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From the Writings of The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta The Little Daughter of the Divine Will


Volume 11 – July 23, 1912

You must know(Luisa)  that when you(Luisa) do not feel anything from your heart, I pull your heart into my Heart and I keep it there, resting in sweet sleep, while I enjoy it.  If you(Luisa) feel it, then the enjoyment is together.  If you (Luisa)let Me do, after I have given you(Luisa) rest in my Heart and enjoyed in you(Luisa), I will come to rest within you(Luisa) and I will make you(Luisa) enjoy the contentments of my Heart. 

Volume 11 – October 14, 1912

You must know (Luisa) that everything I do to the chosen souls is sealed with the seal of the Eternal One, and there is no power that can take the work of my Grace away from the chosen soul.  

Volume 11 – August 27, 1913

Furthermore, what you(uisa) say is not true, ‘What’s the purpose of my state?’ You must know(Luis)  that, for the soul who really does my Will, the virtue of my Will is so great that if I get close to the place where that soul is in order to send chastisements, finding there my Will and my own Love, I don’t feel like punishing Myself in that soul; rather, I remain wounded and I faint.  So, instead of chastising, I throw Myself in the arms of that soul, who contains my Will and my Love.  I rest and I remain all cheered. 

Volume 11 – September 3, 1913

You must know(Luisa)  that when I place the soul in my Will, and she takes stable residence in my Volition, the soul feels that she has everything in abundance, since my Will contains all possible imaginable goods; so she puts herself in my same conditions, feeling the need to give rather than to receive.  She feels that she does not need anything; and if she wants something, she can take anything she wants, without even asking for it.  Since my Will contains an irresistible force to give, she is happy only when she gives; and as she gives, she remains even more thirsty for giving.  In what constraints she finds herself when she wants to give and cannot find anyone to whom to give! 

Volume 11 – August 3, 1916

“My daughter(Luisa), good is always good.  Even more, you must know(Luisa)  that each prayer, each reparation, each act of love, any holy thing that the creature does, is one more paradise that she acquires.  So, the simplest holy act will be one more paradise; one act less, a paradise less.  In fact, every good act comes from God.  

Volume 12 – April 2, 1917

You must know(Luisa)  that souls are so bound to Me as to form many links connected together within my Humanity.  As souls are lost, they break these links, and I feel the pain as if one member were detaching itself from the other.  Now, who can connect these links together?   Who can weld them, in such a way as to make the split disappear?   Who can make them enter into Me again, in order to give them life?   The pains of my privation – because they are Divine.  My pain for the loss of souls is Divine; the pain of the soul who cannot see Me or feel Me is Divine.  Since they are both Divine pains, they can kiss each other, be linked to each other, stand before each other, and have such power as to catch the escaped souls, and link them in my Humanity.  

Volume 12 – July 25, 1917

You must know (Luisa) that the most noble, the most sublime, the greatest and most heroic act is to do my Will, and to operate in my Volition.  At this act, which no one else can equal, I display the pomp of all my Love and generosity.  As soon as the soul decides to do It – in the act in which the two wills meet to be fused into each other and become one – to give her the honor of keeping her in my Volition, if she is stained, I purify her; if the thorns of human nature envelope her, I shatter them; and if some nail pierces her – that is, sin – I pulverize it, because nothing evil can enter my Will.  

Volume 12 – March 16, 1918

You must know(Luisa)  that I was inside your heart(Luisa), and as you were doing your acts(Luisa), your prayers(Luisa), your reparations(Luisa), pouring yourself into my Will and loving Me, I took everything for Myself, and I used it to nourish Myself and to embellish my garment with precious diamonds.  This is so true that, as you(Luisa) were loving Me, praying Me, and so on, I did not remain on an empty stomach as if you(Luisa) were doing nothing.  I was the One who took everything, since you(Luisa) gave Me full freedom.  Now, when the soul does so, I cannot rest when she is in need; I make Myself all for her.  Tell Me, then, what do you(Luisa) want?” 

Volume 12 – August 12, 1918

You must know(Luisa)  that if you(Luisa) did not need anything, I would let the peoples die of starvation.  But because you(Luisa) need it, since it can serve your necessities, I give the necessary things to creatures for love of you(Luisa) and because of you(Luisa). 

Volume 12 – March 16, 1919

You must know(Luisa)  that if you(Luisa) did not need anything, I would let the peoples die of starvation.  But because you(Luisa) need it, since it can serve your necessities, I give the necessary things to creatures for love of you(Luisa) and because of you(Luisa). 

Volume 13 – June 2, 1921

“My daughter(Luisa), if I want this sacrifice, you (Luisa)must be ready to make it – you(Luisa) must deny Me nothing.  Now, you must know(Luisa)  that, in coming upon earth, I came to manifest my Celestial doctrine, to make known my Humanity, my Fatherland, and the order which the creature had to maintain in order to reach Heaven – in a word, the Gospel.  But I said almost nothing or very little about my Will.  I almost passed over It, only making them understand that the thing which I cared the most was the Will of my Father.  I said almost nothing about Its qualities, about Its height and greatness, and about the great goods which the creature receives by living in my Volition, because the creature was too much of an infant in Celestial things, and would have understood nothing.  I just taught her to pray: ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua, sicut in coelo et in terra’, so that she might dispose herself to know this Will of Mine in order to love It, to do It, and therefore receive the gifts It contains.  

Volume 13 – August 13, 1921

You must know(Luisa)  that as you(Luisa) think in my Will, as you(Luisa) speak, as you(Luisa) work, as you(Luisa) love, etc., you(Luisa) deliver to my Will as many children for as many thoughts as you(Luisa) make, for as many words as you(Luisa) say, for as many works and acts of love as you(Luisa) emit.  These children multiply to the infinite in my Will and go around throughout Heaven and through the entire earth, bringing new joy, new glory and contentment to Heaven, and new grace to the earth; going through all hearts, carrying my sighs, my moans, the pleas of their Mother who wants them saved, and who wants to give them Her Life. 

Volume 13 – Sep. 02, 1921

You must know (Luisa) that I acted with you(Luisa) as a King who begins to love a friend, who is very dissimilar from Him in status; but His love is so great, that He has decided to make him similar to Himself.  Now, this King cannot do everything at once and render His friend like Himself; rather, He does it little by little.  First He prepares a royal palace for him, similar to His own; then He sends the adornments to decorate the royal palace.  He forms a little army for him; then He gives him half of His Kingdom, so as to be able to say: ‘What you possess, I possess.  King am I – king are you’.  

