Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, The Little Daughter of the Divine Will
October 3, 1928
Exchange between Jerusalem and Rome. In creating man, God placed as many seeds of happiness in him for as many things as He created.
My poor mind was thinking about many things regarding the Divine Will—especially about how Its Kingdom could come, how It could spread, and many other things that it is not necessary to write on paper.And my Beloved Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter(Luisa), if Rome has the primacy of My Church, she owes it to Jerusalem, because the beginning of Redemption was precisely in Jerusalem. Within that homeland, from the little town of Nazareth I chose My Virgin Mother; I Myself was born in the little town of Bethlehem, and all of My Apostles were from that homeland. And even though, ungrateful, she did not want to recognize Me and rejected the goods of My Redemption, it cannot be denied that the origin, the beginning, the first people who received the good of It, were from this city. The first criers of the Gospel, those who established Catholicism in Rome, were My
Apostles, all from Jerusalem—that is, from this homeland.
“Now there will be an exchange: if Jerusalem gave to Rome the life of religion and therefore of Redemption, Rome will give to Jerusalem the Kingdom of the Divine Will. And this is so true, that just as I chose a Virgin from the little town of Nazareth for the Redemption, so I have chosen another virgin in a little town of Italy belonging to Rome, to whom the mission of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat has been entrusted. And since It must be known in
Rome, just as My coming upon earth was known in Jerusalem, Rome will have the great honor of requiting Jerusalem for the great Gift received from her, which is Redemption, by making known to her the Kingdom of My Will.
“Then will Jerusalem repent of her ingratitude, and will embrace the life of the religion that she gave to Rome; and, grateful, she will receive from Rome the life and the great Gift of the Kingdom of My Divine Will. And not only Jerusalem, but all the other nations will receive from Rome the great Gift of the Kingdom of My Fiat, the first criers of It, Its Gospel—all full of peace, of happiness and of restoration of the creation of man.
“And not only will My manifestations bring sanctity, joys, peace and happiness, but the whole of Creation, competing with them, will unleash from each created thing each of the happinesses It contains, and will pour them over the creatures. In fact, in creating man, We placed in his being all the seeds of the happinesses that each created thing possessed, disposing the interior of man like a field that contained all the seeds of happinesses; so much so, that he has within himself all the tastes to be able to savor and receive into himself all the happinesses of created things. If man did not possess these seeds, he would lack the sense of taste, of smell, to be able to enjoy what God had put out of Himself in the whole Creation.
“Now, by sinning, man caused all these seeds of happiness that God had infused in him in creating him to fall ill, and therefore he lost the taste to be able to enjoy all the happinesses contained in Creation. It happened as to a poor ill one, who cannot enjoy all the flavors contained in foods; on the contrary, he feels heaviness; food itself converts into pain; everything gives him nausea; and if he takes it, it is not because he enjoys it, but in order not to die.
“On the other hand, one who is healthy feels taste, strength, warmth, because his stomach has the strength to assimilate the goods contained in foods, and he enjoys them. The same happened in man: by sinning, he caused the seeds, and the very strength to be able to enjoy all the happinesses contained in Creation, to fall ill; and many times they convert into pain.
“Now, with the return of man into My Divine Fiat, the seeds will acquire health, and he will acquire the strength to assimilate and to enjoy all the happinesses present in the order of Creation. So, a contest of happiness will begin for him; everything will smile at him, and man will return to be happy, as God had created him.”