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Jesus’ delight at the company of the ‘prisoner’ near the Prisoner

‘The Kingdom of The Divine Will in the midst of creatures.  Book of Heaven. The call of the creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose for which he was created by God’



Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta,

The Little Daughter of the Divine Will



October 7, 1928

The opening of the House of the Divine Will in Corato.  Simile of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.  My entrance into it.  The eucharistic lamp and the living lamp of one who does the Divine Will.  The prisoner near the Prisoner.  Jesus’ delight at this company.

My Jesus, Life of my poor heart, You who know in what bitternesses I find myself, come to my help!  Overwhelm the little newborn of Your Divine Volition into Your flames, that You may give me, again, the strength to be able to begin another volume, and Your Divine Fiat may eclipse my miserable will, that it may have life no more, and Your Divine Will may take over, and It Itself may write, with the characters of Its light, what You, my Love, want me to write.  And so that I may make no mistake, act as my prompter; and only if You commit Yourself to accepting to be my word, thought and heartbeat, and to lead my hand with Yours, can I make the sacrifice of returning to write what You want.

My Jesus, I am here, near the tabernacle of love.  From that adored little door that I have the honor to gaze at, I feel Your Divine fibers, Your Heart palpitating, emitting flames and rays of endless light at each heartbeat; and in those flames I hear Your moans, Your sighs, Your incessant supplications and Your repeated sobs, for You want to make Your Will known, to give Its life to all; and I feel myself being consumed with You and repeating what You do.  Therefore I pray You, while You gaze at me from within the tabernacle, and I gaze at You from within my bed, to strengthen my weakness, that I may make the sacrifice of continuing to write.

Now, in order to be able to say what Jesus told me, I have to make a brief mention—that here in Corato a house has been founded, that was wanted and started by the venerable memory of Father Canonical Annibale Maria di Francia, and his children, faithful to the will of their founder, have executed and given the name of House of the Divine Will, as the Venerable Father wanted.  And he wanted me to enter this house; and on the first day of its opening, by their goodness, his sons and daughters, the reverend mothers, came to take me and brought me into a room that is such that, as the door of this room is opened, I can see the tabernacle, I can listen to Holy Mass, I am just under the gazes of my Jesus in the Sacrament.  Oh! how happy I feel, that from now on, if Jesus wants me to continue to write, I will write always keeping one eye on the tabernacle and the other on the paper I write on.  Therefore, I pray You, my Love, to assist me and to give me the strength to make the sacrifice that You Yourself want.

So, as this house was about to be opened, one could see people, nuns, little girls—people coming and going, all in motion.  I felt all impressed, and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughte(Luisa)r, this group of people whom you(Luisa) see all in motion for the opening of the House of My Divine Will is symbolic of that group of people when I wanted to be born in Bethlehem, and the shepherds were coming and going, to visit Me, a little Baby.  This pointed out to all the certainty of My birth.  In the same way, this group of people, all in motion, points out the rebirth of the Kingdom of My Divine Will.

“Look at how all of Heaven echoes My birth, when the Angels, celebrating it, announced Me to the shepherds, and putting them in motion, made them keep coming to Me, and I recognized in them the first fruits of the Kingdom of My Redemption.  So now, in this group of people, of little girls and nuns, I recognize the beginning of theKingdomofMy Divine Will.  Oh! how My Heart exults and rejoices, and all of Heaven makes feast.  Just as the Angels celebrated My birth, so do they celebrate the beginning of the rebirth of My Fiat in the midst of creatures.

“But, look at how My birth was more neglected, more poor—I had not even one priest near Me, but only poor shepherds.  On the other hand, at the beginning of My Volition, there is not only a group of nuns and little girls from out of town, and a people rushing up to celebrate the opening, but there is an archbishop and priests representing My Church.  This is symbol and announcement to all, that theKingdomofMy Divine Volitionwill be formed with more magnificence, with greater pomp and splendor than the veryKingdomofMy Redemption; and everyone, kings and princes, bishops and priests and peoples, will know theKingdomofMy Fiatand will possess It.  Therefore, you(Luisa) too, celebrate this day in which My sighs and sacrifices, and yours, to make My Divine Will known see the first dawn and hope for the Sun of My Divine Fiat to soon rise.”

