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Titles of Our Lady as OUR MEANS TO HEAVEN

Titles of Our Lady as  OUR MEANS TO HEAVEN

A bridge of salvation.

A guide in our youth.

A helper for every situation.

A secure means without delusion.

A secure road which conducts to Jesus Christ and life eternal in a straight and secure manner.

A short road which leads us to Jesus in a little time.

A short road without danger.

Adjutrix. (See Foreword).

An immaculate way without imperfection.

Assured help of the miserable. .


Certain pledge of my salvation.

Certain salvation of Christians.

Channel of all grace that flows from Jesus’ Precious Blood.

Channel of all our goods.

Compassionate helper and deliverer.

Direct road.

Door through which sinners are brought to God.

Established guide of poor mortals here below.

Enlightened guide.

Gate of life.

Guide and protectress.

Guide and teacher of the knowledge of Christ.

Guide of confessors.

Guide of the missionary.

Guide of travelers.

Guide of the wanderer.

Heavenly chariot.

Help of all who call on thee.

Help of Christians.

Help to the helpless.

Helper in danger’s dark hour.

Helper of our salvation.

Helper of sinners.

Immaculate way.

Ladder to Paradise.

Link between heaven and earth.

Loving aid in all our woes.

Loving helper of the Christian people.

Mankind’s perpetual help.

Means and custodian of our salvation.

Means and negotiator of the salvation of all ages.

Means of ascent to the heavenly kingdom.

More powerful than all others to help us gain eternal life.

My guide and counselor in this vale of tears.

My guide in journeyings.

My guide in the pilgrimage of this life.

My soul’s ladder and way to heaven.

Our assistance in salvation.

Our guide and our teacher.

Our loving guide.

Our ready help.

Our safest way among life’s turbulent waves.

Parent of salvation and of the saved. .

Perpetual help.

Portal of all the predestined.

Portal of life and salvation for the sons of Adam.

Powerful aid for help.

Radiant bloom that lights life’s lonely way.

Regulator of our spiritual existence.

Resplendent car, in which her clients mount to heaven.

Salvation of sinners.

Salvation of all who call upon thee.

Salvation of the dying.

Salvation of the whole world.

She does not disdain to serve those who serve her.

Stewardess of every grace.

Strength of all who stagger under burdens sore

Strength to the fearful.

The channel by which Christ came to us.

The channel of pardon.

The road and the means to the end.

The straight and secure way.

The way of our salvation.

The way to go to our Lord.

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