me: “My daughter, tell Me, do you want to live in my Will? Do you want to accept the office of second link with my Humanity? Do you want to accept all my Love as your own, my Will as Life, and the very pains which the Divinity inflicted on my Humanity – which were so many that my Love feels the irresistible need not only to make them known, but to share them – as much as it is possible for a creature? I can share them and make them known only to one who lives in my Will – all at the expense of my Love. My daughter, it is my usual way to ask for the ‘yes’ of the creature, to then operate freely with her.”

Jesus remained silent, as if He was waiting for my “FIAT”. I was surprised, and I said: ‘My life, Jesus, your Will is mine. You, yourself, unite them together and form one single FIAT, so I will say “yes” together with You. I beg You to have mercy on me; my misery is great, and only because You want it, I say: “FIAT, FIAT”.’ But – oh!, how annihilated and pulverized I felt in the abyss of my nothingness; more so, since this nothing was called to live in the All.


VOL. 13 – December 3, 1921

Since this thing is great – establishing my Kingdom in the soul also on earth – I acted like a King who has to take possession of a Kingdom. He does not go there first; rather, first he has his royal palace prepared; then he sends his soldiers to prepare the Kingdom and to dispose the peoples to his subjection; then follow the guards of honor and the ministers – and the last one is the King. This is decorous for a King. So I did: I had my Royal Palace prepared, which is the Church; the soldiers have been the Saints, in order to make Me known to the peoples; then came the Saints who sowed miracles, as my most intimate ministers; and now I Myself come to reign as the King. Therefore, I had to choose a soul in whom to establish my first dwelling, and in whom to found this Kingdom of my Will. So, let Me reign, and give Me full freedom.”

VOL. 13 – December 23, 1921

I felt all immersed in the Divine Will, and my sweet Jesus, on coming, told me: “Daughter of my Volition, as you operate and live in my Will, you make more new acts come out from within my Will, and you give Me the field for new works, new love and new power. How happy I feel, that the creature, by living in my Will, gives Me the field to act! On the other hand, one who does not live in my Will bends my arms and renders my Will useless for her, while my Being is led to motion and to work by the irresistible force of my Love. Only one who lives in my Will gives Me free field, and I animate even the tiniest acts of my Divine Will; I do not disdain to place the seal of Divine virtue even on the lowest things. This is why I love so much one who lives in my Will, and I surround each of her acts with so much grace, with such dignity and decorum: because I want the honor and the glory of my Divine work. Therefore, be attentive, and think well that if all that you do, you do not do in my Will, you will give uselessness to your Jesus. Ah, if you knew how idleness weighs on Me, how it saddens Me – you would be more attentive, wouldn’t you?”


VOL. 14 – March 16, 1922

Now, what is your wonder if your external life is completely ordinary? I am used to covering my greatest works with the most ordinary things, so that no one may point to them, and I may be more free to operate. And when I have completed everything, I make surprises and I manifest them to everyone, making all remain astounded. And it is certain that the work I am doing in you is great. Do you think it is trivial that I make all your acts run in the current of my Will, and that the current of my Will runs in your acts? And that, as these currents run, they form one single act with all the acts of creatures, making a Divine Volition flow over all of them, becoming the actor of the act of each one, substituting for all with a divine act, a divine and eternal love, reparation and glory? And that the current of a human will is in continuous relations with a Divine Will; and that one pours into the other? My daughter, what I recommend to you is that you be attentive and that you follow Me faithfully.”


VOL. 15 – January 2, 1923

Now, my daughter, do you see this great void in which I created so many things?  Yet, the void of the soul is even greater.  The former was to serve as the dwelling of man; the void of the soul was to serve as the dwelling of a God.  I was not to pronounce my Fiat for six days, as in creating the universe, but for as many days as the life of man contains – and so many times for as many as, putting his own will aside, he would let Mine operate.  Therefore, since my Fiat was to do more things than It did in Creation, more space was needed.  But do you know who gives Me free field in order to fill this great void of the soul?  One who lives in my Will.  My Fiats are pronounced repeatedly; every thought is accompanied by the power of my Fiat, and – oh! how many stars adorn the heaven of the intelligence of the soul.  Her actions are followed by my Fiat, and – oh! how many suns rise within her.  Her words, invested by my Fiat, are sweeter than the murmuring of the waters of the sea, in which the sea of my graces flows in order to fill this great void, and my Fiat delights in forming waves that rise up high, beyond Heaven, and descend again, more loaded, in order to expand the sea of the soul.  My Fiat blows upon her heart, and of her heartbeats It makes fires of love.  My Fiat leaves nothing out; It invests every affection, and tendencies, desires, and forms in them the most beautiful flowerings.


VOL. 16 – December 8, 1923

Now, to be conceived in the womb of a creature of the human race did no harm to my Mama, because her soul was immune to every sin. There was no division between her will and the Will of her God. The divine currents found no obstacle or opposition in pouring out into Her; in every instant She was under the pouring rain of new graces. So, with this will and this soul, all holy, all pure, all beautiful, the container of Her body which She received from her mother, remained fragrant, restored, ordered, divinized, in such a way as to be exempt from all the natural troubles by which human nature is invaded. Ah, yes! She was the One who received the seed of the “Fiat Voluntas Tua” on earth as It is in Heaven; and this ennobled Her and restored Her to her origin, as man was created by Us, before he sinned. Even more, it made Her surpass it. It embellished Her even more, through the continuous flows of that FIAT, which has the singular virtue of reproducing images fully similar to the One Who created them. And by virtue of the Divine Will acting in Her, one can say that what God is by nature, She is by Grace. Our Will can do anything and can reach everywhere, when the soul gives Us the freedom to act, and does not interrupt Our work with her own will.”

VOL. 16 – April 11, 1924

And Jesus again: “I do not want to displease you, I want to make you content. If you want me to suspend you, I will do it. However, know that Justice wants to follow its course, and you and I must surrender in part. There are certain rights of Justice which one cannot do without; but since I placed you in the center of my Will, in this state of victim, even though you should now sleep, now suffer, now pray, it is always an embankment for my Justice, in order to prevent the course of the almost total destruction of things. In fact, this is not only about chastisements – but about destruction.

However, know that I do not want to force you. I have never liked force, so much so, that when I came upon earth and I wanted to go and be born in Bethlehem, I went, yes, knocking at door after door to have a place in which to be born, but I did not force anyone… If I wanted, with my Power, I would have used force to obtain a place less uncomfortable in which to be born, but I did not want to do so. I contented Myself with knocking and asking for shelter, and without insisting, I moved on to knock at other doors. And since no one wanted to receive Me, I was content with going to be born in a cave, in which animals gave Me free access and did their first adorations to their Creator, instead of forcing anyone to let Me enter. However, this refusal cost very much to the people of Bethlehem, because they never again received the good of my soles treading their lands, or of seeing Me in their midst again. I like spontaneous things, not forced; I like that the soul make all that I want her own, as though it were hers and not Mine, and that freely, with love, she give Me what I want. Force is for slaves, for servants, and for those who do not love. This is why I move on from those souls, just as I did with the people of Bethlehem, who were not ready to let Me enter into them and to give Me full freedom to do whatever I wanted with them.”

On hearing this, I said: ‘My Love, Jesus, no, I do not want to be forced, but, freely, I want to remain in this state, even at the cost of mortal pains. And You – never leave me, and give the grace to always do your Most Holy Will.”

VOL. 16 – May 19, 1924

Now, if all created things – small and great – created by virtue of my Omnipotent Fiat, can be called divine works, much more can one call divine and eternal the acts which my Will works in the soul, who, placing her human will at the feet of my Will, gives Me full freedom to let my Will operate. Ah, if creatures could see a soul who lets my Will live within her, they would see astonishing things, never seen before. A God working in the little circle of the human will is the greatest thing which can exist on earth and in Heaven. Creation itself – oh, how behind it would remain, compared to the prodigies I work in this creature.”