Volume 13 – September 6, 1921

You must know (Luisa) that every time I manifest to you(Luisa) one more truth about my Will, it is one more bond that I form between you(Luisa) and Me, and with the whole human family.  It is a greater union; it is a tighter link; it is sharing my inheritances; and as I manifest them I form the deed of donation, and in seeing my children richer and sharing in the inheritance, I feel new contentments and I make feast.  

Volume 13 – September 16, 1921

Afterwards, coming back again, as I was fusing all of myself in the Divine Will, He told me: “Dearest daughter of my Will(Luisa), I anxiously await your fusions in my Will.  You must know(Luisa)  that as I thought in my Will, I kept molding your thoughts in my Will, preparing the place for them; as I worked, I molded your works in my Will; and so with all the rest.  Now, whatever I did, I did not do for Myself since I did not need it – but for you(Luisa).  This I why I await you(Luisa) in my Will, that you(Luisa) may come and take the places which my Humanity prepared for you(Luisa).  And over my moldings – come and do yours.  Only then am I content and I receive complete glory, when I see you(Luisa) do what I did.” 

Volume 13 – October 13, 1921

“Dearest daughter of my Will(Luisa), I anxiously await your fusions in my Will.  You must know(Luisa)  that as I thought in my Will, I kept molding your thoughts in my Will, preparing the place for them; as I worked, I molded your works in my Will; and so with all the rest.  Now, whatever I did, I did not do for Myself since I did not need it – but for you(Luisa).  This I why I await you(Luisa) in my Will, that you(Luisa) may come and take the places which my Humanity prepared for you(Luisa).  And over my moldings – come and do yours.  Only then am I content and I receive complete glory, when I see you(Luisa) do what I did.” 

Volume 13 – October  27, 1921

You must know(Luisa)  that my Will must be like the soul to the body.  See, this happens also within Us, the Three Divine Persons.  Our Love is great, infinite and eternal, but if We did not have a Will that animates and gives life to this Love, Our Love would be without life, without works.  Our Wisdom seems incredible, Our Power can crush everything in one minute, and in another minute It can redo everything.  But if We did not have a Will that wanted to manifest the mastery of Our Wisdom, as It manifested it in the Creation, in which It ordered and harmonized everything, and with Its Power It made it fixed in such way that it cannot move one bit – both Wisdom and Power would have had nothing to do; and so with all the rest of Our attributes.  

Volume 13 – November 04, 1921

In fact, you must know(Luisa)  that many electric wires of communication and union pass between creature and Creator, which render her almost inseparable from Me, provided that she has not withdrawn from my Will; because withdrawing is nothing other than snapping the wires of communication, and breaking the union.  The Life of the Creator, more than electricity, flows within the creature, and she flows within Me.  My Life is spread within the creature.  In creating her, I linked my Wisdom to her intelligence, so that her intelligence might be nothing but the reflection on Mine; and if man reaches such great extent with his science, as to seem incredible, it is because the reflection of Mine is reflected in his.  If his eye is animated by a light, it is nothing other than the reflection of my Eternal Light being reflected in his eye.  

Volume 13 – December 3. 1921

Now, you must know (Luisa) that the greater is the work I want to do, the more preparations are needed.  How many prophecies, how many preparations, how many centuries did not precede my Redemption?  How many symbols and figures did not anticipate the Conception of my Celestial Mama?  Then, after I accomplished Redemption, I had to strengthen man in the goods of Redemption; and for this I chose the Apostles as the strengtheners of the fruits of Redemption, as they were to look for the lost man and lead him to safety by means of the Sacraments. 

Volume 13 – December 5, 1921

Even more, you must know(Luisa)  that every time you(Luisa) manifest one additional value of my Will, I feel so much contentment that I love you(Luisa) with multiplied love.” 

Volume 14 – February 6, 1922

You must know (Luisa) that in creating man I released a quantity of Love from within my Divinity which was to serve as primary life of the creatures, so that they might be enriched, sustained, strengthened, and helped in all of their needs.  But man rejected this Love, and my Love has been wandering from the time man was created, and It keeps going round without ever stopping.  Rejected by someone, It runs to someone else in order to give Itself; and as It is rejected, It bursts into sobs.  So, lack of correspondence causes the sobbing of Love. 

Volume 14 – March 10, 1922

But you must know (Luisa) that since my Will dominates everything, is everywhere, sustains everyone, is known in Heaven, on earth and even by demons, there is no one who can oppose It.  In the same way, the soul who does my Will must dominate everything, be everywhere, sustain everything, and I want her to be known by all.” 

Volume 14 – March 13, 1922

On hearing this, the Confessor told me: “You must know  that when Jesus speaks to you and manifests His truths to you, rays of light drop upon you.  Back then, when you manifested them to me, not having His virtue, you manifested them drop by drop, and yet my soul remained all filled with those drops of light.  That light gave me greater spur, more desire to hear more truths, to be able to receive more light, because the truths bring celestial fragrance and divine sensation – and this, by just hearing them.  What will it be for those who practice them?  This is why I loved – I desired so much to hear what Jesus told you, and I wanted to tell others: it was light and fragrance that I felt, and I wanted others to share in them.  If you knew the great good that my soul has received in hearing the truths which Jesus was saying to you!  How it still drips with light, and emanates celestial fragrance, which not only gives me refreshment, but serves as light to me and to those who are near me.  And as you do your acts in the Divine Volition, I take special part in them, because I feel the seed of His Most Holy Will which you were sowing in me.” 

Volume 14 – April 13, 1922

“How happy I am of your triple affirmation!  Do not fear, these are nothing but reassurances, reaffirmations and confirmations, so as to impress in you(Luisa) the triple seal of the Will of the Three Divine Persons. You must know(Luisa)  that one who lives in my Will must rise up high – but so high as to live in the womb of the Most Holy Trinity.  Your life(Luisa) and Ours must be one.  

Volume 14 – July 28, 1922

You must know(Luisa)  that also my Humanity, as Holy as It was, and immensely eager to suffer, felt this repugnance.  But it was not mine; it was all the repugnance that creatures felt in doing good and in accepting the pains which they deserved.  And I had to suffer these pains which tortured Me not a little, in order to give them the inclination to good, and to render their pains sweeter; to the point that in the Garden I cried out to the Father: ‘If it is possible, let this chalice pass from Me!’ Do you think it was I?  Ah, no!  – you deceive yourself.  I loved suffering to folly; I loved death to give life to my children.  It was the cry of the whole human family that echoed in my Humanity, and I, crying out together with them to give them strength, repeated as many as three times: ‘If it is possible, let this chalice pass from Me!’ I was speaking in the name of all, as if it were my own thing; but I felt crushed.  

