Titles of Our Lady as ADVOCATE
Who needs an advocate? All of us need an advocate before God. We were born with original sin. Many of us have committed serious sins since our baptism. All of us have committed venial sins, offending God. At the time of our death and on judgment day we will have to give an account to a Just Judge. Some of us because of our grievous sins may despair. If we do so, we are foolishly placing limits to the infinite mercy of God. In his boundless generosity he has provided his own Son to plead for us from the cross, “Father, forgive them for they know not what do.” If some fear the majesty of the Godman, he has provided his own mother, a creature like us, only spotless, to be the advocate of even the most wretched and abandoned sinners if they turn to her in their affliction and place themselves in her care.
Jesus was obedient to her on earth and he will grant her requests in heaven. St. Alphonsus, in his book on the Glories of Mary, cites a declaration by Mary to the Venerable Sister Mary Villani, “After the title of Mother of God, I rejoice most in that of Advocate of sinners.” How comforting it is to us poor sinners to have as our advocate, the one most powerful before the throne of God, his own sweet mother. In every Hail Mary we ask Mary’s intercession. Besides the rosary, let us employ other means to honor her in a special manner, such as being enrolled in the scapular and wearing it every day. There are many devotions to the Blessed Mother. Choose those which you have an opportunity to carry out with devotion, be it great or small. It may be the Litany of the Blessed Virgin, the Magnificat, the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin or only a Hail Mary. Perhaps you can join the Legion of Mary or the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin. Most particularly you will please the Divine Son and his Mother by frequent or if possible daily mass and Communion. Often it is not as difficult as it would seem. It may mean going to bed an hour earlier and missing a television or radio program or a late show, so you can get up an hour earlier. Would you not make such a sacrifice if you were promised a great fortune or good health for many years, yet what you receive in Holy Communion is incomparably greater. You receive the Lord who possesses all and who becomes your guest. For some people, choosing a home close to the Church may enable members of the family to get to Mass and Communion often during the week.
Take a stop towards Mary; she will take many towards you. You need her, she wants you. God himself assured victory to Mary and her children. He said to the serpent in Paradise, “I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and hers.” Mary is prophetically foreshadowed in that victory over the serpent which was promised to our first parents after their fall into sin. In Baptism you directly or through your sponsors renounced Satan and all of his works. This placed you on Mary’s side, the winning side since God guaranteed her the victory. Our position in this life is not secure, since we may fall into sin, so let us with full confidence and assurance stay close to Mary so that we will not sin, or if we do sin, that we will repent and be restored to God’s favor. Satan has been rebuffed and defeated innumerable times by Mary and she is ever ready to help you, if you give her the opportunity. Pray daily that you may have the grace to call on her in your time of need.
Advocate and mistress of all the faithful.
Advocate and peacemaker with God.
Advocate and protectress of those who desire to arrive at great purity for receiving Holy Communion.
Advocate and refuge of sinners.
Advocate before the Father
Advocate for the miserable.
Advocate in heaven.
Advocate in the presence of our Judge.
Advocate of all.
Advocate of Eve and the whole human race.
Advocate of penitents.
Advocate of sinners
Advocate of the most hopeless cases.
Advocate of the most wretched and abandoned sinners, if they but come unto thee.
Advocate of the poor.
Advocate of the unfortunate.
Advocate of the universal Church.
Advocate of the world.
Advocate with our Lord.
All-powerful advocate.
An advocate who is able to save all.
Dear advocate and mediatrix with Jesus Christ.
Glorious advocate.
Good advocate.
Great advocate.
Great intercessor for all Christians
Intercessor for the entire world
Intercessor of our race.
Intercessor of the faithful.
Mighty advocate.
Most gracious advocate.
Our own beloved advocate.
Perpetual advocate with the Eternal Father.
Powerful advocate at the Throne of the Most High..
Suppliant for sinners.
Sweet advocate.
Tender advocate.
Wise advocate.