VOL. 17 – October 6, 1924

But do you want to know what this heartbeat of my Will does in the creature? If she thinks, my Will runs and circulates like blood in the veins of the soul, and gives her the Divine Thought, that she may put aside the human thought and give the place to the word of my Will. If she works, if she walks, if she loves, my Wills wants the place of her work, of her step, of her love. The love and the jealousy of my Will in the creature is so great that, while It palpitates, if the creature wants to think, It becomes thought; if she wants to look, It becomes eye; if she wants to speak, It becomes word; if she wants to work, It becomes work; if she wants to walk, It becomes foot; if she wants to love, It becomes fire. In sum, It runs and wanders through every act of the creature in order to take its primary place, which is due to It. But to Our greatest sorrow, the creature denies It this place of honor, and gives place to her human will; and my Will is forced to remain in the creature as if It had no thought, no eye, no word, no hands, no feet – unable to carry out the Life of my Will in the center of the soul of the creature. What sorrow! What highest ingratitude!

But do you want to know who gives Me free field and lets my Will operate as heartbeat of Life within her soul? One who lives in my Will. Oh, how well does my Will carry out Its Life, becoming thought of her thought, eye of her eye, word of her mouth, heartbeat of her heart, and so with all the rest! Oh, how quickly we understand each other with one who is living in my Will; and my Will obtains the intent of forming Its Life in the soul of the creature!

VOL. 17 – February 15, 1925

And Jesus, pressing me more tightly to Himself, told me: “Daughter of my Will, each act in my Will is a new heaven which extends above the head of the soul – one more beautiful than the other. The air of these heavens is divine, and brings with itself Sanctity, Love, Fortitude, and contains all flavors together. This is why one can feel a balsamic and sweet air. My Will in Heaven confirms, beatifies, brings happiness, and penetrates everywhere; It transforms and divinizes everything within Itself. While in the soul who possesses these new heavens of my Will on earth, It operates, and as It operates, It delights in extending new heavens. Therefore, my Will works and operates more in the pilgrim soul than in the Celestial Jerusalem. Up there, the works of the Saints are complete – there is nothing left to do; while here, my Will has always something to do in the soul in whom It reigns. This is why It wants everything for Itself, and does not want to leave even one act to her human will – because It wants to do much, and for every act It were to leave to the human will, It would fail to extend one more heaven, and it would be one work less for It. Ah, you do not know what happens in the soul when she gives my Will all the freedom to operate within her.


VOL. 17 – June 25, 1925

And Jesus added: “My daughter, everything is in understanding the great good which comes to her by doing my Will, and by operating and living in It. It is this Will that wants the sacrifice; and since this Will does not adapt Itself to mix and to live together with a low, small and finite will, It wants to render the acts of the soul who wants to live in my Will, eternal, infinite and divine. And how can It do this, if she wants to place the breath of her human will, even in a holy thing, as you say? It is always a finite will; and then living in my Will would no longer be a reality, but a way of saying. On the other hand, the office of my Will is total dominion, and it is right that the little atom of the human will be conquered, and that it lose its field of action in my Will. What would you say if a little lamp, a match, or a spark of fire, wanted to enter into the sun to follow its way, and to form its field of light and of action in the center of the sun? If the sun had a reason, it would become indignant, and its light and heat would annihilate that little lamp, that match, that spark; and you would be the first one to mock them, condemning their boldness in wanting to form their own field of action within the light of the sun. Such is the breath of the human will within Mine – even in good. Therefore, be attentive, so that yours may have life in nothing. I covered and hid all of you within Me, so that you may have no eyes, if not to look at my Will alone, to give It free field of action in your soul.

Rather, the difficult thing will be to comprehend the living in my Will – not to sacrifice oneself. In fact, once the souls have understood the great good which comes to them by living in my Divine Will – that from poor, they will become rich; from slaves of vile passions, they will become free and ruling; from servants, masters; from unhappy, happy, even in the pain of this poor life – and will fall in love with all the goods which are in my Will, the total sacrifice of everything will be an honor for them; it will be desired, wanted, and longed for. This is why I push you so much to manifest what I say to you regarding my Will – because everything will be in understanding It, knowing It and loving It.”


VOL. 19 – April 4, 1926

Just as I am one single act which, after it is done once, is done forever, Creation also was to be one single act; and just as in Creation my single act continues by preserving It ever new, whole and fresh, so is my creating in souls continuous – I never stop.  I am always – always in the act of forming more beautiful things, surprising and new things, unless I find souls who close the doors to Me and arrest my continuous act of creation.  Then I find another device:  I abound, I multiply my continuous act in the souls who keep the doors open, and with them I delight and continue the office of Creator.  But do you know where this continuous act of mine is never interrupted?  In the soul who lives in my Will.  Ah, yes, only in her can I do, freely, whatever I want, because my Will, which the soul contains, prepares her for Me to receive my Fiat that came out in Creation.  So, my Will, possessed by the soul, and That which I Myself keep, extend hands to each other, kiss each other, and form the greatest portents.  Therefore, be always attentive, and let your flight be always in my Will.”


VOL. 19 – June 15, 1926

The same will be for my Will:  knowledge will give life to the fruits of my Will.  This is why I wanted to renew what I did in Redemption, choosing another virgin, remaining hidden with her for forty years and more, segregating her from everyone as if in a new Nazareth, to be free with her to tell the whole story, the prodigies and the goods contained in It, so as to be able to form the life of my Will in you.  And just as I chose Saint Joseph to be together with Me and my Mama, as our cooperator, tutor and vigilant sentry for Me and for the Sovereign Queen, in the same way, I have placed near you the vigilant assistance of my ministers, as cooperators, tutors and depositories of the knowledges, goods and prodigies contained in my Will.  And since my Will wants to establish Its Kingdom in the midst of peoples, through you I want to deposit this celestial doctrine in my ministers as my new apostles, so that first I may form with them the link of connection with my Will, and then they may transmit it into the midst of peoples.  If it were not so, or were not to be so, I would not have insisted so much on having you write, nor would I have permitted the daily coming of the priest, but I would have left all my work between Me and you.  Therefore, be attentive and leave Me free to do what I want in you.” 

Now, who can say how confused I remained at this speaking of Jesus?  I remained mute, and from the depth of my heart I repeated:  ‘Fiat, Fiat, Fiat…’


VOL. 20 – September 17, 1926

I felt all invested by the Supreme Will, which, drawing me into Its immense light, made me see the order of Creation – how each thing remained at the place assigned by its Creator.  My mind wandered and was enraptured at seeing the order, the harmony, the magnificence, the beauty of the whole Creation; and my sweet Jesus, who was with me, said:  “My daughter, each created thing which came out of Our creative hands was assigned its place and its distinct office; and all of them remain at their place, magnifying with incessant praises that Eternal Fiat which dominates them, preserves them, and gives them new life.  So, it is because of the motion of Supreme Fiat dominating in them that they are preserved ever beautiful, whole and new.  Man too was assigned his place – his office of sovereign over all created things; with the difference that, while all the other things created by Us remained exactly like God had created them – without ever changing, increasing or decreasing – my Will, instead, giving man supremacy over all the works of Our hands, and wanting to display even more love with him, gave him the office to grow continuously in beauty, in sanctity, in wisdom, in richness, to the point of raising him to the Likeness of his Creator – always provided that he would let himself be dominated and guided, to give the Supreme Fiat free field in order to form Its Divine Life in him, so as to form this continuous growth of goods, of beauty and of happiness without end.  In fact, without my Will dominating, there can be neither growth nor beauty, nor happiness, nor order, nor harmony.  Since my Will is origin, master and beginning of the whole work of Creation, wherever It exists, It has the virtue of preserving Its work beautiful, just as It delivered it.  But where It does not exist, the communication of Its vital humors in order to preserve the work delivered by Our hands, is missing.  Do you see, then, what a great evil it was for man to withdraw from my Will?