Volume 14 – August 12, 1922

Now, you must know(Luisa)  that my Will is most pure gold.  And so that the thread of your will(Luisa) may become of most pure gold – in such a way that, as the thread of your will(Luisa) is braided with Mine, that which is yours(Luisa) and that which is Mine may not be distinguished – it takes only sacrifice and pains.  Consuming the thread of your human will, they substitute it with the golden divine thread which, identifying itself with mine, forms one single thread, and braiding the great wheel of Eternity, extends everywhere and finds itself in every place.  

Volume 14 – September 27. 1922

You must know (Luisa) that the leaders of the nations are conspiring together to destroy the peoples and to plot troubles against my Church; and to obtain the intent, they want to use the help of foreign powers.  The point in which the world finds itself is terrible.  Therefore pray and be patient.” 

Volume 14 – October 27, 1922

This is my usual way: first I fecundate my Works, I form them within Me, and at the appropriate time I deliver them.  Even more, you must know(Luisa)  that my Humanity contained two generations within Itself: the children of darkness and the children of Light.  I came to rescue the first ones, and so I gave out my Blood in order to save them.

 Volume 14 – November 5, 1922

You must know (Luisa) that what my Will was, It is and will be: It has changed in nothing.  But as It manifests Itself, It makes known the variety of the colors, effects and values It contains; and It does not just make Itself known, but It gives to the soul the variety of Its colors, effects and values; otherwise, why make them known?  My Will acted like a great lord who showed his most extensive and sumptuous palace.  To the first ones he pointed out the way in order to reach his palace; to the second the door; to the third the stairs; to the forth the first rooms; and to the last ones he opened all the rooms, making them the owners and giving them all the goods which are in it.  

Volume 14 – November 11, 1922

Little daughter of my Will(Luisa), this immense Light that you(Luisa) see is my Supreme Will, from which nothing escapes.  You must know(Luisa)  that as I created the heavens, the Sun, the stars, etc., for all I fixed the limits, the place and the number, and they can neither increase nor decrease.  I hold all things in the palm of my hand.  In the same way, in creating man, at the same time I created all intelligences and each thought, all words, works, steps, and all the rest of man, from the first to the last who will exist.  And this was as though natural in Me; more so, since I Myself was to be the actor and spectator of even one thought.  Since man would not be able to do it without Me, how could I not know it, and know also their number?  

Volume 14 – November 20, 1922

You must knowLuisa)  that in creating man I fixed many currents of love between Me and him.  Having created him was not enough for Me, no; I was to place so many currents of love between Myself and him that there was to be not one part of him in which these currents would not flow.  Therefore in the intelligence of man ran the current of love of my Wisdom; in his eyes ran the current of love of my Light; in his mouth, the current of love of my Word; in his hands, the current of love of the Sanctity of my works; in his will, the current of love of Mine; and so with all the rest.  Man was made to be in continuous communications with His Creator; and how could he be in communication with Me if my currents would not run in his?  

Volume 15 – March 12, 1923

I remained alone, and the Divinity was as though separated from Me! Oh, how I felt this privation! But this was necessary.  You must know(Luisa)  that when the Divinity delivered the Work of Creation, It also delivered all the glory, all the goods and happiness that each creature was to receive, not only in this life, but also in the Celestial Fatherland.  Now, all the part which was destined to lost souls remained suspended, having no one to whom to give itself.  

Volume 15 – March 18, 1923

Furthermore, you must know(Luisa)  that, in creating man, Our Supreme Will was that he live in Our Volition; and having to live in It, he was to take all that is Ours, living at Our expense, repaying Our Will with as many divine acts for as many human acts as he did in Our Will.  This, in order to enrich him with all the goods which Our Will contains.  But man wanted to live in his will, at his own expense, and so he exiled himself from his Fatherland, losing all these goods.  So these goods remained without heirs; they were immense, and nobody possessed them.  

Volume 15 – July 1, 1923

And one who is willing to listen to Me forms my joy and my delight in conversing with her.  You must know(Luisa)  that when I manifest one truth of Mine which is not yet known, it is a new creation that I do, and I love very much to unleash from Me the many goods and secrets which I contain.  But as much as I say, since I am the ever new Act, which never repeats Itself, I always desire to say more; and as I speak, I have always more new things which I would like to say, because the new is never exhausted in Me.  I am always new in love, new in beauty, new in contentments and in harmonies – new in everything and always new.  And this is why I never tire anyone.  I have always new things to say, and the irresistible force which pushes Me to manifest Myself is my Love.  I delivered Creation from an outpouring of love.  All that can be seen in the whole Universe was all inside of Me.  But Love made the shadow of my Light overflow from my interior, and so I created the sun; the shadow of my Immensity and of my harmonies, and so I stretched out the heavens, harmonizing them with many stars and celestial spheres.  These and other things which I created, were nothing but shadows unleashed from Me; and so my Love had Its outpouring, and I took great delight in seeing all that was contained in Me, spread out in little particles, flowing upon all creation. 

Volume 15 – July 5, 1923

“My daughter(Luisa), everything is profound mysteries and sublime teachings in my Life, in which man must reflect himself in order to imitate Me.  You must know(Luisa)  that the pride of the Jews – especially in the fake sanctity they professed, for which they were considered to be upright and conscientious men – was so great that they believed that by just presenting Me themselves, and by saying that they had found Me at fault and guilty of death, Pilate would have to believe them, and condemn Me without making them undergo any interrogation; more so, since they were dealing with a gentile judge, who had no knowledge of God or conscience.  

Volume 15 – July 11, 1923

You must know(Luisa)  that this fulfillment of my Will is so great that It numbers among the greatest Works the Divinity has ever operated.  And I want It to be known, so that in knowing Its greatness and the immense goods It contains, souls may esteem It and desire It.

Three times did the Divinity decide to operate “ad extra”.  The first was in Creation, and it was without intervention of the creature, since none of them had yet come to daylight.  The second was in Redemption, and with it intervened a Woman, the holiest, the most beautiful – my Celestial Mama.  She was the channel and the instrument I used in order to fulfill the Work of Redemption.  The third is the fulfillment of my Will, that It be done on earth as It is in Heaven – that the creature may live and operate with the Sanctity and the Power of Our own Will; a Work inseparable from Creation and Redemption – just as the Most Holy Trinity is inseparable.  Nor can We say that the Work of Creation is completed, if Our Will, as We decreed, does not act in the creature and live with the freedom, sanctity and power with which It acts and lives in Us.  Even more – this is the most beautiful point, the most radiant and high, and the seal of the fulfillment of the Work of Creation and of Redemption.