Then, the evening came of this day consecrated to the Queen of the Rosary, Queen of victories and of triumphs.  And this is another beautiful sign that, just as the Sovereign Lady conquered Her Creator, and bejeweling Him with Her chains of love, She drew Him from Heaven to earth, to make Him form the Kingdom of Redemption, so will the sweet and powerful beads of Her rosary make Her victorious and triumphant again before the Divinity, conquering the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat, to make It come into the midst of creatures.

I had not at all thought that, on that very evening, I would move to the House of the Divine Will, near my Prisoner Jesus; only, I prayed Him not to let Me know when this would be, so as not to profane such an act with my human will, so that I might put nothing of my own, but do the Divine Will in everything.  It was eight o’clock in the evening when, out of the ordinary, the confessor came, who, prayed by the reverend mother superiors, imposed out of obedience that I should surrender and make the superiors content.  I resisted quite a bit, because I thought that if the Lord wanted so, it would be in the month of April, a warmer season, and so we would think about it then.  But the confessor insisted so much that I had to surrender.  So, around nine-thirty in the evening, I was brought to this house, near my Prisoner Jesus.  And this is the little story of why I find myself in the House of the Divine Will.

Now I resume my speaking.  At night, I remained alone with my Jesus in the Sacrament; my eyes were fixed on the little door of the tabernacle.  It seemed to me that the lamp, with its continuous flickering, was about to go out, but then it would revive again; and my heart gave a jump, fearing that Jesus might remain in the dark.

And my always lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, clasped me in His arms and told me:  “My daughte(Luisa)r, do not fear, for the lamp will not go out; and if it did go out, I have you, living lamp—a lamp which, with your flickering, more than with the flickering of the eucharistic lamp, tells Me:  ‘I love You, I love You, I love You….’  Oh! how beautiful is the flickering of your ‘I love You’; your flickering says love to Me, and uniting with My Will, from two wills we form one alone.  Oh! how beautiful is your lamp and the flickering of your ‘I love You.’  It cannot be compared to the lamp that burns before My tabernacle of love.  More so since, My Divine Will being in you, you form the flickering of your ‘I love You’ in the center of the Sun of My Fiat, and I see and hear, not a lamp, but a Sun burning before Me.

“My prisoner(Luisa), be welcomed.  You (Luisa)have come to keep company with your Prisoner; we are both in prison—you(Luisa), in bed, and I, in the tabernacle.  It is right that we be close to each other; more so, since one is the purpose that keeps us in prison—the Divine Will, love, souls.  How pleasing will the company of My prisoner be to Me; we will feel it together, to prepare the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat.

“But, know, My daughter(Luisa), that My Love has anticipated you(Luisa); I was first in putting Myself, Prisoner, in this cell, to wait for My prisoner and your sweet company.  See, then, how My Love was first in running toward you(Luisa); how I have loved you(Luisa), and I love you(Luisa), for in so many centuries of imprisonment in this tabernacle I never had a prisoner who would keep Me company, who would remain so very close to Me; I have always been alone, or, at the most, in the company of souls who were not prisoners, in whom I did not see My same chains.

“Now, finally, the time has come for Me to have a prisoner, to keep her constantly near Me, under My sacramental gazes—one whom the chains of My Divine Will alone keep imprisoned.  A sweeter and more pleasing company could not come to Me.  And so, while we are together in prison, we will occupy ourselves with the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat, and will work together, and will sacrifice ourselves together, to make It known to creatures.” 


October 10, 1928

Forty years and more of exile; virtue and strength of a prolonged sacrifice.  Gathering of the materials, to then order them.  Happiness of Jesus in blessing His little prisoner daughter.  Kisses in the Divine Will.  Decision from priests to prepare the writings for printing.  Surprising graces that Jesus will give to priests. 

My life is carried out before my Jesus in the Sacrament, and—oh! how many thoughts crowd my mind.  I was thinking to myself:  “After forty years, and months, that I had not seen the tabernacle, that I had not been given to be before His adorable Sacramental Presence—forty years, not only of prison, but of exile—finally, and after so long an exile, I have come back as though to my fatherland, though a prisoner, but no longer exiled, near my Jesus in the Sacrament; and not once a day, as I used to do before Jesus made me a prisoner, but always—always.  My poor heart, if I have it at all in my chest, feels consumed at so much love of Jesus.”