VOL. 20 – October 9, 1926

I was doing my round in the Supreme Volition according to my usual way, and my sweet Jesus showed me a globe of light within my interior.  As I kept doing my acts in the Divine Fiat, it became larger, and the rays which came out of it became longer; and my always beloved Jesus told me:  “My daughter, the more often you go around in my Will in order to repeat your acts, the larger the sphere of this globe of light becomes; and the more power of light it possesses, the more its rays can extend, to illuminate the Kingdom of the Eternal Fiat.  Your acts, fused – dissolved in my Will, will form the special sun which must illuminate a Kingdom so holy.  This sun will possess the creative power, and in extending its rays, it will leave the mark of its sanctity, of goodness, of light, of beauty and of Divine likeness.  Those who will let themselves be illuminated by its light will feel the power of a new continuous creation of joy, of contentments, of goods without end.  Therefore, as my Will dominates all the acts of those who live in It, the Kingdom of my Will will be a continuous creation.  The creature will remain under a new continuous act of this Supreme Will, which will keep her so absorbed, that there will be no field of action for her own self.

This is why I love so much that the Kingdom of my Will be known – for the great good that the creatures will receive, and for the free field of action It will have.  The Supreme Will is now hindered by their own ‘self’; but when It will be known, Its rays, vivifying, penetrating and full of living light, will eclipse the human will which will be dazzled by Its refulgent light; and in seeing the great good it can receive, it will give freedom of action to my Will, giving It total dominion.  Therefore, in this Kingdom, a new era – a new Creation will begin for my Will.  It will put out everything It had established to give to the creatures, as if they had always done Its Will, after having to keep these things for many centuries as though in deposit within Itself, to then release them for the good of the children of Its Kingdom.”


VOL. 20 – October 13, 1926

How the Divine Will will form the eclipse of the human will.

I was fusing all of myself in the Holy Divine Will, and while I was going around in It, doing my acts, my beloved Jesus moved in my interior and told me:  “My daughter, every act, prayer and pain which the soul makes enter into the light of my Will, becomes light and forms one more ray in the sun of the Eternal Volition.  These rays form the most beautiful glory that the creature can give to the Divine Fiat, in such a way that, seeing Itself so glorified by Its own light, It invests these rays with new knowledges, which, turning into voices, manifest to the soul more surprises about my Will.  But do you know what these knowledges form for the creature?  They form the eclipse of the human will; and the stronger the light is, and the more the rays are, the more strongly the human will remains dazzled and eclipsed by the light of my knowledges; in such a way, that it almost feels impotent to act, and so it gives field to the action of the light of my Will.  The human will remains occupied within the action of my Will, and it lacks the time and the place to make its own act.

It is like the human eye when it stares at the sun:  the power of the light invests the pupil, and lording over it, it renders it impotent to look at other things; but in spite of this, it has not lost its vision.  It is the power of light that has this power:  it takes away any other object from one who looks at it, and allows him to enjoy no other light.  I will never take freedom away from the human will – a great gift, given to man in creating him, which makes creatures distinguishable as to whether they want to be my children, or not.  But, rather, with the light of the knowledges about my Will, I will form more than solar rays, and whoever wants to know them and look at them, will be invested by this light; in such a way that, eclipsed, the human will will take delight and love in looking at this light, and will feel fortunate that the action of the light takes the place of its own.  So it will lose love and delight for the other things.  This is why I am speaking so much about my Will – to form powerful light, because the more powerful it is, the stronger is the eclipses it forms in order to occupy the human will.

Look at the sky; it is an image of this.  If you look at it at night, you will see it studded with stars; but if you look at it during the day, the stars no longer exist for the human eye.  However, they are still at their place in the sky, just as at nighttime.  Who had such power as to make the stars disappear, while they are present during full daylight?  The sun.  With the power of its light, it eclipsed them, but it did not destroy them.  In fact, when the sun begins to set, they will return to show up in the vault of the heavens.  It seems they are afraid of light, so they hide to give field to the action of the light of the sun, because, in their mute language, they know that the sun contains more effects of goods for the earth, and it is right they give field to the great action of the sun.  So, as homage to it, they let themselves be eclipsed by its light.  But as the eclipse ends, they let themselves be seen – there, at their place.  So it will be between the sun of the knowledges about the Supreme Fiat and the human wills which will let themselves be illuminated by these rays of light of my knowledges:  these will form the eclipse of the human wills which, in seeing the great good of the action of their light, will feel ashamed and afraid of acting with the human will, and will give free field to the action of the light of the Divine Will.  Therefore, the more you pray and suffer in It, the more knowledges you draw to be manifested to you, and the more powerful the light becomes in order to form the sweet eclipse of the human will.  In this way, I will be able to establish the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat.”


VOL. 20 – October 15, 1926

Now, my daughter, of all that my Will has established to give to the creatures, of all of Its acts, they have taken little – they have known little until now, because Its kingdom has not only not been known, but not even possessed.  Therefore, in Heaven It cannot give all Its complete glory, or all the joys and happiness It possesses, because It finds Itself in the midst of children who are incapable and of little stature.  This is why It awaits the time of Its Kingdom with great love and yearning – to have Its total dominion, and to give from Its Fiat everything It had established to give to the creatures, therefore forming children who are capable of receiving all of Its goods.  Only because of these children – the children of the Kingdom of my Will – will the glory of all the Blessed be completed in the Celestial Fatherland, because these have enclosed what my Will wanted, giving It free field of action and of dominion.  Therefore, they will have the essential glory, because they will have the capacity and the space in order to contain it.  Through them, the others will have the accidental glory, and all together, they will enjoy the complete glory and the full happiness of my Will.  So, the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat will be the full triumph of Heaven and earth.”

VOL. 20 – November 19, 1926

Now the Supreme Fiat wants to go out.  It is tired, and at any cost It wants to go out of this agony so prolonged; and if you hear of chastisements, of cities collapsed, of destructions, these are nothing other than the strong contortions of Its agony.  Unable to bear it any longer, It wants the human family to feel Its painful state and how strongly It wriggles about within them, without anyone who is moved to compassion for It.  So, making use of violence, with Its wriggling, It wants them to feel that It exists in them, but It does not want to be in agony any more – It wants freedom, dominion; It wants to carry out Its life in them.  My daughter, what disorder in society because my Will does not reign!  Their souls are like houses without order – everything is upside down; the stench is so horrible as to be worse than a putrefied cadaver.  And my Will, with Its immensity, which is not given to withdraw even from one heartbeat of a creature, agonizes in the midst of so many evils.  This, in the general order; in particular, there is even more:  in the religious, in the clergy, in those who call themselves Catholics, my Will not only agonizes, but is kept in a state of lethargy, as if It had no life.  Oh, how much harder this is!  In fact, in the agony I at least wriggle about, I have an outlet, I make Myself heard as existing in them, though agonizing.  But in the state of lethargy there is total immobility – it is a state of continuous death.  So, only the appearances – the clothing of religious life can be seen, because they keep my Will in lethargy; and because they keep It in lethargy, their interior is drowsy, as if light and good were not for them.  And if they do anything externally, it is empty of Divine Life and resolves into the smoke of vainglory, of self-esteem, of pleasing other creatures; and I and my Supreme Volition, while being inside, go out of their works.

My daughter, what affront.  How I would like everyone to feel my tremendous agony, the continuous rattle, the lethargy into which they put my Will, because they want to do their own and not Mine – they do not want to let It reign, they do not want to know It.  Therefore, It wants to break the dikes with Its wriggling, so that, if they do not want to know It and receive It by means of Love, they may know It by means of Justice.  Tired of an agony of centuries, my Will wants to go out, and so It prepares two ways:  the triumphant way, which are Its knowledges, Its prodigies and all the good that the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat will bring; and the way of Justice, for those who do not want to know It as triumphant.  It is up to the creatures to choose the way they want to receive It.”


VOL. 20 – December 10, 1926

So, a creature who lets my Will dominate and gives It free field in order to form Its life in her, is the greatest of prodigies.  She can move Heaven and earth, and even God Himself, as if she did nothing; while she does everything, and she alone can win the most important things, destroy all obstacles, and face everything, because a Divine Will reigns in her.  And just as all the Power of the Fiat dwelling in the creature was needed in order to impetrate Redemption, and my Humanity, which possessed that Power, was needed in order to form It, in the same way, in order to impetrate the coming of the Kingdom of my Fiat, another creature is needed, who would let It dwell within her, and give It free field in order to form Its life, so that my Will Itself, through her, may accomplish the only and most important prodigy – Its coming in order to reign on earth as It does in Heaven.  And because this is the greatest thing, which will place divine balance in the human family, I do great things in you.  I centralize in you everything which it is necessary and decorous to know about my Kingdom:  the great good It wants to give, the happiness of those who will live in It, Its long story, Its long sorrow – and of many centuries, because while It wants to come to reign in the midst of creatures to make them happy, they do not open the doors to It, they do not long for It, they do not invite It; and while It is in their midst, they do not know It.  Only a Divine Will could bear with patience so invincible, being in their midst, giving them life, and being not even known.