Volume 16 – August 13, 1923

Now, you must know(Luisa)  that a simple creature broke the relations which existed between the Divine Will and the creature, and this split destroyed the plans which God had in the creation of man.  Now, a simple creature, the Virgin Queen of all – although endowed with many graces and privileges, but still a mere creature – was given the office to bind again, to be tested by, and to place herself in relation with the Will of her Creator, in order to repair the first split of the first creature.  A woman, the first one; a woman, the second one. 

Volume 16 – September 21, 1923

Even more, you must know(Luisa)  that the first one to make justice of you(Luisa) was my Love.  How many trials did It not make you(Luisa) go through in order to be certain of your love?  The second one was the Cross, which made severe justice of you(Luisa), to the extent that my Will, drawn by my Love and by the Cross, wanted to descend into you(Luisa)to make you(Luisa)live in It.  But also my Will did not want to be outdone by my Love and by the Cross, and to be more certain, It jealously withdrew, making justice of you(Luisa), to see whether you(Luisa) would continue your flights in my Will without Me.” 

Volume 16_Oct. 20, 1923

You must know(Luisa)  that the soul is my field in which I work, sow and harvest; but my favorite field is the soul who lives in my Will.  In this field my work is delightful; I do not get covered in mud when I sow, because my Will has converted it into a field of Light.  Its earth is Virgin, pure and celestial, and I amuse Myself very much in sowing little lights in it, almost like a dew which forms the Sun of my Will… Oh, how beautiful it is to see this field of the soul all covered with many drops of Light which, as they grow, form many suns! This sight is enchanting; all Heaven is enraptured at their sight, and they are all attentive on looking at the Celestial Farmer who cultivates this field with such great mastery, and who possesses a seed so noble as to convert it into a Sun. 

Volume 16 – November 8, 1923

You must know (Luisa) that when I came upon earth, I came to abolish the old laws, and to perfect others.  But in abolishing them, I did not exempt Myself from observing those laws; rather, I observed them in a more perfect way than others did.  Having to unite in Me the old and the new, I wanted to observe them in order to give fulfillment to the old laws, placing on them the seal of their abolition, and to give start to the new law, which I came to establish upon earth – a law of Grace and of Love, which enclosed all sacrifices in Me, since I was to be the true and only sacrificed.   

Volume 16 – February 16, 1924

You must know(Luisa)  that every beat of my Heart was a distinct pain.  Every heartbeat brought Me a new pain, one different from the other.  Human life is a continuous palpitating; if the heartbeat ceases, life ceases.  And so now imagine what torrents of pain each beat of my Heart brought Me.  Up to the last moment of my dying, from my conception to my last heartbeat, it did not spare Me from bringing Me new pains and bitter sorrows. 

Volume 16 – February 28, 1924

You must know(Luisa)  that as the Divinity decreed Creation, It delivered all that It was to give to the creature – the gifts, the graces, the caresses, the kisses of love which It was to manifest to her.  Just as It delivered the Sun, the stars, the blue heavens and all the rest, so It delivered all the gifts with which It was to enrich the souls.  Now, as man withdrew from the Supreme Will, he rejected all these goods.  But the Divinity did not withdraw them into Itself; It left them suspended in Its Will, waiting for the human will to bind itself to Its Will and to enter into the original Order created by It, so as to place in current with human nature all the gifts established by It.  

Volume 16 – March 22, 1924

You must know(Luisa)  that every effect, every good, every value I make you know about my Will and all that the creature can do by living in It, are like many tastes, baits, magnets, nourishments, harmonies, fragrances, lights.  Each effect I talk to you(Luisa) about contains its own distinct property; so, by not manifesting all the goods contained in my Will and where the soul can reach by living in my Will, you(Luisa) would subtract a bait with which to capture them, or a taste to attract them, or a magnet to draw them, or a nourishment to satiate them.  So, the perfect harmony, the pleasure of the fragrances, the light in order to lead them, would be lacking.  

Volume 16 – May 24, 1924

You must know(Luisa)  the cause, the reason why the Divine Wisdom and Omnipotence wanted to pronounce the “FIAT” in Creation.  It could have created all things without saying a word, but since It wanted His Will to breathe over all things, and these things to receive the virtue and the goods It contains, It pronounced the “FIAT”.  And as It pronounced it, It communicated the prodigies of Its Will, so that all things might have my Will as life, rule, example and teacher.  My daughte(Luisa)r, since the first word of your God which resounded in the vault of the Heavens was “FIAT” – nor did He say anything else – this meant that everything was in the FIAT.  

Volume 16 – June 6, 1924

You must know(Luisa)  the cause, the reason why the Divine Wisdom and Omnipotence wanted to pronounce the “FIAT” in Creation.  It could have created all things without saying a word, but since It wanted His Will to breathe over all things, and these things to receive the virtue and the goods It contains, It pronounced the “FIAT”.  And as It pronounced it, It communicated the prodigies of Its Will, so that all things might have my Will as life, rule, example and teacher.  My daughter(Luisa), since the first word of your God which resounded in the vault of the Heavens was “FIAT” – nor did He say anything else – this meant that everything was in the FIAT.  

Volume 17 – Juy 29, 1924

Even more, you must know(Luisa)  that as the soul decides to let herself be possessed by my Will and to live in It, since my Will is linked to all created things and there is nothing over which It does not have Its dominion, in the same way, the soul remains linked to all created things; and as she does her acts, her daughtership of my Will, her dwelling, her possession, remain inscribed on all created things with indelible characters.  Take a look at the whole Universe, at the heavens, at the stars, at the sun – at everything, and you (Luisa)will see your name, written with indelible characters, together with your daughtership of my Will.  

Volume 17 – October 23, 1924

“My daughter(Luisa), you(Luisa) do not know what my Will on earth is.  It shows that, after so many of my lessons, you(Luisa) have not understood well.  You must know(Luisa)  that the soul who, here, lets my Will live within her, as she prays, as she suffers, as she works, as she loves, etc., forms a sweet enchantment to the divine pupils, in such a way as to enclose, with her acts, the gaze of God in that enchantment; and so the Omnipotent One, taken by the sweetness of this enchantment, feels disarmed of many chastisements which the creatures draw upon themselves with their grave sins. 

Volume 17 – June. 27, 1925

“My daughte(Luisa)r, you must know(Luisa)  that, whether you(Luisa) see Me or not, every time you(Luisa) fuse yourself in my Will, from within your interior(Luisa), I take your hand and push you(Luisa) high, and from Heaven I give you(Luisa) my other hand to take your other hand and pull you(Luisa) up into Our midst, in Our interminable Will.  Therefore, you(Luisa) are between my hands, in my arms.

