God Can Not Deny Anything To Luisa And Those Linked to Luisa
From the Writings of Luisa Piccarreta
“The Little Daughter of the Divine Will”
VOL. 1 The 8th Excess of Jesus’ Love
8 – “My daughter, do not leave Me alone; place your head upon the womb of my dear Mama, and even from the outside you will hear my moans and my supplications. In seeing that neither my moans nor my supplications move the creature to compassion for my love, I assume the attitude of the poorest of beggars; and stretching out my little hand, I ask – for pity’s sake, and at least as alms – for their souls, for their affections and for their hearts. My love wanted to win over the heart of man at any cost; and in seeing that after seven excesses of my love, he was still reluctant, he played deaf, he did not care about Me and did not want to give himself to Me, my love wanted to push itself further. It should have stopped; but no, it wanted to overflow even more from within its boundaries; and from the womb of my Mama, it made my voice reach every heart with the most insinuating manners, with the most fervent prayers, with the most penetrating words. And do you know what I said to them? ‘My child, give me your heart; I will give you everything you want, provided that you give Me your heart in exchange. I have descended from Heaven to make a prey of it. O please, do not deny it to Me! Do not delude my hopes!’ And in seeing him reluctant – even more, many turned their backs to Me – I passed on to moaning; I joined my little hands and, crying, with a voice suffocated by sobs, I added: ‘Ohh! Ohh! I am the little beggar; you don’t want to give Me your heart – not even as alms? Is this not a greater excess of my love; that the Creator, in order to approach the creature, takes the form of a little baby so as not to strike fear in him; that He asks for the heart of the creature, at least as alms, and in seeing that he does not want to give it, He supplicates, moans and cries?”
Then I heard Him say: “And you, don’t you want to give Me your heart? Or maybe you too want Me to moan, beg and cry in order to give Me your heart? Do you want to deny Me the alms I ask of you?” And as He was saying this I heard Him as though sobbing, and I: ‘My Jesus, do not cry, I give You my heart and all of myself.’ Then, the interior voice continued: “Move further; pass on to the ninth excess of my love.”
4/23/33 – Vol. 32
How the Life of Jesus was a continuous Abandonment in the Hands of the Father. One who Lives in the Divine Will never interrupts her walk. Example of the clock. She takes Heaven in her fist and by storm.
I continue to think about the Pains of my impassioned Jesus, and arriving at the last breath of His Life, I heard resound in the depth of my heart: “Into Your Hands, O Father, I commend My Spirit.” It was the most sublime lesson for me, the recall of all of my being into the Hands of God, the full Abandonment in His Paternal Arms.
And while my mind was lost in so many reflections, my suffering Jesus, visiting my little soul, told me: “My blessed daughter, as My Life down here began, so it ended. From the first instant of My Conception My One Act was continuous. I can say that in every instant I placed Myself in the hands of My Celestial Father. It was the Most Beautiful Homage that His Son gave Him, the Most Profound Adoration, the Most Heroic and Complete Sacrifice, the Most Intense Love of Offspring that My Full Abandonment into His hands gave Him. It rendered My Humanity Speaking, and with Commanding Voice that asked everything and obtained everything that I wanted. My Celestial Father could not deny anything to His only Son abandoned in His arms.
“My Abandonment every instant was the most welcome Act, so much so that I wanted to crown the last Breath of My Life with the Words: ‘Father, into Your hands I commend My Spirit.’ The virtue of abandonment is the greatest virtue, it is binding God such that He takes care of the abandoned one in His Arms. Abandonment says to God: ‘I do not want to know anything of myself; this life of mine is Yours, not mine, and Yours is mine.’ Therefore, if you want to obtain everything, if you want to Truly Love Me, live abandoned in My arms, let Me hear the echo of My Life in every instant: ‘Into Your hands I abandon myself completely,’ and I will carry you in My arms as the dearest of My children.”
VOL. 36 – April 15, 1938
“My good daughter, be of good cheer. Don’t be too worried; I don’t want you worried. It is your Jesus who wants this painful state for you—this succumbing as if you were losing your life. I suffer it together with you, since True Love cannot deny anything to the loved one. And then, this state of yours, so painful—as if losing your life, was necessary and wanted by My Divine Will. It wanted to find in you the return and reparation for the many deaths that creatures inflict upon It when they reject It, not giving It Life within themselves. Submitting yourself for so long to these pains of death repaid My Divine Will for the many deaths given to It, and called It to kiss the human will—to make Peace. It is thanks to this, I could speak so much about My Will.
VOL. 36 – May 27, 1938
“My daughter, you cannot comprehend how much relief We feel, how Our Flames remain refreshed and soothed under this rain of Love from the creature. Our Contentment is such that We feel as if We are repaid for the whole Work of Creation, and paid by the same coins of Love with which We Loved her so much. Our Love has the virtue of letting form in the creature sufficient and abundant coins to pay Us for what We have done for her. Therefore, in the midst of Our Joy We say: ‘Tell Us, what do you want? Do you want Us to make up more stratagems of Love? We’ll do it for you. Tell us, what do you want? We will please you in everything; We will refuse you nothing. Denying you something, not pleasing you in all, would be like denying something to Ourselves; like placing a discontent into Our Endless Joys’. Therefore, We find everything in the soul who Lives in Our Will, and she finds everything in Us.”
VOL. 36 – October 10, 1938
We neither can nor do We want to refuse anything to one who Lives in Our Will. It would be as though denying something to Our own Will—denying it to Ourselves. It would be too hard not using Our Creative Virtue for Ourselves. See then, the High, Noble and Sublime Point at which one who is in Our Will Lives. Therefore, be attentive; do not care about anything except Living in It, and you will feel Our Creative and Operating Virtue.”