My Will is great, interminable and infinite, and wherever It reigns, It wants to do things worthy of Its greatness, of Its Sanctity and of the Power It contains.  Therefore, be attentive, my daughter – this is not about any thing, or about forming one sanctity, but it is about forming a Kingdom for my adorable and Divine Will.”


VOL. 20 – December 24, 1926

Oh! how these deaths cost Me.  To die and to live, to live and to die – this was the most harrowing and continuous pain for Me; more so since, even though my Divinity was one with Me and inseparable from Me, in receiving these satisfactions from Me, It took the attitude of justice, and although my Humanity was holy and pure, It was the little lamp before the immense Sun of my Divinity, and I felt all the weight of the satisfactions which I was to give to this Divine Sun, and the pain of decayed humanity which was to rise again in Me, at the cost of many deaths of Mine.  It was the rejection of the Divine Will, giving life to one’s own will, that formed the ruin of decayed humanity, and I was to keep my Humanity and my human will in a continuous state of death, so that the Divine Will might have continuous life in Me in order to extend Its Kingdom.  From the moment I was conceived, I thought about, and occupied Myself with extending the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat within my Humanity, at the cost of giving no life to my human will, in order to make decayed humanity rise again, so that, once this Kingdom was founded in Me, I might prepare the graces, the necessary things, the pains, the satisfactions which were needed to make It known and to found It in the midst of creatures.  Therefore, everything you do – that which I do in you for this Kingdom, is nothing other than the continuation of what I did since I was conceived in the womb of my Mama.  So, if you want Me to carry out the Kingdom of the eternal Fiat within you, let Me be free, and never give life to your will.”


VOL. 20 – December 29, 1926

Now, the Creation was called from nothing, and was formed on the foundation of my creative word, which spoke and created – it commanded, and all things took their place of order and harmony.  In the creation of the Kingdom of the Supreme Will, instead, it was not content with forming It from nothing, but it wanted, as guarantee of safety, the basis, the foundations, the walls and all the acts and pains of my Most Holy Humanity, in order to form the creation of its Kingdom.  See then, how much this Kingdom of my Will cost; with how much love I developed It within Me.  Therefore, this Kingdom exists – there is nothing left but to make It known, so as to let all the goods It contains enter the field.  So, what I want from you is that, just as my Humanity left my Will free to form Its Kingdom, you may leave Me free, without opposing in anything, so that, finding no opposition in you, my acts may flow in you; and taking their place of honor, they may line up, all in order, to continue the life of the Kingdom of my Will in you.”


VOL. 21 – March 5, 1927

“It happens as to a king who, loving one of his subjects with excessive love, wants to descend to live in his little hovel.  But he wants to be free, he wants to put royal things in the little hovel, he wants to command, he wants that subject to eat his good and delicate foods together with him.  In sum, he wants to live his life of king.  But the subject does not want him to put his royal things, or to command; nor does he want to adapt himself to the foods of the king.  The king does not feel free, and, for love of freedom, he goes back to his royal palace.

“Wherever My Will does not reign, I am not free; the human will causes continuous contrast with Mine; therefore, not having Our rights in safety, We cannot reign, and so We remain in Our Royal Palace.”


VOL. 21 – May 26, 1927

But while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus moved in my interior and told me:  “My daughter, My Will wants to be free in the soul, and therefore It does not want to concede even one point or one comma of what she wants, be it even a holy thing.  It does not want to find limits in her; It wants to extend Its dominion in everything.  It wants that what My Will wants and does, the soul must want and do as well.  Therefore, It makes her feel all the weight of Its immutability, so as to render her immutable, in such a way that she must not be subject to changing because she sees creatures suffer, or because she sees them without some temporary good, or because she wants to give it.  This would be going out of Its immutability—this is human sanctity.  The Sanctity of My Will is Divine Sanctity, and does not admit these weaknesses.  If My Divine Will were subject to this, Our Justice would have to be without life in Our Supreme Being—which cannot be.


VOL. 22 – July 1, 1927

When the human generations have known all the knowledges about the Divine Will, the great good of my Kingdom, and how the one who impetrated It suffered such long sacrifices, my knowledges and your sacrifices, united together, will be powerful magnets, irresistible spurs, incessant calls, penetrating light, deafening voices which, as they make them deaf to all other things, they will be left with the hearing to listen to the sweet teachings of the Divine Fiat, and to accept a Kingdom which was impetrated for them with so many sacrifices.  Therefore, in order to form a great work there is much to do and to suffer – everything is necessary; and what to you seems a pain of no significance, for others it may be a pitiful voice, such that, moved by it, they will recognize themselves as too ungrateful not to accept a good so great, which cost us so much because of them.  Therefore, let Me do, and leave Me free to do what I want.”


VOL. 23 – November 10, 1927

Then, while I was thinking of this and other things, my highest Good, Jesus, came out from within that light so dazzling, so I was able to see Him; and He told me:  “My daughter, you are alone with Me, and I am alone with you; and because you are alone with Me, I centralize all of Myself in you.  In fact, since you are alone with Me, I can fill you completely with Myself; there is not one point of you in which I do not take my place; you are transformed into Myself and, as though naturally, the extraordinary grace enters into you.  When the soul is alone with Me, I am free to do whatever I want; I enjoy her, Myself alone, and my love makes Me do such great things with her that I reach the point of folly, and I perform so many of those loving stratagems, that if they could be seen or heard by all creatures, they would say:  ‘Only Jesus knows how to love and can love in a way so astounding, so ingenious and so great.’  With one who lives alone with Me, I act as the sun would, if it could centralize all of its light over one plant.  This plant would receive into itself the whole of the life of the sun, and would enjoy all of its effects, while the other plants receive only one effect each, which is sufficient for the nature of each plant.  But the first one, because it receives the whole of the life of the sun, receives with it all the effects which the light contains.  So I do.  I centralize the whole of my life in her, and there is nothing of Me which I do not let her enjoy.  On the other hand, one who is not alone with Me, because I cannot centralize my life, is without light; she feels within herself the weight of darkness; her being is divided into so many parts for as many as are the things that she cares about.  So, if she loves the earth, she feels divided with the earth; if she loves creatures, pleasures, riches, she feels as though divided into shreds, in such a way that some tear her from one side, some from the other.  Her poor heart lives amid anxieties, fears and bitter disillusions.  All the opposite for one who lives alone with Me.”


VOL. 23 – December 14, 1927

Continuing in my abandonment in the Divine Will, and feeling myself all surrounded by the endless sea of Its light, I was praying my beloved Jesus to hasten – to quickly make His Will known, so that, by knowing It, all might long for Its Kingdom to let themselves be dominated by It.  And my lovable Jesus told me:  “My daughter, the human will formed the bad seed and the wood worm in the human generations.  Now, the Sun of the light of my Divine Will must very much break down this bad seed, and invest it and destroy it by dint of light, of heat and of knowledges.  So, each knowledge I manifest to you on my Divine Fiat is a blow that I give to the human will, in such a way that all the knowledges about It will form as many blows to make it die; and Its light and heat will pulverize it, will burn the bad seed away, and will form the good and holy seed of my Will in the human generations.  And as I keep manifesting the knowledges about It, I sow Its seed into your soul, I prepare the soil and the development of the seed; and the light and heat of my Divine Volition lay the wings of light of my Will over the seed – more than a mother who hides Its baby within Its womb – in order to fecundate it, multiply it and let it grow within Its womb of light.  And just as one creature, by doing his human will, produced the bad seed and formed the ruin of the human family, so will another creature, by making the human volition die, produce the seed of the Divine Fiat.  By giving It life and dominion within herself, she will restore what creatures lost and will form their salvation, sanctity and happiness.  If one creature was able to form so many evils by doing his will, why can another creature not form all goods by doing my Will and giving It freedom to form Its Life and to form Its Kingdom in her?”