You must know(Luisa)  that all the acts done in Our Will enter into the prime Act when We created all beings.  And the acts of the creature, in kissing Ours – because One is the Will which gives Life to these acts – diffuse in all created things, just as Our Will is diffused everywhere; they become return of love – continuous adoration and glory, for all that We have delivered in Creation.  Only that which is done in Our Will begins, almost together with Us, to give Us return of perennial love, adoration in a divine manner, glory that never ends. 

Volume 17 – February 22, 1925

By doing the Will of the Eternal One, always and in everything, my Humanity opened the ways between the human will and the Divine, which had been closed by the creature through sin.  You must know (Luisa) that, in creating man, the Divinity formed many channels of communication between the Creator and the creature.  The three powers of the soul were channels: the intelligence, a channel in order to comprehend my Will; the memory, a channel in order to remember It continuously; and the Will, in the middle of these two channels, formed the third channel in order to fly into the Will of her Creator.  The intelligence and the memory were the support, the defense, the strength, of the channel of the will, that it might not stagger, either to the right or to the left.  

Volume 17 – March 8, 1925

You must know(Luisa)  that my Humanity covered all the paths of the Eternal Will, and for all the acts I found, which were done for the good of all my brothers, I emitted my own, to return the Divine Will for Its many acts, done for the good of the human generations.  This was the most legitimate act, which it was appropriate for Me to do, for the prime honor of my Celestial Father.  And as I was doing this, I left the deposit of my acts in the Divine Will Itself, so that they might remain always in act of giving to my Divine Father this legitimate honor which creatures do not give Him, and of forcing the Eternal Will to make peace with the human will. 

Volume 17 – April 26, 1925

Therefore, you must knowLuisa)  that, in creating man, God infused Life in him with His breath; and in this Life He infused in him an intelligence, a memory and a will, to place them in relation with His Divine Will.  This Divine Will was to be like a King; It was to dominate all of the interior of the creature, and to give Life to all, in such a way as to form the intelligence and the memory wanted by the Supreme Will in her.  Once this was formed, it was as though natural for the eye of the creature to look at created things, and to know their order and the Will of God over the whole universe.  The hearing was to hear the prodigies of this Eternal Will.  The mouth, which was to feel the continuous breath of its Creator, communicating to it the Life and the goods contained in His Will, was to echo that Eternal FIAT with its word, to narrate what “Will of God” means.  The hands were to be the expression of the works of this Supreme Will.  The feet were to do nothing but follow, step by step, the steps of their Creator.  So, once the Divine Will is established in the will of the creature, she has the eyes, the hearing, the mouth, the hands, the feet, of my Will.  She never departs from the origin from which she came; and so she remains always in my arms, and it is easy for her to feel my breath, and for Me to breathe upon her.  

Volume 17 – May 1, 1925

Even more, you must know(Luisa)  that, just as my Humanity, in Its office of Redeemer, conceived all souls, the same was to happen in you(Luisa), in your mission and office to make my Will known and reign: as you(Luisa) continue to do your acts in my Will for all, all creatures remain conceived in your will; and as you(Luisa) keep repeating your acts in Mine, you(Luisa) form many sips of Life of Divine Will, in order to be able to nourish all the creatures which are as though conceived in yours, by virtue of my Will.  Do you(Luisa) not feel how, in my Will, you(Luisa) embrace all, from the first to the last creature which is to exist upon earth; and for all, you(Luisa) would want to satisfy, love, please this Supreme Will, binding It to all, removing all obstacles that prevent Its dominion in the creatures – making It known to all; and even with sufferings, you expose yourself to satisfy for all, this Supreme Will, which so much loves to be known and to reign in the midst of creatures? 

Volume 17 – May 21, 1925

Furthermore, you must know(Luisa)  that in order to entrust to you(Luisa) the mission of my Will, if I did not remove from you(Luisa) the original sin, as I did with my beloved Mama, I removed from you(Luisa) the tendency of concupiscence and the seed of corruption, because it befitted the decorum and the Sanctity of my Will not to take Its place in a corrupted will and nature.  These would have been like clouds before the Sun of my Will; and the knowledges of It, like rays, would not have penetrated, and would not have taken possession of your sou(Luisa)l.  Now, since my Will is in you(Luisa), all Heaven, the Most Holy Virgin, all the Saints and Angels, are bound to you(Luisa), because my Will is Life of each one of them.  

Volume 17 – May 30, 1925

Moreover, you must know (Luisa) that when I manifest to you(Luisa) one knowledge about my Will, only then do I decide to open another door of my knowledge, when you(Luisa) have let all the good of what I have manifested to you(Luisa), enter into your soul.  If I did not do so, yours would only be the news of that good, but not the possession of It.  And I cannot do this – whenever I speak, I want the good which I manifest, to be possessed.  

Volume 17 – June 20, 1925

You must know(Luisa)  that as the soul breathes, palpitates, works, thinks, loves, acts, even though everything is carried out within her, since my Will has become the center of life in her, it is my Will that breathes, palpitates, loves, thinks, acts, gives motion to her work, circulation to her blood, thought to her mind, love to her heart, and the like.  Now, since this Will is the same as the one which the Three Divine Persons have, it happens that They feel within Them the breath of the soul, her heartbeat, her motion.

Volume 18 – August 9, 1925

“My daughter(Luisa), you must know (Luisa) that this way of praying – that is, to return God in love for all the things He has created – is a divine right and forms part of the primary duty of the creature.  The Creation was made out of love for man.  Even more, Our Love was so great that, had it been necessary, We would have created as many heavens, suns, stars, seas, earths, plants, and everything else, for as many creatures as were to come to the light of this world, so that each one of them might have a Creation for herself, a Universe of her own; just as when everything was created, and Adam was the only spectator of all Creation – he could enjoy all the good he wanted.  

Volume 18 – October 4,1925

You must know(Luisa)  that when the soul decides to do some good, to exercise a virtue, she forms the seed of that virtue.  By repeating those acts, she forms the water in order to water that seed on the earth of her heart; and the more she repeats them, the more she waters that seed, and the plant grows beautiful and green, in such a way that it soon produces the fruits of that seed.  On the other hand, if she is slow in repeating them, many times the seed remains suffocated; and if it grows at all, it grows thin, and it never gives fruit.  Poor seed, without enough water to grow!  My Sun never rises on that seed, to give it fecundity, maturity and a beautiful color to its fruits, because it is not fecund 

Volume 18 – October 10, 1925

You must know(Luisa)  that everything I did toward My Son, I intended to do toward those souls who were to live in the Divine Will, because, being in It, they are disposed to receive all the acts I did toward Jesus; and I could find sufficient space in which to place them.  So, if I kissed My Son, I kissed them, because I found them together with Him in His Supreme Will.  They were the first to be as though lined up within Him, and My maternal love pushed Me to make them participate in all that I did to My Son. 

