There is not a good which exists on earth which is not to be attributed to these gods of my Will – either as a direct or as indirect cause. Everything is because of them. Just as there is no happiness in Heaven which does not come from Me, there is no existing good on earth which does not come from them.
VOL. 11 – November 27, 1913
From the Writings of Luisa Piccarreta
“The Little Daughter of the Divine Will”
VOL. 11 – March 15, 1912
The Divine Will is the sanctity of sanctities, and the soul who does It on earth as in Heaven is a queen soul, who gives life to all the good done on earth and in Heaven. These souls are the true Consecrated Hosts of the Divine Will.
Continuing in my usual state, I felt a great desire to do the Most Holy Will of Blessed Jesus; and He came and told me: “My daughter, my Will is the Sanctity of Sanctities. The soul who does my Will according to the perfection that I am teaching you – that is, on earth as It is in Heaven – however small, ignorant and ignored, leaves even other Saints behind in spite of their prodigies, the most clamorous conversions and the miracles. Really, in comparison, the souls who do my Will in the way It is in my third “FIAT” are queens, and it is as if all the others were at their service.
It seems that the souls who live in my Will do nothing, while they actually do everything, because being in my Will these souls act Divinely, in a hidden and surprising way. They are light which illuminates, wind which purifies, fire which burns, miracles which cause miracles. Those who do miracles are channels; but in these souls resides the power. Therefore, they are the foot of the missionary, the tongue of the preachers, the strength of the weak, the patience of the sick, the regime (of the superiors), the obedience of the subjects, the tolerance of the slandered, the firmness in the dangers, the heroism in the heroes, the courage in the martyrs, the sanctity in the saints, and so on with all the rest. Being in my Will, they concur with all the good that can be both in Heaven and on earth.
This is why I can surely say that they are my true Hosts – but living Hosts, not dead ones. The accidents that form the host are not full of life, neither do they influence my Life; but the soul who lives in my Divine Will is full of life and, doing my Will, she influences and concurs with all that I do. This is why these consecrated Hosts of my Will are more dear to Me than the very sacramental Hosts, and if I have reason to exist in the sacramental Hosts, it is to form the sacramental Hosts of my Will.
VOL. 11 – September 2, 1912
Then He added: “My daughter, the souls who are united with my Will, who allow Me to give my Life within them, and who think only of loving Me, are united to Me like rays to the Sun. If the Sun were unable to form its rays, it could not extend its light and heat. The rays give more beauty to the Sun; therefore, through these rays alone, which form one single thing with Me, I extend Myself upon all regions, giving light, Grace and heat, and I feel more embellished than if I had no rays.
Now, one could ask a sun’s ray how many courses it has made, how much light and how much heat it has given. If it had a mind it would answer: ‘I don’t want to bother with this. The sun knows and that’s enough . If I had to give light and heat to more lands I would do so, because the sun that gives me life can do anything.’ If that ray wanted to think about it and look back at what it did, it would lose its course and become dark.
Such are the souls, my lovers. They are my divine rays; they don’t worry about what they do; their only intent is to remain fixed within the Divine Sun. If they wanted to think, it would happen to them as to the sun’s ray: they would lose much.”
VOL. 11 – November 27, 1913
And I: ‘Jesus, we remain always here – in your Will. It seems that You have nothing else to say.” And Jesus: “My Will is the highest point which can exist, both in Heaven and on earth. When the soul reaches It, she has conquered everything and she has done everything. She has nothing left to do other than dwell in these heights, enjoy them, and understand more and more my Will, which is not yet thoroughly understood, either in Heaven or upon earth. You have plenty of time to spend there, since you have understood very little, and much remains for you to understand. My Will is so great that whoever does It can call herself a god of the earth. Just as my Will forms the beatitude of Heaven, these gods who do my Will form the beatitude of the earth, and of those who are close to them. There is not a good which exists on earth which is not to be attributed to these gods of my Will – either as a direct or as indirect cause. Everything is because of them. Just as there is no happiness in Heaven which does not come from Me, there is no existing good on earth which does not come from them.”
VOL. 12 – September 28, 1917
The acts done in the Divine Will are suns which illuminate all, and will serve to put in safety those who have a little bit of good will.
Continuing in my usual state, my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, darkness is thick and creatures precipitate more. Even more, in this darkness they are digging the abyss in which they will perish. The mind of man has remained blind, and it has no more light to look at good – only at evil; and evil will inundate him, and will make him perish. So, where they believed to find safety, they will find death. Ah! my daughter, ah! my daughter.”