VOL. 23 – March 11, 1928

Therefore, first I took care of the Kingdom of my Will in this hidden life, for as long as thirty years; and then, with my short public life, just three years, I took care of Redemption.  And while in forming the Kingdom of my Divine Fiat, I had the Celestial Mama always near Me, in my public life I did without Her presence, at least corporally, because for the Kingdom of my Fiat I constituted Myself King, and the Virgin, Queen, in order to be, I first, and then She, the foundation of the Kingdom which had been destroyed by the human will.  See, then, how the Kingdom of my Divine Will, by necessity, by reason, and as a result, was formed with my coming upon earth in the first order; nor could I have formed the Redemption had I not satisfied my Celestial Father for the first offensive act which the creature had done against Him.  Therefore, the Kingdom of my Will is formed, there is nothing left but to make It known; and this is why I do nothing but follow with you, and hold out to you, my acts which I did in order to form It, accompanying your acts so that the foundation of mine may flow in them.  I am on guard so that your will may have no life, and so that Mine may be free.  In sum, I am acting as with a second Mother of Mine, recalling all the acts done together with the Virgin, in order to deposit them in you.  Therefore, be attentive to follow my Will in everything.”

May everything be for the glory of God and for the fulfillment of His Most Holy Will.


VOL. 24 – July 19, 1928

I was doing my usual round in the Divine Volition, and as I arrived at the point when the Celestial Queen was conceived, had the use of reason and made the heroic sacrifice of offering Her will to Her God without ever wanting to know it, to live only of the Will of God – I thought to myself:  ‘How I wish that my Celestial Mama would take my will, unite it with Her own and give it as gift to the Supreme Majesty so that I too would not even know my will, to live only of the Will of God.’

While I was thinking of this, my beloved Jesus moved in my interior and with a light more than lightning, told me:  “My daughter, three acts from the Trinity concurred in the Creation, which were Power, Wisdom and Love.  All of Our works are always accompanied by these three acts, because since Our working is perfect, they are executed with highest Power, with infinite Wisdom and with perfect Love, communicating three immense goods to the work We are doing, as indeed We gave the great good of the intellect, memory and will to man.  Now, in order for the Kingdom of my Divine Will to come, three wills sacrificed as holocaust to the Divinity are needed, which, having no life of their own, would give place to Mine to let It reign and dominate freely, so that It may take Its royal place in all of the human acts, the place that befits It; because so it was established by Us from the beginning of the creation of man who, ungrateful, gave the place to his human will, and this made him lose Mine.  There is no greater sacrifice before Us than a human will which, while having life, does not exercise it, to give free life to my Fiat.  This, however, to great profit for the soul, because she gives a human will and receives a Divine one; she gives a finite and limited will and receives an infinite and limitless one.”


VOL. 25 – October 17, 1928

And my Highest Good, Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter, each truth I have manifested on my Divine Will is not only a Divine Life that I have issued from Myself, but it possesses a sweet enchantment, to enchant the human will which, enchanted by Mine, will feel itself under the enchantment of an inactivity and will give free field of action to my Divine Will.  So, each truth on my Divine Will will be a fierce army against the human will.  But do you know what it will be fierce with?  With light, with strength, with love, with beauty, with sanctity, to wage war on the human will by means of all these weapons.  The human will, before all these weapons, will undergo a sweet enchantment and will let itself be conquered by the Divine Fiat.  Therefore, each additional knowledge on It is a greater enchantment that the human will will undergo.  It can be said that all the truths I have told you about my Divine Will are as many paths in order for It to make Its way into the human will, which will first prepare, and then form my Kingdom in the midst of creatures.  Now, just as each truth possesses an enchantment, so each act done by the creature in my Will is an encounter that she has with my Volition, to receive all the strength of this divine enchantment.  So, the more acts of my Will she does, the more human ground she loses, acquiring the divine.  And if she plunges all of herself into It, the only thing left to her will be to remember that she has a will, but that she keeps it at rest and enchanted by the Divine Will.”


VOL. 26 – June 19, 1929

“My daughter, what fortune yours is to live under the sweet enchantment of my Divine Volition.  Don’t you know that when It takes possession of the creature, It forms in her Its operating Life, in such a way that It operates in the one in whom It reigns just as It operates within Itself?  And, more than Queen, It imposes Itself over everything, It extends with Its light in the littleness of the creature, It forms in her Its sweet enchantment for the human will so as to be more free to form Its Life.  And since the Divine Life of my Fiat is composed of repeated acts never interrupted, It is not subject to stopping, and this is why you feel within yourself an act that never ends, a light that is never extinguished, a love that always burns.  Not so for those who do not live in my Volition.  They feel the Divine Life interrupted in their interior, their acts broken; they feel themselves now one way, now another; their will is not invested by a continuous light that sweetly nourishes them and enchants them, such that, feeling the sweetness of my Volition, they would give not a thought to entering the field in order to operate in a human way; and if they feel the light, it is at intervals.


VOL. 26 – July 14, 1929

How the Divine Will wants absolute freedom in order to form Its Life.  Different ways of acting of Our Lord.

My usual abandonment in the Supreme Fiat continues.  I feel that It leaves me not a free minute; It wants everything for Itself, in a way that is ruling, but sweet and strong at the same time.  It is so attractive, that the soul would, herself, let It put Its sweet chains on her, so as not to oppose even slightly what the Divine Volition would want to do over her and within her.  So, while I was thinking about this, my lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter, do not be surprised if my Divine Will does not leave you free in anything – because It does not want to form simple acts and works, but life, and to one who must form a life continuous acts are needed; and if the continuous act ceases, the life cannot grow, nor be formed, nor have its true existence.  And so this is why my Divine Will, wanting to form Its Divine Life in you, wants to be free, It wants absolute freedom, and with Its incessant act which It possesses by nature, It pours Itself over the creature, and extending with Its more than maternal wings of light, It invests each fiber of the heart, each heartbeat, breath, thought, word, work and step; It warms it, and with Its kiss of light It impresses Its Life in each act of the creature.  And while destroying the human life, It constitutes Its very self as Divine Life within her.  And since nothing but tenebrous acts can come out of the human will, my Will does not want to mix with it, and therefore It stands at attention to be able to form Its Life, all of light, in one who, freely, has given It freedom to reign.  Therefore, Its attitude is admirable, It is all eyes so that nothing may escape It; and with unspeakable love, in order to see Its Life formed in the creature, It makes Itself heartbeat for each heartbeat, breath for each breath, work for each work, step for each step; even over the little trifles of the creature, It runs, It extends, It places the Power of Its Fiat, and creates Its vital act in them.  Therefore, be attentive in receiving Its continuous act, because this is about life, and life has need of breath, of continuous heartbeat and of daily nourishment.  Works are done and are put aside, nor do they need to be kept always in hand in order to be works; but life cannot be put aside – if the act ceases, it dies.  Therefore, the continuous act of my Will is necessary for you – you, in receiving it, and my Will in giving it to you – so that Its Life in you may live, be formed and grow with Its divine fullness.”


VOL. 28 – April 18, 1930

Now, you must know that in order to call back to life again these goods in the creature, one who would call back my Fiat again into her soul was needed, and who would deny nothing to It, letting It dominate freely, so that It might administer to her again Its vivifying and nourishing virtue, to call back to light the destroyed goods.  And this is why my Divine Will, by subduing you, and by your letting yourself be subdued, has resumed Its vivifying virtue in your soul; and calling you into Its dwelling, It nourishes you in order to call back in you all of Its goods.  And all your acts that you do in It, your rounds upon rounds within Its acts, your asking continuously for Its Kingdom upon earth, are nothing other than nourishments that It gives you, and It constitutes the right for other creatures to be able to receive again the Kingdom of my Divine Will with the life of all Its goods.  When I want to do a good to all creatures, I place the springing fount of it in one creature; from this fount I open many channels, and I give to everyone the right to take the goods that the fount possesses.  Therefore, be attentive, and let your flight in my Divine Will be continuous.”