But while I was thinking of this and other things, my highest Good, Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter(Luisa), do you(Luisa) think that My keeping you(Luisa) imprisoned for forty years and more has been by chance, without a great design of Mine?  No! no! The number forty has always been significant and preparatory to great works.  For forty years the Jews walked in the desert without being able to reach the Promised Land, their fatherland; but after forty years of sacrifices they had the good of taking possession of it.  But, how many miracles, how many graces, to the point of nourishing them with the celestial manna during that time.

“A prolonged sacrifice has the virtue and strength to obtain great things from God.  I Myself, during My Life down here, wanted to remain in the desert for forty days, away from all, even from My Mama, to then go out in public to announce the Gospel which was to form the life of My Church—that is, theKingdomofRedemption.  For forty days I wanted to remain as risen, to confirm My Resurrection and to place the seal upon all the goods of Redemption.  So I wanted for you(Luisa), My daughter:  in order to manifest the Kingdom  ofMy Divine Will, I wanted forty years of sacrifices.  But, how many graces have I not given you!  How many manifestations!  I can say that in this great length of time I placed in you(Luisa) all the capital of the  Kingdom of My Will, and everything that is necessary in order to make creatures comprehend it.  So, your long imprisonment has been the continual weapon, always in the act of fighting with your very Creator, to have you(Luisa) manifest My Kingdom.

“Now, you(Luisa) must know that everything I have manifested to your soul, the graces I have given you(Luisa), the many truths you(Luisa) have written on My Divine Will, your pains, and everything you(Luisa) have done, has been nothing but a gathering of the materials in order to build; and now it is necessary to order them and to get everything settled.  And just as I did not leave you(Luisa) alone in gathering the necessary things that must serve My Kingdom, but I have been always with you(Luisa), so will I not leave you(Luisa) alone in putting them in order and in showing the great building that I have been preparing together with you(Luisa) for many years.  Therefore, our sacrifice and work is not finished.  We must go forward until the work is accomplished.”

Then, as I am near my Jesus in the Sacrament, every morning there is Benediction with the Most Holy One, and while I was praying my sweet Jesus to bless me, moving in my interior, He told me:  “My daughter(Luisa), I bless you(Luisa) with My whole Heart; even more, I bless My very Will in you(Luisa), I bless your thoughts, breaths and heartbeats, that you(Luisa) may think always about My Will, may breathe It continuously, and My Will alone may be your heartbeat.  And for love of you(Luisa) I bless all human wills, that they may dispose themselves to receive the life of My Eternal Volition.

“Dearest daughter of Mine(Luisa), if you(Luisa) knew how sweet it is, how happy I feel in blessing the little daughter of My Will….  My Heart rejoices in blessing she who possesses the origin, the life of Our Fiat, that will bring about the beginning, the origin of the Kingdom o fMy Divine Will.  And while I bless you(Luisa), I pour in you(Luisa) the beneficial dew of the light of My Divine Volition that, making you all shining, will make you(luisa) appear more beautiful to My sacramental gazes; and I will feel happier in this cell, gazing at My little prisoner daughter, invested and bound by the sweet chains of My Will.  And every time I bless you(Luisa), I will make the life of My Divine Volition grow in you(Luisa).

“How beautiful is the company of one who does My Divine Will.  My Will brings into the depth of the soul the echo of everything I do in this Holy Host, and I do not feel alone in My Acts—I feel that she is praying together with Me; and as our supplications, our sighs, unite together, we ask for one same thing—that the Divine Will be known and that Its Kingdom come soon.”

So, as my life is carried out near my Prisoner Jesus, every time the door of the chapel is opened, which happens often, I send three kisses, or five, to my Jesus in the Sacrament, or a short little visit; and He, moving in my interior, tells me:  “My daughter, how pleasing to Me are your kisses.  I feel I am being kissed by you with the kisses of My very Volition; I feel My very Divine kisses being impressed on My lips, on My face, in My hands and Heart.  Everything is Divine in the soul in whom My Divine Will reigns; and I feel, in your acts, My Love that refreshes Me, the freshness, the gentleness of My very Divine Will that embraces Me, kisses Me and loves Me.