Volume 18 – November 12, 1925

You must know(Luisa)  that for one who has been called to be the head of a mission, the more good she encloses which belong to this mission, the more good she will be able to communicate to others.  Those goods will be as many seeds which you(Luisa) will lend to others, so that, whoever will have the fortune of wanting to acquire those seeds, may become the possessor of the harvest of those very seeds.  This happened with Adam, who, being the first man, was constituted head of all generations; and being the head, by necessity he had to possess the seeds of all that is necessary for the development of human life, so that these might be given to others.  It is true that these seeds have been enlarged, clarified, known more, according to the goodwill of the following generations, to their capabilities, and to the applications they made of these very seeds; but Adam had them all within himself, and one can say that everything comes from him.  

Volume 18 – February 11, 1926

You must know (Luisa) that when My Will reigns in the soul, It integrates everything she does and the development of the Life of My Eternal Will within her.  Therefore, it was not you who called My Divine Mama, but it was My Will that called Her.  And She, feeling called by a Divine Will which has always been whole and triumphant within Her, immediately realized that one from the Celestial Family was calling Her upon earth, and She said to all Heaven: ‘Let us go, let us go.  It is one from our Family that calls us to fulfill the duties of the Family to which we belong…’ And here they are – look at them, all around us: the Virgin, the Saints, the Angels, to do the act of adoration that you want to do; and the Divinity, to receive it. 

Volume 18 – February 21, 1926

You must know(Luisa)  that one who is born in My Will can also be a mother, by giving birth to many children of My Supreme Volition.  In order to be mother, it is necessary to have enough material in one’s own interior in order to form with one’s own blood, with one’s own flesh and with continuous nourishment, the birth which one wants to give to the light.  If there is no seed and not enough material, it is useless to hope to become a mother. 

Volume 19 – March 9, 1926

Now, you must know(Luisa)  that Our love wants to play this risky game also with you, so that you, united with the Celestial Mama, may let Us win the game by allowing Us to make up for the failure which the first man, Adam, caused Us; and so that Our Will, restored in Its victories, may place Its goods in the field once again, which, with so much love, It wants to give to creatures.  And just as through the Holy Virgin – because I was restored in my game – I made the Sun of Redemption rise in order to save the lost humanity; in the same way, through you(Luisa), I will make the Sun of my Will rise again, that It may follow Its course in the midst of creatures.  This is the reason for so many graces of mine which I pour into you(Luisa), and for the many knowledges about my Will: it is nothing but my risky game which I am forming in you(Luisa).  

Volume 19 – March 14, 1926

You must know(Luisa)  that my Immaculate Mama Herself is the newborn of my Will, because in comparing what the Creator is and what the creature can be and take from God, she can be called a little newborn.  And because She was the newborn of my Will, She was formed in the likeness of Her Creator and could be Queen of all Creation; and, as Queen, She dominated everything, and Her echo ran well with the echo of the Divine Will.  And not only the Celestial Sovereign Lady, but all Saints, Angels and Blessed can be called just newly born in the Eternal Volition.  In fact, as soon as the soul leaves her mortal body, she is reborn in my Will; and if she is not reborn in It, not only can she not enter the Celestial Fatherland, but she cannot even be saved, because no one enters the eternal glory if one is not a birth delivered by my Will 

Volume 19 – March 19, 1926

Now, you must know (Luisa) that my Will is greater and more endless than Redemption Itself; and what is greater always brings greater fruits and goods.  My Will is eternal in time and
eternity – It had no beginning, nor will It ever end.  On the other hand, though being eternal in the divine mind, Redemption had Its beginning in time, and was a product of the Eternal Will.  So, it was not Redemption that gave life to the Divine Will, but it was my Will that gave life to Redemption; and whatever has the power to give life, by nature and by necessity must become more fruitful that the one who has received life. 

Volume 19 – March 31, 1926

Here is the necessity for which my Will wants to centralize all goods in you(Luisa); and you must know(Luisa)  them, love them and possess them, so that, being in you(Luisa), It may find Its Kingdom, and It may dominate and rule over It.”

“My daughter, you must know(Luisa)  that my Celestial Mama was able to conceive Me, Eternal Word, within Her most pure womb, because She did the Will of God as God did It.  All the other prerogatives which She possessed – that is, virginity, conception without original sin, sanctity, and seas of grace that She possessed – were not sufficient means to be able to conceive a God, because all these prerogatives gave Her neither the immensity, nor the all-seeingness to be able to conceive a God who is immense and who sees everything; and even less the fecundity to be able to conceive Him.  In sum, She would have lacked the seed of divine fecundity.  But by possessing the Supreme Will as Her own life, and by doing the Will of God as God does It, She received the seed of divine fecundity and, with it, the immensity and the all-seeingness.

Volume 19 – April 16, 1926

You must know (Luisa) that I am doing more with you(Luisa) than with my very Celestial Mama, because She did not have your needs, nor any tendencies or passions which might, even slightly, prevent the course of my Will in Her.  With greatest ease the Creator would pour into Her, and She into Him; my Will was always triumphant in Her, therefore She had no need of either spurs or admonitions.  With you(Luisa), instead, I must use more attentions.  When I see that some little passion, some little tendency, wants to arise within you(Luisa), and also when your human will would want to have some act of its own life within you(Luisa), I must admonish you(Luisa).  The power of my Will must remain in the act of knocking down whatever arises within you(Luisa) which does not belong to It; and my grace and my love must flow into that rot which the human will keeps forming, or, with anticipated graces, prevent the rot from forming in your soul.  This, because I love so much the soul in whom my Will reigns, and in whom the Supreme Fiat has Its field of divine action – the only purpose of all Creation, and of Redemption Itself – and she costs Me so much, that I love her and she costs Me more than all Creation, and of Redemption Itself. 

Volume 19 – April 28, 1926

“My daughter(Luisa), if I do so, I have strong reasons.  You must know(Luisa)  that only in the Creation and in my Celestial Mama has my Will remained ever intact, and has kept Its field of action free.  

Volume 19 – May 6, 1926

“My daughter(Luisa), you must know(Luisa)  that the first before the Supreme Majesty are those who have lived in my Volition and who have never gone out of my Will.  My Mama came to the world after four thousand years; yet, in the eyes if God She came before Adam.  Her acts, Her love, are in the first order of creatures, therefore Her acts come before all the acts of creatures, because She was the closest to God, bound to Him with the tightest bonds of sanctity, of union, and of likeness.  By living in Our Will, Her acts became inseparable from Ours, and, being inseparable, these acts are the closest, as something natural to Her Creator.  ‘Before’ and ‘after’ do not exist in Our Will, but everything is first act.  

