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‘The Kingdom of The Divine Will in the midst of creatures. Book of Heaven.The call of the creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose for which he was created by God’ PASSAGES ON THE THREE MISSIONS FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN Our Lord Jesus Christ to …
Prodigies of the Divine Will in the Blessed Virgin Mary From the Writings of The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta Prodigies of the Divine Will in the Blessed Virgin Mary From the Writings of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta August 15, 1899 Volume 2 The Virgin Mary assumed into Heaven. …
‘The Kingdom of The Divine Will in the midst of creatures. Book of Heaven. The call of the creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose for which he was created by God’ PASSAGES ON THE CONCEPTION OF THE DIVINE WILL IN THE SOVEREIGN QUEEN OF HEAVEN FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN Our Lord …
Entrustment Of Our Home To Mary Help Of Christians
PRAYER TO OUR LADY, “MARY, HELP OF CHRISTIANS” United in The Most Holy and Divine Will with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, all souls of past, present and future with all the Heavenly Hosts and with the voice of all creation, we go to the Throne of our …
Feasts of Our Lady Throughout the Year January MONTH of the HOLY NAME . Solemnity of Mary Mother of God 2. Foundation of the Abbey of Dunes, Flanders, in honor of the Blessed Virgin (1128) 3. Our Lady of Sichem, Belgium (474) 4. Our Lady of Treves, Italy (746). Appeared to St. Jerome …
Titles of Our Lady THE NAME OF MARY
Titles of Our Lady THE NAME OF MARY We see in the gospel of St. Luke that an angel announced the name Jesus was to bear Similarly the name of John, son of Zachary and Elizabeth, was announced by an angel. It would be surprising, then, if God would leave to chance or human discretion …
Six Biblical Reasons Mary Is The “New Eve”
The Serpent Under the Right Foot of Mother Mary 6 Biblical Reasons Mary Is the “New Eve” by HHAmbrose on May 31, 2012• Listers, Mother Mary is the New Eve. Through St. Paul, Holy Scripture tells us that Christ is the New Adam, and where all died in Adam, all may be made alive …
Titles of Our Lady as LADY
Titles of Our Lady as LADY Lady is a title of respect for a woman. Mary is the Lady of Ladies, deserving our greatest respect and admiration. She is the mother of the God-man, the Queen of angels and saints. Even the devils in hell are subject to her. But matching her dignity is her …
Titles of Our Lady as MOTHER
Titles of Our Lady as MOTHER Mother.. Mother, abyss of humility. Mother, advocate and protectress in heaven. Mother, alike of the Redeemer and the redeemed. Mother all merciful. Mother and advocate with her divine Son. Mother and associate of the Savior. Mother and daughter of Him who is the Father of mercies and the God …
Titles of Our Lady MARY AS A CHILD
Titles of Our Lady MARY AS A CHILD A child whose equal had never been created and never can be. A little handmaid of the Lord among the daughters of Israel. A perfect model to all children. A princess of the lineage of David. A tot demure. A virgin small, immaculate. A young girl. Anna’s …
Titles of Our Lady as THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION A bough in which no blur of either kind, original or wrought, hath touched the Virgin rind. A soul immune from stain. Adorned with the radiance of a singular holiness from the first moment of her conception. All fair and stainless in thy conception. All fair art …
Titles of Our Lady as VIRGIN
Titles of Our Lady as VIRGIN Virgin. Virgin all excelling. Virgin alone faithful, in whom the serpent has never had part. Virgin and queen of the holy rosary. Virgin betrothed to a man Joseph, of the house of David. Virgin blessed above all things. Virgin blessed by the Holy Ghost. Virgin bright. Virgin by the …
Titles of Our Lady The QUEEN
Titles of Our Lady the QUEEN Mary is our queen. She sits on a throne at the right hand of her divine Son to whom all power is given in heaven and on earth. She is queen because her Son is king. She is a queen unrivaled because she resembles the God-Man as much as …
Titles of Our Lady as DAUGHTER
Titles of Our Lady as DAUGHTER A daughter of Israel. A daughter of the tribe of Judah. A daughter who shall be blessed among women. A daughter wonderful in all her doings and in all her life. A mere creature and a true daughter of man. Affectionate daughter. Ann`s daughter.. Beloved and chosen daughter. Blessed …
Titles of Our Lady on GLORIES OF MARY
Titles of Our Lady on GLORIES OF MARY A preeminent and altogether singular member of the Church Above all the angels, immaculate, pure, at the right of the King thou shalt sit evermore. . Adorned with all the gifts of the Holy Ghost. After her Son, exalted by divine grace above all the angels …
Titles of Our Lady as HOPE
Titles of Our Lady as HOPE A refuge and a help for sinners. A refuge and refreshment in our labours and weariness. A safe refuge. A sign of sure hope and solace for the pilgrim people of God. After God, our hope and consolation in this place of exile. A sweet hope. Aid of the …
Titles of Our Lady as VESSEL or TABERNACLE
Titles of Our Lady as VESSEL OR TABERNACLE A chosen vessel exceeding all men and angels in purity. A dwelling-place and a tabernacle for the Eternal Word. A dwelling undarkened by sin.. A dwelling worthy of a God. A fit habitation for Christ. A heavenly vessel. A king’s palace. A living house of gold and …
Titles of Our Lady on HEART OF MARY
Titles of Our Lady on HEART OF MARY A haven of safety from the storms of trials and temptations. . A heart encircled by thorns which seemed to have pierced it like nails. A heart pierced by a seven-fold sword of anguish. A limitless treasure of mercy and compassion for us. A mother’s heart …
Titles of Our Lady as ADVOCATE
[youtube][/youtube] Titles of Our Lady as ADVOCATE Who needs an advocate? All of us need an advocate before God. We were born with original sin. Many of us have committed serious sins since our baptism. All of us have committed venial sins, offending God. At the time of our death and on judgment day we …
Titles of Our Lady as PATRONESS and DEFENDER
Titles of Our Lady as PATRONESS AND DEFENDER Mary is our patroness. We call upon her to protect, support and care for us. This she is able to do because of her wisdom and power and her interest in us. She loves us dearly and is eager to help us if we will just …
Titles of Our Lady as COMFORTER
Titles of Our Lady as COMFORTER A comfort in age. A comforter in every pain. A sign of sure hope and solace for the Pilgrim People of God. Comfort of Christians. Comfort of mourners. Comfort to the sorrowful. Comforter of the afflicted. Comfortress. Consolation of afflicted souls. Consolation of the human race. Consolation of all …
Titles of Our Lady as OUR MEANS TO HEAVEN
Titles of Our Lady as OUR MEANS TO HEAVEN A bridge of salvation. A guide in our youth. A helper for every situation. A secure means without delusion. A secure road which conducts to Jesus Christ and life eternal in a straight and secure manner. A short road which leads us to Jesus in a …
Appearance of Mary Establishing Scapular Occurred in Flurry of Holy Wonders
__________________________________________________ APPEARANCE OF MARY ESTABLISHING SCAPULAR OCCURRED IN FLURRY OF HOLY WONDERS [adapted from Michael Brown’s The Last Secret] There were great holy men and there was much mysticism during the medieval period, particularly in the 1200s. If St. Dominic and St. Francis in themselves were enough to make this a special period, the extraordinary …