“Oh! how pleasing to Me is My Divine Will operating in the creature.  I feel that, bilocating Me in her, It gives Me back and unfolds before Me all the beauty and sanctity of My very Acts.  This is why I so much yearn that My Will be known—to be able to find in creatures all of My Acts, Divine and worthy of Me.”

Now I move on to say that my sweet Jesus seemed to be waiting for me here, in this house, near His tabernacle of love, to give start to priests’ coming to a decision to prepare the writings for publication.  And while they were consulting with one another on how to do it, they were reading the nine excesses of Jesus, that He had in the Incarnation, that are narrated in the first little volume of my writings.  Now, while they were reading, Jesus, in my interior, pricked up His ears to listen, and it seemed to me that Jesus in the tabernacle would do the same.  At each word He would hear, His Heart beat more strongly; and at each excess of His Love, He gave a start, even stronger, as if the strength of His Love would make Him repeat all those excesses that He had in the Incarnation.

And as though unable to contain His flames, He told me:  “My daughter(Luisa), everything I have told you(Luisa), both about My Incarnation and about My Divine Will, and on other things, has been nothing but outpourings of My contained Love.  But after pouring itself out with you(Luisa), My Love continued to remain repressed, because it wanted to raise its flames higher in order to invest all hearts and make known what I have done and want to do for creatures; but since everything I have told you(Luisa) lies in hiddenness, I feel a nightmare over My Heart, that compresses Me and prevents My flames from rising and making their way.

“This is why, as I heard them read and take the decision to occupy themselves with the publication, I felt the nightmare being removed from Me, and the weight that compresses the flames of My Heart being lifted.  And so It beat more strongly, and It throbbed, and It made you hear the repetition of all those excesses of love; more so, since what I do once, I repeat always.  My constrained Love is a pain for Me, of the greatest, that renders Me taciturn and sad, because, since My first flames have no life, I cannot release the others, that devour Me and consume Me.  And therefore, to those priests who want to occupy themselves with removing this nightmare from Me by making known My many secrets, by publishing them, I will give so much surprising grace, strength in order to do it, and light in order to know, themselves first, what they will make known to others.  I will be in their midst, and will guide everything.”

Now, it seems to me that every time the reverend priests occupy themselves with reviewing the writings in order to prepare them, my sweet Jesus comes to attention, to see what they do and how they do it.  I do nothing but admire the goodness, the love of my Beloved Jesus who, while coming to attention in my heart, echoes in the tabernacle, and from within it, inside that cell, does what He does inside my heart.  I remain all confused in seeing this, and I thank Him with all my heart. 


October 17, 1928

How each truth of the Fiat possesses an enchantment over the human will.  The war of the Fiat.  Analogy between the Conception of Jesus and the Eucharist, and between the Prisoner and the prisoner. 

My poor mind wandered in the Divine Volition; I felt all the truths spoken to me by my highest Good, Jesus, like many suns that invested my little human will, such that, enraptured by so much variety of light, it no longer felt like acting.

And my highest Good, Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter(Luisa), each truth I have manifested on My Divine Will is not only a Divine Life that I have issued from Myself, but it possesses a sweet enchantment, to enchant the human will that, enchanted by Mine, will feel itself under the enchantment of an inactivity and will give free field of action to My Divine Will.

“So, each truth on My Divine Will will be a fierce army against the human will.  But do you know what it will be fierce with?  With light, with strength, with love, with beauty, with sanctity, to wage war on the human will by means of all these weapons.  The human will, before all these weapons, will undergo a sweet enchantment and will let itself be conquered by the Divine Fiat.  Therefore, each additional knowledge on It is a greater enchantment that the human will will undergo.  It can be said that all the truths I have told you about My Divine Will are as many paths in order for It to make Its way into the human will, that will first prepare, and then form My Kingdom in the midst of creatures.

“Now, just as each truth possesses an enchantment, so each act done by the creature in My Will is an encounter that she has with My Volition, to receive all the strength of this Divine enchantment.  So, the more acts of My Will she does, the more human ground she loses, acquiring the Divine.  And if she plunges all of herself into It, the only thing left to her will be to remember that she has a will, but that she keeps it at rest and enchanted by the Divine Will.”

