Jesus Can Not Live Without The Children of the Divine Will
From the Writings of Luisa Piccarreta
“The Little Daughter of the Divine Will”
VOL. 11- March 3, 1911
These are the souls to whom I keep repeating, ‘Had I not created Heaven, I would create It only for you’, because I place in them the Heaven of my Will, and I make of them the true images of Myself. And I go wandering in these Heavens, delighting and playing with them. To these Heavens I repeat, ‘Had I not left Myself in the Sacrament, for you alone I would have done it’, because they are my true Hosts. Just as I could not live without a Will, in the same way I could not live without these Heavens of my Will; rather, they are not only my true Hosts, but the purpose of my Calvary and my own Life.
These Heavens of my Will are more dear to Me and more privileged than the Tabernacles and the Consecrated Hosts themselves, because in the Host my Sacramental Life ends as the species is consumed, while in these Heavens of my Will the Life of my Will never ends. They serve as my Hosts on earth, and they will be my eternal Hosts in Heaven.
To these Heavens of my Will I add, ‘Had I not incarnated Myself in the womb of my Mother, for these souls alone I would have incarnated Myself, and for these I would have suffered my Passion’, because I find in them the true fruit of my Incarnation and Passion.”