VOL. 29 – February 13, 1931

Furthermore, Our Divine Will is present everywhere, and Heaven and earth, and everything, are filled with It up to the brim.  So, all are veils that hide It, but mute veils; and if in their muteness they eloquently speak of their Creator, it is not them, but My very Divine Will, hidden in the created things, speaks by way of signs, as if It did not have speech.  It speaks in the sun by way of signs of light and of heat; in the wind, giving penetrating and ruling signs; in the air It gives mute signs, such as to make Itself breath of all creatures.  Oh! if the sun, the wind, the air and all other created things had the good of the word, how many things they would say to their Creator.  But, who is the speaking work of the Supreme Being?  It is the creature.  In creating her, We loved her so much, that We gave her the great good of the word.  Our Will wanted to make Itself word of the creature, It wanted to leave the muteness of created things, and forming in her the organ of the voice, It formed the word so as to be able to speak.  Therefore, the voice of the creatures is speaking veil in which My Will speaks eloquently, wisely; and since the creature does not say or do always the same thing—as the created things, that never change their action; they are always at their place, doing that same action that God wants from them—therefore My Will maintains the continuous attitude of the multiplicity of the ways that are in the creature.  So, it can be said that It speaks not only in the voice, but It renders Itself speaking in the works, in the steps, in the mind and in the heart of creatures.  But what is not Our sorrow in seeing this speaking creation making use of the great good of the word to offend Us; making use of the gift to offend the giver and prevent the great prodigy that I can make, of graces, of love, of Divine Knowledges, of the sanctity that I can form in the speaking work of the creature?  But for one who lives in My Will, I am voice that speaks, and—oh! how many things I keep manifesting to her; I am in continuous motion and attitude, I enjoy the full freedom to do and say surprising things, and I perform the prodigy of My Will speaking, loving and operating in the creature.  Therefore, give Me full freedom, and you will see what My Will can do in you.”


VOL. 29 – May 4, 1931

After this, I felt as if I was about to fall into my usual state of suffering; and given the present impositions, I felt reluctant to accept.  My poor nature trembled, and I felt like saying, with my sweet Jesus:  “Father, if it be possible, let this chalice pass from me; yet, not my will, but Yours be done.”

And my beloved Jesus added:  “My daughter, I do not want in you forced pains, but voluntary, because forced pains lose the freshness, the beauty and the sweet enchantment of the likeness of the pains of your Jesus, that were all suffered voluntarily by Me.  And they are like those withered flowers, like those unripe fruits, that the sight disdains to look at, and the mouth cannot swallow, so great is the insipidness and the hardness of those fruits.  You must know that when I elect a soul, I form in her My residence, and in My house I want to be free to do what I want, and to be as I please; nor do I want any restriction on the part of the creature—I want absolute freedom.  Otherwise, I would render Myself unhappy and hampered in My way of acting.  It would be the greatest misfortune, even for the poorest one, not to enjoy freedom in his little hovel; and I would incur the misfortune of a poor person who, having formed with great love a residence for himself, once he has furnished it and placed it in order, enters it in order to live in it; but, to his greatest sorrow, impositions and restrictions are made upon him.  He is told:  ‘In this room you cannot sleep; in this you cannot receive; through this other one you cannot pass.’  In sum, he cannot be there as he wants, nor do what he wants.  So, poor one, he feels unhappy, because he has lost his freedom, and he is regretful of the sacrifices he made, of having built this residence.  So I am:  how many works, how many sacrifices, how many graces have I not poured in order to render a creature My residence!  And when I take possession of it, more than anything I love and want freedom in My house; and when I find now reluctances, now restrictions, instead of the residence adapting itself to Me, it is I who must adapt Myself to it, therefore I cannot carry out My Life, nor My Divine ways; and it is not given to Me to fulfill the purpose for which, with so much love, I chose this residence.  Therefore, I want freedom; and if you want to make Me happy, leave Me free to do what I want.”


VOL. 29 – June 16, 1931

Then, while I was all immersed in what was present to my mind, my beloved Jesus told me:  “Daughter of My Divine Volition, look—this immense Light is nothing other that the emanation of Our Will from the center of Our Divine Being.  As We pronounced the Fiat, It extended to form each created thing with Its creative strength; and so that nothing might go out from inside Its Light, It kept within Itself what It issued from Our creative hands.  So, those intertwinings with the rays of Our Light that you see, are nothing other than all created things:  some of them are as though in custody within Our Light, so that they may not suffer any change; others, and these are the creatures who live in Our Will, are not only in custody, but in act of receiving continuously from God, in order to grow, to nourish themselves with light, and form with their little lights an intertwining with the very Divine Volition, so as to let It operate in the little light.  So, these little lights give the field to Our Divine Fiat to render It continuously operating in them.  It seems that they give Us something to do, and they let Us continue the work that, with so much love, We started in Creation.  And when the creature gives Us the occasion to continue Our work, giving Us freedom to operate within her little light, We are so pleased with her, that We render the little light operating together with Our Work, and We do not feel isolated on the part of creatures, but We enjoy the beauty of her company, and she enjoys Our own.  Therefore, by living of Divine Will you never leave Us alone, and you will have the great good of enjoying Our company.”


VOL. 29 – October 26, 1931

But while I was pouring out my sorrow, my sweet Jesus came back, and embracing my poor soul, told me:  “Daughter, I am here, abandon yourself in My Arms, and rest in Me.  Your abandonment in Me calls for My abandonment in you, and forms My sweet rest in your soul.  Abandonment in Me forms the sweet and powerful chain that binds Me so much to the soul, that I cannot unbind Myself from her, to the point of rendering Me her dear and sweet Prisoner.  Abandonment in Me gives birth to true trust, and she has trust in Me, and I have trust in her; I have trust in her love that will never fail; I have trust in her sacrifices, for she will never refuse Me anything of what I want; and I have all the trust that I can accomplish My Designs.  Abandonment in Me says that she gives Me freedom, and I am free to do what I want; and I, entrusting Myself to her, manifest to her My most intimate Secrets.  Therefore, My daughter, I want you all abandoned in My Arms, and the more abandoned you are in Me, the more you will feel My abandonment in you.”


VOL. 30 – November 4, 1931

“Now, you must know that each time the soul does My Will, I recognize Myself in the creature, I recognize My Works, My steps, My Words, My Love.  It happens that the Creator recognizes Himself and His Works in the creature; and the creature, in operating, projects herself in the Creator and recognizes herself in Him.  This recognizing themselves in each other, God and the soul, calls for the First Act of Creation, and God goes out of His rest and continues the Work of Creation with this creature who Lives and operates in My Will.

“In fact, Our Work did not end—there was only a pause of rest; and the creature, by doing Our Will, calls Us to work, but—sweet call, because for Us work is New Happiness, New Joys and Prodigious Conquests.  So, We do nothing other than continue Our Outpourings of Love, of Power, of Goodness and of Unreachable Wisdom, that gave the start in Creation.  And the creature feels that her God does not rest for her, but continues the Labor of His Creative Work.  And as she operates in Our Will, she feels, starting over her soul, the rain of the Operating Love of God, His Power and Wisdom that does not remain idle, but works in her soul.  O! if you knew the enjoyment, the pleasure We feel when the creature calls Us to work.  By calling Us, she recognizes Us; by calling Us, she opens the doors to Us, she gives Us Dominion, and she gives Us all the Freedom to do what We want in her soul; so, We will do a Work worthy of Our Creative Hands. 


VOL. 30 – May 30, 1932

“Now the creature, by not doing Our Will, places Us outside of Our Dwelling, and it happens to Us as it would happen to a rich lord who, wanting to build a great and beautiful palace, when he has finished he goes in order to dwell in it, and they close the doors in his face, they throw stones at him, in a way that he is constrained to not put a foot inside, and to not be able to inhabit his own dwelling formed by him.  Would it not merit that he who had formed it would destroy it?  But he does not do it because he loves his work.  But he waits, and waits again, for one who he knows he can conquer in love, and by herself, by giving him the freedom of letting him live there, she opens the doors in order to let him enter.