Volume 19 – May 15, 1926

You must know(Luisa)  that as much as We can give to the creature, she only takes the little drops of her Creator, so great is the distance between Creator and creatures; and We have always new and different things to give. 

Volume 19 – May 18, 1926

Now, you must know(Luisa)  that when We do Our works, We have to give so much love, light and grace to the creature who is chosen and to whom the work is entrusted, that she may be able to give Us all the requital and the glory of the work entrusted to her.  Our power and wisdom would not deposit themselves in the bank of the creature from the very beginning of a work of Ours, as though in the act of going bankrupt.  Our work must be safe in the creature who is called as primary act, and We must collect all the interest and the glory equivalent to Our work entrusted to her.  And even if Our work were later communicated to the other creatures, and because of their ingratitude it ran the risk of failing, this would be more tolerable for Us, because the one to whom it was entrusted at the beginning allowed Us to collect all the interest in place of the failures of the other creatures.

So that you(Luisa) may remove this fright, you must know(Luisa)  that everything I have told you(Luisa) – that is, this capital so great – is already in you(Luisa).  After I had you(Luisa) acquire the practice of giving Me the requital of the glory and the love of all Creation, Redemption and Sanctification, making you(Luisa) embrace everything and everyone, and having seen that the equivalent interest was coming to Me easily – only then did I want to make known to you(Luisa), with more clarity, the great capital of my Will entrusted to you(Luisa), so that you(Luisa) may know the great good you (Luisa)possess, and as you(Luisa) come to know it, I may sign the deed of the capital entrusted to you(Luisa), and also make for you(Luisa) the receipt of the interest you(Luisa) give Me.  If you(Luisa) did not know it, neither the deed of the capital, nor the receipt of the interest could be made.  

Volume 19 – May 27, 1926

Now, my daughter(Luisa), you must know(Luisa)  that true light is inseparable.  Look: the sun which is in the atmosphere also has this prerogative and possesses the unity of light; the light is so compacted together in its sphere as to lose not one atom; and even though it descends down below, filling the whole earth with light, the light never separates.  It is so compact within itself, united, inseparable, that it never loses anything of its solar light; so much so that, all together, it spreads its rays, dispelling everywhere the darkness from the earth, and, all together, it withdraws its light, leaving not even the traces of its atoms.  If the light of the sun were divisible, how long would the sun have been poor in light, having no more strength to illuminate all the earth.  One could say: ‘Divided light – desolate earth.’ So, the sun can sing victory and it possesses all its strength and its effects thanks to the unity of its light; and if the earth receives so many admirable and innumerable effects, to the point that the sun can be called the life of the earth, everything comes from the unity of the light it possesses, which, after so many centuries, has lost not even one atom of light which was entrusted to it by God, and therefore it is always triumphant, majestic and fixed, and always stable in its light, in singing the praises of the triumph and the glory of the eternal light of its Creator. 

Volume 19 – June 26, 1926

Now, you must know(Luisa)  that one who has done good to all, who has loved all, and has operated in a universal way for God and for all, has rights over everything and over everyone – and with justice.  Operating in a universal way is the divine way, and my Celestial Mama was able to operate with the ways of Her Creator because She possessed the Kingdom of Our Will.  Now, having operated in Our Supreme Will, She has the rights of the possessions which She formed in Our Kingdom; and who else can requite Her if not one who lives in the same Kingdom? In fact, only in this Kingdom there is universal operation – the love that loves everyone, that embraces everything, and from which nothing escapes.  But you must know(Luisa)  that one who possesses the Kingdom of my Will on earth, has the right to universal glory in Heaven; and this, in a natural and simple way.  My Will embraces everything and involves everyone; so, from one who possesses It come all goods along with the glory that these goods contain; and while universal glory comes from her, she also receives it.  And do you(Luisa) think it is trivial to possess universal glory in the Celestial Fatherland? 

Volume 19 – July 1, 1926

Now, how could they possess It if they did not have full knowledge of It? On the other hand, you must know (Luisa) that all the manifestations I have made to you(Luisa) about It – Its prodigies, Its goods, what the soul must do to be able to settle in this Kingdom, my very expressed Will for man to return into my Kingdom, and how I have done everything – Creation, Redemption – so that he might come to possess my Kingdom which he had lost – are bonds of transmission, are doors to let him enter, are donations that I make, are laws, instructions on how to live in It, intelligence to make them comprehend and appreciate the good they possess.  If all this was missing, how could they possess this Kingdom of my Will? It would be as if someone wanted to move to live in another kingdom without a passport, without knowing either its laws or its customs or its dialect.  Poor one, his entrance would be impossible; and if he did enter as an intruder, he would be so ill-at-ease, that he himself would rather go out of a kingdom he knows nothing about. 

Volume 19 – July 8, 1926

You must know(Luisa)  that one who must be the first to form a kingdom, to bring a good, to form a work, must suffer more than anyone, and do more that anyone; he must direct, facilitate things and means, and prepare what is needed so that, finding the raw materials of that work and seeing it done, others may imitate it.  This is why much I have given you, and I do give you(Luisa), so that you(Luisa) may form the raw materials for those who must live in the Kingdom of my Will.  

Volume 19 – July 11, 1926

Now, you must know(Luisa)  that in order to form the Kingdom of Redemption, those who distinguished themselves the most in suffering were my Mama and I.  And even though apparently She suffered none of the pains that the other creatures knew – except for my death which was known by all, and which was the fatal and harrowing blow for Her maternal Heart, more than any most sorrowful death – however, since She possessed the unity of the light of my Will, this light brought to Her pierced Heart, not only the seven swords told by the Church, but all swords, spears and pricks of all sins and pains of creatures, which martyred Her maternal Heart in a harrowing way.  But this is nothing.  This light brought Her all my pains, my humiliations, my torments, my thorns, my nails, the most intimate pains of my Heart.  The Heart of my Mama was the true Sun: though one can see nothing but light, this light contains all the goods and effects that the earth receives and possesses; so, one can say that the earth is enclosed in the Sun.  The same for the Sovereign Queen: one could only see Her person, but the light of my Supreme Will enclosed in Her all possible imaginable pains; and the more intimate and unknown these pains were, the more valuable and powerful they were over the Divine Heart, to impetrate the longed for Redeemer; and more than solar light, they descended into the hearts of creatures, to conquer them and bind them in the Kingdom of Redemption. 

