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Titles of Our Lady as VIRGIN

Titles of Our Lady as VIRGIN



Virgin all excelling.

Virgin alone faithful, in whom the serpent has never had part.

Virgin and queen of the holy rosary.

Virgin betrothed to a man Joseph, of the house of David.

Virgin blessed above all things.

Virgin blessed by the Holy Ghost.

Virgin bright.

Virgin by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit.

Virgin chaste and pure.

Virgin clothed with the Sun.

Virgin daughter of Sion.

Virgin endowed with a purity which compels our admiration and imitation.

Virgin ever blessed

Virgin ever meek.

Virgin ever pure.

Virgin first among the pure and fair.

Virgin foretold by the Jewish prophet Isaiah.

Virgin free by grace from every stain of sin.

Virgin full of sweetness.

Virgin greater than heaven and earth together.

Virgin, holy and merciful.

Virgin holy and undefiled.

Virgin immaculate.

Virgin in the Cenacle.

Virgin in the flesh she brought forth her first-born, Christ.

Virgin in thy conception, thou didst after child-bearing remain a virgin.

Virgin, innocent, without blemish, all immaculate, inviolate, spotless, holy in soul and body.

Virgin inviolate – prefigured by the blest land of Eden before its surface was torn by furrows.

Virgin meek and lowly.

Virgin mild.

Virgin most bountiful.

Virgin most clement.

Virgin most compassionate.

Virgin most diligent.

Virgin most fair.

Virgin most faithful.

Virgin most holy, above all angels and saints in paradise.

Virgin most humble.

Virgin most meek and mild.

Virgin most merciful.

Virgin most obedient.

Virgin most powerful.

Virgin most preachable.

Virgin most prudent.

Virgin most pure.

Virgin most pure, of immaculate birth.

Virgin most renewed.

Virgin most resigned.

Virgin most sorrowful.

Virgin most sweet.

Virgin most venerable.

Virgin most wise.

Virgin mother enthroned near Christ.

Virgin mother gifted above all God’s creatures.

Virgin mother of God, conceived without original sin.

Virgin-mother of the Messiah Jesus..

Virgin of a happy death..

Virgin of all virgins best.

Virgin of all virgins blest.

Virgins of all virgins fairest.

Virgin of Bonany.

Virgin of charity.

Virgin of Chiantla.

Virgin of David’s royal blood.

Virgin of forgiveness.

Virgin of Isaiah.

Virgin of Nazareth.

Virgin of pardon.

Virgin of reconciliation.

Virgin of Sion.

Virgin of sorrows.

Virgin of Tepeyac.

Virgin of the grotte.

Virgin of the Miraculous Medal.

Virgin of the poor.

Virgin of the rocks.

Virgin of the root of Jesse.

Virgin of the rosary of Pompeii.

Virgin of the sanctuary.

Virgin of the scapular.

Virgin of virgins.

Virgin of virgins, all chaste and serene.

Virgin of wonders.

Virgin on high.

Virgin, pattern of obedience.

Virgin productive, yet mother unstained.

Virgin pure and fair. .

Virgin, pure and undefiled.

Virgin purest, brightest, rarest.

Virgin queen.

Virgin queen immaculate.

Virgin-ruler of paradise.

Virgin, sad and sorrowful.

Virgin, sinless bloom of sinful race.

Virgin so good.

Virgin so tender..

Virgin spouse.

Virgin spouse of the Holy Spirit.

Virgin, sprung from soil terrene, yet robed in peerless purity. .

Virgin, thou of virgins fairest.

Virgin, truly admirable and most worthy of all honour.

Virgin truly full of grace.

Virgin undefiled..

Virgin unique.

Virgin who destroyest all heresies.

Virgin who produced the family of the Blessed

Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel.

Virgin who surpasses Eden’s garden of delights.

Virgin who was elected to be the mother of the Most High

Virgin wise.

Virgin without equal.

A humble, unknown virgin in the tiny village of Nazareth.

A virgin before, during and after the birth of Jesus.

A virgin brought forth Him who is God and man.

A virgin brought forth yet a virgin remained.

A virgin conceives.

A virgin even as a mother.

A virgin forever.

A virgin hath borne the Savior.

A virgin in body, in mind, in intention.