Then He added: “The acts done in my Will are like suns which illuminate all; and as long as the act of the creature lasts in my Will, one more sun shines in the blind minds, and those who have a little bit of good will will find the light to escape from the precipice. All the others will perish. Therefore, in these times of thick darkness, how much good is done by the acts of the creature done in my Will. For those who will escape, it will be only by virtue of these acts.” Having said this, He withdrew.
VOL. 24 – July 23, 1928
The soul who lives in the Fiat is the luminous point in the world. How everything was created for the soul.
Continuing in my usual abandonment in the Supreme Fiat, I wished to embrace everyone and everything, so that everything would become Divine Will; and my sweet Jesus, coming out from within my interior, told me: “My daughter, the soul who lives in my Will is the luminous point in the world. Just as a Sun appears under the vault of the heavens, which invests the earth with Its rays, and penetrating everywhere, embellishes, colors, fecundates the whole earth with Its life of light, so another Sun, more beautiful and more refulgent, can be seen in that point of the world – that is, in the soul in whom my Divine Will reigns – and her rays extend and expand so much as to embrace everything and everyone. How beautiful it is to see from Heaven these luminous points in the depths of the earth! It no longer seems earth – but Heaven, because the Sun of my Fiat is present. Its rays embellish, fecundate and scatter such variety of divine colors as to communicate the varieties of beauties of the Creator with Its life of light. Wherever these luminous points are present, the current of evil is stopped; my Justice Itself feels disarmed by the strength of this light, and changes the scourges into grace. These points are the smile of the earth; their light is herald and bearer of peace, of beauty, of sanctity, of life that never dies. They can be called the fortunate points of the earth, because in their midst there is the light that never dims, the life that always rises; while where these luminous points are not present, the earth is obscure, and if any good is done, it is like those little lights that have no rays, because the source of the light is missing in that good, and therefore it has no strength nor virtue either to extend or expand. And since the source is missing, they are subject to being extinguished, and the earth remains obscured, as though buried in thick darkness, because the human will is herald and bearer of evils, of disturbances, of disorder and the like.
So, the soul in whom my will does not reign puffs out darkness, shadow and restlessness, and if she does any good, it is a good invested with fog. Her air is always unhealthy, her fruits unripe, her beauty faded. All the opposite for the soul in whom my Will reigns: she is the true queen that dominates everything, she gives peace to all, does good to all and is welcomed by all; and while she does good to all, she needs no one, because the source of my Will which she possesses makes all goods arise within her.”
VOL. 35 – March 6, 1938
Then He added: “My daughter, when the creature abandons herself in Our Will, Our Satisfaction is so great that she pours into Us, and We pour into her, giving her Our New Life, New Love, New Sanctity and New Knowledge of Our Supreme Being. When the creature abandons herself in Our Divine Volition, We can make the Greatest Prodigies and the most surprising Graces in her, since Our own Will will receive and deposit what We want to give to the creature. By abandoning herself in Our Will, she storms Heaven, and her empire is such that she imposes herself over Our Divine Being, enclosing It within her littleness; while she, triumphant, encloses herself within Our Divine Womb.
The Heavens are amazed, and the Angels and the Saints remain ecstatic; all feel a New Life flowing within themselves, by virtue of the act of abandonment of the creature, while still a pilgrim. And finding her abandoned in Our Fiat, We find that We can do whatever We want—she lends herself completely to Our Power. So We begin the Work, and form in the soul many little fountains of Love, Goodness, Sanctity, Mercy, and so on. In this way, when Our Love wants to Love, We set those little fountains of Love in motion with Our Omnipotent Breath, and she Loves Us, letting so much Love overflow from the fount, as to float the entire Celestial Court. When We want to use Goodness, Mercy or Grace, We set these founts in motion, and the earth remains floated by Our Goodness and Mercy – and some are converted, some receive Graces….
“We could do all this directly by Ourselves, but We feel more delighted and pleased in using the founts that We Ourselves have formed inside the creature. Through her, We feel more moved to use Our Mercy toward all. We have Our Intermediary between Heaven and earth, who, in her abandon, makes Us pour Graces and makes Us Love all the creatures with New Love. Therefore, the more you are abandoned in Our Will, the more Magnanimous We will be toward you and toward others. And all—at least the more disposed—will find New Strength and New Guidance.”
Fiat !!!