“By not letting Our Will Reign in his soul, the creature places Us in the same conditions.  He closes the doors in Our Face, and he throws the stones of his sins against Us.  And with Invincible and Divine Patience, We wait.  And because he does not want Our Will in himself as Life, with Paternal Goodness We give him Its Effects, that is, the Laws, the Sacraments, the Gospel, the helps of My Examples and Prayers.  But for all this Great Good, not one can equal the Great Good that My Will can do as Perennial Life of the creature, because all together It is Laws, Sacraments, Gospel, Life.  It signifies everything, can give everything, possesses everything, and this is enough in order to be able to comprehend the Great difference that there is between My Will as continuous Life in the creature, and Its Effects in the Sacraments that can produce not in a Perennial way, but according to circumstance, to time.  And although the Effects can do Great Good, still they can never arrive at producing all the Good that the Life of My Divine Will Reigning and Dominating in the creature can produce.  Therefore be attentive, My daughter, and give It the Holy Freedom of doing what It wants in your soul.”


VOL. 31 – October 16, 1932

So, while my mind felt itself under Its Light, my beloved Jesus, repeating His brief little Visit to my soul, told me:  “My blessed daughter, how beautiful it is to see the creature growing under the wings of Light of My Will.  Enveloped in this Light, she neither sees, nor hears, nor touches, anything but her Mother’s Light that keeps her wrapped up.  And if creatures wound her, beat her, embitter her, she feels more squeezed and clasped to Its arms of Light, and responds with a smile of Light to whoever wants to embitter and wound her, and joking with them she confounds their human perfidy.  O! Power of My Operating Will, It slips away from all, Triumphs over all, and with Its Light forms Its Throne of Immortal Glory in the soul who gives It the Freedom to Operate.


VOL. 31 – November 13, 1932

“But My Operating Virtue of My Will remains alone with all of Its Magnificence, Power, Wisdom and Beauty.  It remains in the Celestial Spheres, but in man It is repressed, and thus he does not have My Will Operating in him, he does not have the hearing to listen to the echo of Its Operative Virtue in Creation.  Therefore, not having obtained the Purpose, Our Works are without exchange.  The purpose forms the exchange of whatever work, little or great, that is done.  And you must be convinced that no one, as much in the Divine Order as in the human, works without purpose and in order to obtain his exchange.  The Purpose can be called the beginning and life of a work, the exchange, the fulfillment.  O! how many works would not have beginning if it were not for their Purpose, and would be left halfway if it were not for the certainty of exchange.  The exchange makes one sustain unheard-of sacrifices, and gives excessive heroism to God and to creatures.

“Now if My Divine Will does not form Its Kingdom in souls, and they do not give It the Freedom to let It Dominate with Its Creative and Operative Virtue, True Exchange will not be given to Us.  And therefore We are always waiting, and We see Our Most Beautiful Works halfway and without the Fulfillment of Our Purpose, such that there lacks the Most Beautiful thing, the Most Important Act, there lacks the Purpose for which all things were Created.  See, therefore, how necessary it is that the Kingdom of My Will Come.  Even more, because not having had the True Exchange, Our Creative Work has remained as suspended, and has not been able to proceed in the Work of Creation, because it has been established that from the external Creation that they possess, must follow the internal Creation in the depth of souls.  And this could be done if My Will had the Prime Place, the Freedom to Operate in the human will.  And not having it, It can not proceed in Its Creative Work; It remains hindered, not being able to Create in them the New Heavens, Stars, Suns, and so forth, as exchange for what It gave them in the Creation of all things, and not able to proceed in Our Works, not able to continue what We have established to do in creatures by virtue of Our Will.


VOL. 31 – January 18, 1933

“You must know that pains are no longer in My Power, and I go asking for Love from these Living Species of souls, who make up for what is lacking to Me.  Therefore, My daughter, when I find a heart who Loves Me and keeps Me company, giving Me the Freedom to do what I want, I arrive at Excesses, and I do not care about anything else, I give everything, so that the poor creature feels drowned by My Love and by My Graces, and then My Sacramental Life does not remain sterile anymore when It descends into hearts, no, It reproduces Me, Bilocating and continuing My Life in her.  And these are My Conquerors who administer their life to this poor indigent Man of Sufferings, and they say to Me:  ‘My Love, you had Your turn at sufferings, and it is ended, now it is my turn, therefore let me make up for You and suffer in Your place.’  And O! how Content I am!  My Sacramental Life remains at Its place of Honor, because It reproduces other Lives of Itself in creatures.  Therefore, I want you always together with Me, so that We Live together, and you take to heart My Life, and I yours.”


VOL. 31 – January 22, 1933

“Beyond this, to give you My Divine Will, it is necessary that you give yours, because two wills can not reign inside of one heart, they would war with each other, and yours would be an obstacle to Mine, and therefore It would not be free to do what It wants, and I, in order make Mine free, with so many instances I ask you for yours.  But this is not yet everything.  You must know that your will, being in you, is weak, insignificant, but as it arrives in My Creative Hands, it is Transformed, it changes aspect, and I make it Powerful, Vivified, and I enclose in it the Productive Value of Good, and I use it in order not to not remain in idleness.  And becoming Celestial Gardener, I work in this field of your will, and I make of it a Beautiful flowery meadow, and a Garden of My Delights.


VOL. 32 – November 10, 1933

“But do you know who does not feel the Life of Heaven in her soul, and does not feel the Universal Act, the Unique Strength of My Will?  One who does not let herself be Dominated by It, who does not give It the freedom to let It Reign.  This one, then, changes action, love, will, every movement; but it is not My Will that changes, It can not change, but it is the creature who changes, because living of human will she has neither the virtue, nor the capacity to receive the Universal and Unique Act of My Will, and the poor one feels herself changeable, without firmness in Good, always an empty reed that does not have the strength to resist every little puff of wind.  The circumstance, the encounters, the creatures, serve as wind in order to spin her around now to do one action, now another; now to love one thing, now another.  And therefore one sees now sadness, now happiness; now fervor, now coldness; now inclination to virtue, now to passions.  In sum, as the circumstance ceases, so does the act cease in them.  O! human will, how weak, changeable, you are without My Will, because there is lacking to you the Life of Good that must animate your will, so the Life of Heaven is far from you.  My daughter, there is no greater disgrace, or evil that merits to be cried over more, than doing one’s own volition.”


VOL. 33 – January 2, 1934
“Now, you must know that when the soul does My Divine Will, I can freely do in the soul what I want to Operate the Greatest Things.  My Volition empties her of everything for Me, and forms for Me the space for where I can place the Sanctity of My One Infinite Act.  And the soul places herself at Our Disposition.  Our Will has matured her and has made her adaptable to It, and it is possible for her to receive the Creating and Operating Virtue of Our Supreme Being.

            “On the other hand, when one does not do My Divine Will, We must adapt Ourselves, restrict Ourselves, nor can We be Abundant according to Our Divine Way.  We have to give Our Graces sip by sip, while We can give rivers.  O! how Operating in one who does not do Our Will weighs on Us.  If We want to make Ourselves known, she renders herself incapable, because the human intelligence without Our Will is like a foggy sky that, obscuring the beautiful Light of reason, is as blind before the Light of Our Knowledges.  In fact, she will be in the midst of the Light, but incapable of understanding anything about it; she will always be illiterate before the Light of Our Truths.  If We want to give Our Sanctity, Goodness, and Love, We must give them in little doses, as broken into small pieces, because the human volition is encumbered with miseries, with weaknesses and defects, therefore it renders itself incapable and even unworthy of receiving Our Gifts and what We want to give him.


