Titles of Our Lady on HEART OF MARY
A haven of safety from the storms of trials and temptations. .
A heart encircled by thorns which seemed to have pierced it like nails.
A heart pierced by a seven-fold sword of anguish.
A limitless treasure of mercy and compassion for us.
A mother’s heart full of pity for the erring.
Adorable heart pierced by so many swords of sorrow.
Adorned with a most pure and tender heart.
All-courteous heart.
An expressive symbol and reminder of the virgin’s interior qualities.
Anxious heart.
At the hour of my death, the surest anchor of my hope.
Benign and compassionate heart.
Blessed heart.
Blessed Virgin, who in thy sweetest heart, didst keep as a precious treasure the words of Jesus, thy Son.
Channel whereby we receive all graces needful for our salvation.
Chaste heart.
Compassionate heart.
Dove-like and affectionate heart.
Dove-like heart of the loving mother. .
Earthly resting place of the sacred and divine Heart of Jesus.
Fair as the spotless lily.
Faith and love unutterable.
Faithful in joy and sorrow.
Fountain of Love Divine.
Full to overflowing with charity, sweetness and tenderness for us, poor sinners.
Generous heart.
God chose it amongst all creatures to be the abode of his Son.
Heart full of all grace and sweetness.
Heart full of goodness, ever compassionate towards our miseries.
Heart full of joy and tears.
Heart most amiable on which the adorable Trinity ever gazes with complacency.
Heart most like to the heart of Jesus, of which thou art the perfect image.
Heart most pure of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Heart most worthy of love.
Heart of a mother and heart of a woman.
Heart of a virgin and heart of a martyr.
Heart of love most tender.
Heart of Mary — crystal pure.
Heart of Mary, mother of God and our mother.
Heart of Mary, pierced with grief.
Heart of the immaculate virgin.
Heart of the tenderest of mothers.
Heart so afflicted.
Heart so full of anguish.
Heart so troubled.
Heart sunk in the bitterness of desolation.
Heart surrounded with the thorns which ungrateful men place therein at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude.
Heart that didst love God more than all the Seraphim.
Heart that is filled with grief.
Heart the holiest, the purest, the most perfect, that the Almighty hath formed in any creature.
Her heart is united with these secret transports which in Jesus are unfathomable depths.
Her stainless heart enfolding held Redemption’s saving flood.
Home of the Word Incarnate.
Humble heart of a virgin.
Immaculate heart.
Image of the adorable Heart of Jesus.
Immaculate heart of Mary.
Invincible heart.
Less sublime than the Heart of God, but it is unique in heaven and earth.
Longing heart.
Lovable heart, burning with the living fire of love.
Magnanimous heart.
Mary’s loving heart.
Mary’s pure heart.
Mary’s virginal heart.
Masterpiece of God’s omnipotence.
Maternal heart.
Modeled on Jesus’ own.
Most affectionate heart.
Most afflicted heart of Mary, pierced by the word of sorrow.
Most amiable and kindest heart.
Most ardent and pure heart of our queen.
Most faithful heart.
Most holy and pure heart.
Most holy heart of our good mother.
Most lovable heart.
Most loving heart.
Most pure and innocent heart of Mary.
Most pure heart of Mary, in which grows the beautiful lily of virginal purity.
Most prudent and chaste heart.
Most sacred heart of the blessed and ever virgin Mary immaculate.
Most sacred heart, transfixed with so many swords of grief.
Most sincere and loving heart.
Motherly heart.
My consolation in sorrow.
My mother’s heart protects you with God.
My place of retreat from the enemies of my salvation.
My refuge in affliction.
Next to the Heart of Jesus, object of my tenderest devotion.
O heart full of all grace and sweetness, throne of love and mercy, image of the adorable Heart of Jesus.
O heart most amiable, the delight and admiration of the angels and the saints. 1-541.
O heart of Mary, ever virgin.
Our comfort in trouble.
Our haven in persecution.
Our help in need.
Our present help in every danger and especially at the hour of death.
Our refuge in time of trouble.
Our solace in the midst of trial.
Our strength against temptation.
Overflowing heart.
Pain-scarred, valorous heart.
Perfect mirror of God’s majesty and goodness.
Pious and humble heart.
Precious treasury, wherein the Blessed Virgin kept the words of Jesus.
Pure and candid heart.
Pure and compassionate heart.
Purest and dove-like heart.
Purest heart of the heavenly mother.
Purest heart of this great queen so full of wisdom.
Queen by her heart, as she is queen by her human destiny.
Queenly and magnanimous heart.
Refuge of the human race.
Road leading to Jesus.
Sacred heart in the passion of thy Son, was cruelly pierced by the sword foretold by the holy and aged Simeon.
Safe harbor from the tempests which beset us on every side.
Safe refuge in that very fountain of mercy.
Sensitive heart.
Sincerest heart.
Sinless heart of Mary.
Sinless mother’s heart.
So filled with tenderness and compassion for us, that no one ever endured as much from his own sufferings as Mary has endured from the afflictions of others.
Spotless heart and true.
Spotless tabernacle of the Holy Ghost.
Stainless heart.
Stricken with grief and sorrow.
Sweet heart of Mary.
Tender heart, filled as it was with extraordinary charity and compassion for the afflicted.
Tender, kind and loving heart.
Tenderest of mothers’ hearts.
That didst endure for love of us the bitter dolors at the foot of the cross.
That didst procure more glory to the most holy Trinity than all of the saints together. .
That mirror fair is Mary’s heart.
That ocean of love which is her heart.
The altar of her heart.
The angel Gabriel hailed it “full of grace”.
The Godhead’s shrine.
The earthly resting place of the sacred and divine Heart of Jesus.
The greatest of hearts after the Heart of Jesus.
The heart of the Savior’s mother.
The heart of your most holy mother.
The heart that sin has never marred.
The home of love.
The spotless tabernacle of the Holy Ghost.
The tender heart of the mother of God.
The very heart of the Mystical Body.
The way which leads to Jesus.
This heart which has loved with a mother’s love an Infant God and which loves with the same maternal love all of the children of men.
Thou, whose remembering heart to the forgotten was ever the one shield that naught could break.
Throne of love and mercy.
True heart.
Unconquered but lacerated heart.
Unique in heaven and earth.
Worthy of the veneration and love of all the angels and of all men.
Wounded heart.