A virgin spiritually and physically, solely and entirely at God’s disposal.

A virgin wondrous mild.

A youthful virgin..

Admirable virgin.

Afflicted virgin.

After her shall virgins be brought to the King.

All-holy virgin.

All-merciful virgin.

All-powerful virgin.

Amiable virgin.

An espoused virgin.

August virgin.

Beautiful virgin.

Benign virgin.

Benignant virgin.

Blessed virgin.

Blessed virgin, full of grace.

Blessed virgin in whose pure womb the Sacred Humanity of the Son of God was formed..

Blessed virgin, more beautiful than the angelic army.

Blessed virgin of Massabielle.

Blessed virgin of the rosary.

Blessed virgin, our ordinary resource.

Crown of virginity.

Ever-glorious and blessed virgin.

Ever sinless virgin.

Ever-triumphant virgin.

Ever-victorious virgin..

Ever-virgin mother of Jesus Christ, our Lord and God.

Exalted virgin.

Fair vestal of the Paraclete.

Faithful virgin.

First confessor of virginity.

Fruitful virgin.

Gentle virgin.

Glorious and blessed virgin.

Glorious and immaculate virgin Mary.

Glorious virgin.

Glorious virgin blessed above all created things. .

Glorious virgin, more beautiful than the Cherubim and Seraphim.

Glorious virgin who first wore the sign of virginity and raised the banner of inviolate purity..

God’s own virgin bride.

Good virgin.

Gracious virgin.

Great virgin.

Guide and mother of virgins. .

Hail, virgin, wisdom’s fairest shrine. .

Holy and inviolate virgin.

Holy and merciful virgin.

Holy virgin.

Holy virgin, good mother.

Holy virgin, the whole of whose glory is within, and who during her entire life loved retirement and prayer so much..

Humble and devout virgin.

Humble Jewish virgin in Nazareth.

Immaculate and most wise virgin.

Immaculate virgin, consummate in virtue.

Immaculate virgin, most pleasing to the Lord.

Immaculate virgin, through whom was repaired what was lost in Adam.

Incomparable virgin.

Ineffable virginity.

Inviolate virgin.

Lady virgin.

Loving virgin.

Mighty virgin.

Model of virginity for virgins.

Most blessed and glorious ever virgin Mary.

Most blessed virgin.

Most blessed virgin immaculate.

Most blessed virgin of Mount Carmel.

Most blessed virgin of the Pillar.

Most chaste virgin queen.

Most happy virgin, who didst die of the vehemence of the love of God.

Most holy virgin.

Most holy virgin immaculate.

Most holy virgin, who wast pleasing to the Lord.

Most illustrious virgin.

Most pitiful virgin.

Most pure and immaculate virgin.

Most tender virgin.

Mother of virgins. .

Patient and loving virgin.

Pearl of virgins.

Peerless virgin.

Perpetual virgin. .

Pure and spotless virgin.

Purest and humblest of virgins.

Purest of all virgins.

Purest virgin, most praiseworthy and most worshipful.

Purest virgin, yet partaker of the joys of motherhood.

Remarkable Jewess known and praised everywhere as the blessed virgin.

Royal virgin.

Sacred virgin..

Singular and miraculous virgin.

Sinless virgin.

Source of virginity.

Special patroness of virgins.

Spotless virgin..

Standard-bearer of virgins.

Sweet blessed virgin, my august sovereign.

Sweet virgin whom I love.

That virgin who was to conceive and bear a son.

The attentive virgin.

The first who offered her virginity to God.

The perpetual virgin. .

The virgin crushes the head of the serpent; her battalions advance to their foretold victory over the adverse forces.

The virgin in prayer.

The virgin named most wise.

The virgin presenting offerings.

The virgin, who gave birth to the Only-begotten has nurtured God and man.

The virgin who is to conceive and bear a son, whose name will be called Emmanual. .

The virgin who will give to men the Son of God.

The virgin with the bird.

Thou virgin first and last.

Uncorrupted virgin.

Undefiled treasure of virginity.

Untainted virgin.

Virginal propitiatory.

Virginal queen of virgins.

Virginal tabernacle.

Weeping virgin.

Wisest virgin, full of grace.

Wonderful virgin.


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