VOL. 33 – October 7, 1935

“As I had My Most Holy Humanity at the disposition of My Divine Volition, so I placed It[1] inside and outside of the creature in order to give Life to My Will in her.  Now, when she decides not to Live in It, My Blood does not rain because it does not have whom to Regenerate into Divine; My sufferings do not form the wall of defense because the human volition forms the continuous collapse to My Works and renders as impotent My Death so that everyone would Rise Again in My Volition.  Now My Life, My sufferings, My Blood, if the soul does not Live of It, are at the door of the human volition, waiting with Invincible Patience in order to enter, to assail her from all sides so as to give her the Grace of Living of My Volition.  And not entering, everything remains suffocated in Me—My Blood, My sufferings, My Life.  And O! how I suffer in seeing that she does not give Me the freedom to give her the Good that I want.  My Love tortures Me, My sufferings, My Wounds, My Blood, My Works, as so many pitiful voices tell me continuously:  ‘This creature obstructs Us, she renders Us useless and as without Life for her, because she does not want to Live of Divine Will.’  My daughter, how Sorrowful it is wanting to do Good, to be able to do it, and not do it.”

VOL. 34 – July 4, 1936

“Therefore, Our Volition wants to be alone in order to do what It knows how to do, and It wants to do.  This is why It wants the human will with Itself, concurrent, spectator, admirer of what It wants to do in her, but she must be convinced, if she wants to Live in My Will, that hers cannot act anymore and that it must serve in order to enclose Mine in hers so as to let It do Its Works will all Liberty, with all Sumptuousness, with the Luxury of Grace, and with the Splendor of Its Divine Varieties.  The first thing that We want is Absolute Liberty.  We want to be Free, My daughter, be it whatever the sacrifice that We want, and the Works that We want to do.  If this could not be, the Living in My Will will be a way of saying, but in reality will not exist.”


VOL. 34 – January 4, 1937

“Therefore if the creature runs in Our Fiat in order to give It the free field of action, in Our emphasis of Love We say:  ‘The creature pays Us for everything that We have done.’  After all, did We not make all things and the creature herself so that she would do Our Will in everything?  She does this, and this is enough for Us, even if she did nothing more.  If this is enough for Us, more so should it be enough for them—the doing, the Living always in Our Will.  With this she is Ours, and We are all hers.  And does it seem little to you to be able to say:  ‘God is mine, all mine, nor can He escape from me because His Omnipotent Fiat holds Him bound in me.’”


VOL. 35 – October 31, 1937

“See then, what an Act in My Will is:  an Infinite Act, Eternal, armed with Divine Power; Immense, so that nobody can say, ‘I wasn’t there, in that Act.’  These Acts cannot be without producing a Great Divine Glory for Our Supreme Majesty, as well as an Immense Good for the creatures.  These Acts done together with the creature Operate as a God does, binding God and the creature together:  God, to give, the creature, to receive.  They are like pretexts for Our Love, that tell Us: ‘The creature gave Us a place in her act; she gave Us the freedom to do whatever We want.’  So, Our Love imposes Itself on Us in order to make Us give what We are, and to Honor Ourselves as well as Our own Operating Will.  Our Love reaches such Pretexts and Fidgets of Love that It would never want Us to stop giving—placing before Us Our Endless Immensity, Our Omnipotent Power, Our Wisdom, that disposes all.


VOL. 35 – November 12, 1937

Then, my adorable Jesus, Who wants that the Unheard-of Prodigies that His Divine Fiat can do in the creature may be understood, visiting my little soul, told me:  “Daughter of My Will, the Flames of My Love are such that I feel suffocated.  And to be able to unleash My Love, which makes Me burn and fidget, I come back to say what My Will can do in the creature.  For My Will to Reign, one must know Who It is, the extent of Its Love, what Its Power is, and what It can do.  Now listen.  As the creature gives It the freedom to Operate, It calls Its Immensity and Power and encloses everyone and everything in that act.  Our Divinity receives in that act the love of each creature.  We hear in that act the voices and the heartbeats of all hearts, saying to Us: ‘We love You. We love You!’  She gives Us the adoration of each one and everything that they owe to their Creator.  She animates everything, and We hear in that act even the sun, the Heaven, the stars—the whole of Creation, saying:  ‘We love You, we adore You, we glorify You!’


VOL. 35 – February 7, 1938

I am under the Empire of the Divine Volition.  Its Creative Virtue has such Strength that It makes Its sweet Empire felt over the poor creature who, sweetly—not feeling forced—agrees with the Fiat, giving It full freedom to do whatever It wants.  She even says:  “How honored I feel that You want to make a portent out of my being, to the extent that You want to use your Creative and Operative Strength inside my poor soul.”


VOL. 36 – April 12, 1938

So, while my mind was immersed in the Divine Fiat, my sweet Jesus, visiting my little soul, with Inexpressible Goodness told me: “My blessed daughter of My Will, how many Wonders My Will can make in the creature, as long as she gives It the first place and all the freedom to Operate.  My Will takes the will, the word, the act that the creature wants to do, as part of Itself—covers it with Its Creative Virtue, pronounces Its Fiat in it, and forms as many Lives for as many existing creatures.   You were asking in My Will for the Baptism of all newborn babies that will come to the light of the day—and then, for Its Life to Reign in them.  My Will did not hesitate for a instant; soon it pronounced Its Fiat and formed as many Lives from Itself for as many newborn babies coming to the light—Baptizing them, as you wanted, with Its First Light, and then giving each one of them Its Life.  If these newborn babies, for lack of Knowledge, will not possess Our Life, this Life still remains for Us, and We will have many Divine Lives that Love Us, glorify Us, bless Us, as We do Ourselves.  These Divine Lives are Our Greatest Glory, but they don’t put aside the creature who gave Our Fiat the opportunity to form so many of Our Lives for these newborn babies who are coming to the light; rather, they keep her hidden in themselves to let her Love as they Love, and let her do what they do.  Neither would they set the newborn babies aside; rather, they would give them so much attention, guard and defend them as to be able to Reign in their souls.


VOL. 36 – June 5, 1938

“Now, you must know that as the soul does her acts in Our Will, Our Love is such that We Centralize Our Supreme Being in her, together with all Our Works.  O! what delights and Joys We feel, in seeing Our Dominating Majesty in her surrounded by all Our Works.  The Angels and Saints pour into her, to honor their Creator, because everybody runs where God is and wants their place of honor around Us. But while everything is centralized in her, an even Greater Wonder occurs.  The creature is centralized in everybody, she reaches the center of each created thing.  Our Will Loves her so much that It multiplies her and gives her a place wherever It is, keeping her close in all Its Works.  We just can’t stay without this creature who Lives in Our Will.  We would have to split Our Will in two, but Our Will cannot be divided—It is always One, and One Single Act.  Furthermore, if We put aside one who Lives in Our Will, Our own Love would wage a war against Us.  Rather, the reason for which We want her to Live in Our Will is that we want her with Us to show her Our Works, to make her feel the heartbeats and the notes of Our Love.  From afar Our Works cannot be known and Our Love cannot be felt; so We need to be with her to Love each other, to know each other and to work; otherwise the creature goes on her own way and We on Ours, remaining deprived of Our Delights and of the Freedom to do what We want—in absolute Pain.  Therefore, be attentive, Live always in Our Will if you want Us to Live in you and you within Us.”


VOL. 36 – July 11, 1938

“There is no Greater Honor that We can give to the creatures, and no Glory We can receive from the creatures that makes Us more Glorified, Happy and Triumphant, than letting Our Will Operate in their act.  We feel locked in her act, while still being free to Operate in the human circle as only God can.  Doing this is an Exuberant Love for Us:  We Love Our Act in which We see the Action of Our Power and Unreachable Beauty, Our Sanctity, Love and Goodness, covering all, kissing and embracing everybody in Our Divine Qualities:  how not to Love such a Great Act?  We Love she who called Us and gave Us her act, allowing Us to do an Act so Great:  how not to Love her?  She, who served as Our Bearer, to Operate so many of Our Wonders.  What wouldn’t We give to her, and who could ever refuse her anything?  It is sufficient to tell you that one who Lives in Our Will leaves everyone behind.  She is first in Sanctity, Beauty and Love.  We can feel Our Echo, Our Breath in hers; she doesn’t pray for, but takes what she wants from Our Divine Treasures.  Therefore, cherish always in your heart to Live in Our Divine Will.”



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