Volume 19 – July 20, 1926

You must know(Luisa)  that my word is work, while my silence is rest; and my word is work not only for Me, but also for you(Luisa).  It is my usual way that, after I have worked, I want to rest in the midst of my very works – they are my softest bed in my rest; and since you(Luisa) have listened to my word and have worked together with Me, with Me you(Luisa) must take rest.  Look, my daughter(Luisa) – how beautiful the whole Creation is! It was the word of your Jesus that worked It with one Fiat.  But do you(Luisa) know what the enchantment that enraptures Me is? Your little ‘I love You’ on each created thing.  With this little ‘I love You’ of yours impressed on each of them, they all speak to Me of your love(Luisa), they speak to Me of my newborn of my Will; I hear the harmonious echo of the whole Creation that speaks to Me about you(Luisa).  Oh! how it enraptures Me, how happy I am to see that my Fiat in Creation and the one taught to you(Luisa) hold hands, intertwine together, and fulfilling my Will, they give Me rest. 

Volume 19 – July 23, 1926

You must know(Luisa)  that the condition in which I have placed you(Luisa), the sea of my Will that flows inside and outside of you(Luisa), to which – voluntarily, not by force – you(Luisa) gave yourself, has expanded its boundaries so much that neither I nor you(Luisa) will find the way out.  So, if you (Luisa)want to leave Me, you(Luisa) will not find the way, and as much as you(Luisa) may go around, you(Luisa) will always go around within the endless boundaries of my Will; more so, since your acts done in It have closed every way out for you(Luisa).  And if I wanted to leave you(Luisa), I could not, because I would not know where to go to place Myself outside of the boundaries of my Will.  My Will is everywhere, and wherever I might go, I would always find Myself together with you(Luisa).  At the most, I act like someone who possesses a large house, and since he loves someone else who is inferior to him, in mutual agreement, one takes the house and the other goes.  Now, since the house is large, he goes far and moves around within his house.  The other person loses sight of him and laments – but wrongly: if the house belongs to him, how can he leave her? One does not leave his own things; so, either he will come home soon, or maybe he is already there, in some apartment of his own house. 

Volume 19 – July 29, 1926

You must know(Luisa)  that as long as my Humanity remained on earth, and as long as the Sovereign Queen also was there, there was no solitude nor sepulchral silence in the Creation, because by virtue of the light of the Divine Will, wherever this Will was, It spread as light, and diffusing in everything, It multiplied in all created things, and everywhere my act was repeated – because one was the Will.  This is so true, that the Creation gave sensible signs both at my birth, and even more so at my death, to the point that the sun became dark, the stones split, the earth trembled, as if all were crying for their Creator, for their King.  They cried for the One who had kept them in feast, who had broken their solitude and sepulchral silence; and, all feeling the bitterness of such a hard privation, they gave signs of sorrow and crying, and returned once again to the mourning of their solitude and silence.  In fact, as I departed from the earth, the One who, in the light of my Will, emitted the voice which, forming the echo, rendered the Creation speaking and operating, was no longer there.  It happened as to those metal instruments which, with artfulness, enclose the voice of one who speaks or sings: the instrument speaks, sings, cries, laughs, but this happens by virtue of the echo of the voice that has spoken; however, if the intelligence that produces that singing is taken away, the instrument remains mute.  

Volume 19 – August 1, 1926

You(Luisa) deceive yourself in saying that I no longer love you(Luisa) as before.  On the contrary, you must know(Luisa)  that my kisses, my caresses, the proofs of love I gave you(Luisa), were the outpouring of my love.  Unable to contain it in my interior, I showed it to you(Luisa) with many loving signs; and since between you(Luisa) and Me there wasn’t a great work to do, I amused Myself with you(Luisa) with many signs and stratagems of love.  But this served to prepare you(Luisa) for the great work that was to be carried out between you(Luisa) and Me; and when one works there is no time to amuse oneself.  However, in spite of this, love does not cease, but is increased a hundred times, strengthened and sealed.

You must know(Luisa)  that I am always occupied and all intent on working in you(Luisa): now I expand your capacity, now I instruct you(Luisa), many times I move on to work together with you(Luisa), other times I make up for you(Luisa); in sum, I am always occupied, and this says that I love you(Luisa) more and more – but with stronger and more substantial love.” 

Volume 19 – August 4, 1926

You must know(Luisa)  that I am inseparable from my Will and from my works, and therefore, since you(Luisa) are in It, I will be with you(Luisa) and you(Luisa) will be with Me.” 

Volume 19 – August 14, 1926

You must know(Luisa)  that, so that my Supreme Will may be known, I had to prepare things, dispose means, overwhelm the Archbishop with those acts of absolute dominion of my Will, which man cannot resist; I had to make one of my great prodigies.  Do you(Luisa) think it is easy to obtain the approval of a Bishop? How hard it is – how many quibbles, how many difficulties.  And if they approve at all, it is with many restrictions, almost removing the most beautiful shades, the most striking colors from all that my goodness has revealed with so much love 

Volume 19 – September 7, 1926

You must know(Luisa)  what bonds of identification exist between the Divine Will and the human will, and therefore why I so much love and want, by right of creation, of paternity, of love and of justice, that the human will would surrender its place to Mine, and throwing itself into Its arms like a little child, would let itself be held, nourished and dominated by It.  In creating man, the Supreme Being placed my Will out in the field, although all of Our attributes concurred with It as a consequence and naturally.  But the Supreme Volition was the primary act, by which It took to heart the life of all Creation, including man, therefore making Itself the life of all, dominating everything, making everything Its own: since everything had come out of It, by justice everything was to be Its own.

Volume 19 – September 9, 1926

You must know(Luisa)  that just as all things have come out of that single act of God, so must everything return to that single act which has no succession of acts.  But only one who leaves everything to live only of my Will can return to that single act, because as the soul lives in It, everything she does converts into light, and her acts are naturally incorporated and identified with the eternal light of the Sun of my Will, and, as a consequence, they become one single act with the single act of It.  On the other hand, in one who operates outside of It one can see, not light, but each of the materials that her work contains, which cannot be incorporated with the light of the single act of God, and therefore it will show immediately that it is not Our thing – that it does not belong to Us.  So, anything which is not done by virtue of the Divine Fiat will not be recognized by God.

You must know (Luisa) that my Heart is swollen, It agonizes and sighs because I want to make known the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, the great goods which are in It, and the great good which those who will possess It will receive.  It is precisely in my Heart that I keep It, and I feel my Heart explode for I want to let It out.  Don’t you want, then, to give Me this relief, so that, by letting It out, my Heart may deflate, and so It will not have to agonize and sigh with sorrowful sighs any more? And you(Luisa) will do this by making known what I manifest to you(Luisa) about my Will, because when you(Luisa) do this, you(luisa) give Me the field in order to open the ways and prepare the place in which I must lay the Kingdom of my Will.  And if you(Luisa) do not manifest what I say to you(Luisa), you(Luisa) close these ways and my Heart swells even more.

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