After this, I continued my acts in the Divine Fiat, and following Its acts, I was accompanying the Conception of Jesus in the maternal womb.  And Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter(Luisa), how much analogy exists between the Conception I did in the maternal womb and what I do in each consecrated Host.  See, from Heaven I descended to conceive in the womb of My Celestial Mama; from Heaven I descend to be consecrated, hidden, within the veils of the species of bread.  In the dark, immobile, I remained in the maternal womb; in the dark, immobile, and made even smaller, I remain in each Host.

“Look at Me, I am here, hidden in this tabernacle; I pray, I cry and I make not even My breath heard; within the sacramental veils, My very Divine Will keeps Me as though dead, annihilated, restricted, compressed, while I am alive and give life to all.  Oh! abyss of My Love, how immeasurable you are.  In the maternal womb I was loaded down with the weight of all souls and of all sins; here, in each Host, small as it is, I feel the enormous weight of the burden of the sins of each creature.  And while I feel crushed under the enormity of so many sins, I do not tire, because true love never tires, and wants to win with the greatest sacrifices; it wants to expose its life for the beloved.  This is why I continue My Life, from the moment I conceived up to My Death, in each Sacramental Host.

“Now I want to tell you(Luisa) of the pleasure I feel in having you near My tabernacle, under My sacramental gazes, and the analogy that exists between Me and you.  See, I am here, hidden under the empire of My Divine Will.  Ah! it is My Will Itself, Its power, that contains the prodigy of hiding Me in each Host with the consecration.  You(Luisa) are in your bed, only by the empire of My Fiat.  Ah! it is not corporal maladies that keep you(Luisa) hampered—no, but it is My Will alone that wants it so; and making a veil of you(Luisa), It hides Me and forms for Me a living Host, a living Tabernacle.

“Here, in this Tabernacle, I pray continuously; but do you(Luisa) know what My first prayer is?  That My Will be known, that Its rule that keeps Me hidden may rule over all creatures, and may reign and dominate in them.  In fact, only when My Will is known and forms in them Its Kingdom—then will My Sacramental Life have its complete fruit, the fulfillment of the so many sacrifices, the restoration of My Life in creatures.  And I am here hidden, making many sacrifices to wait for the triumph—theKingdomofMy Divine Will.  You too pray, and as you echo My prayer, I hear your continuous speaking by putting all My Acts and all created things in motion; and you ask Me, in the name of everyone and everything, that My Will be known and form in them Its Kingdom.

“Your echo and Mine are one, and we ask for one same thing—that everything may return into the Eternal Fiat, that Its just rights be given back to It.  See, then, how much analogy there is between you(Luisa) and Me; but the most beautiful one is that what I want, you want—we are both sacrificed for a cause so holy.  Therefore, your company is sweet to Me, and in the midst of so many pains that I suffer, it renders Me happy.” 


November 10, 1928

One who lives in the Divine Will has her own sea, and enclosing everything, as she prays, it murmurs heavens, sun and stars.  The blessing of Jesus; contest and feast of all in blessing the little daughter of the Divine Will. 

After I had gone through several days of privation of my sweet Jesus, my poor heart could take no more.  I felt it undone, and I remembered vividly His many visits.  His lovable presence, His enrapturing beauty, the gentleness of His voice, His many beautiful lessons, were many memories that wounded me, undid me, and made me long for my Celestial Fatherland, like a poor pilgrim, tired of my long journey.

And I was saying to myself:  “Everything is ended, I hear nothing but a profound silence, an immense Sea that I must cross without ever stopping, to ask, everywhere and in every place, for the Kingdom of the Divine Will.”

And, tired, I began to do my usual round, to follow Its acts; and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, clasped me in His arms to give me strength, and told me:  “My daughter(Luisa), just as the sea murmurs continuously, so do I hear in you(Luisa) the Sea of My Divine Fiat; and you(Luisa), with your prayer, form your continuous murmuring in the Sea of It; and while it murmurs, now you(Luisa) enclose the sun, and it murmurs light; now yo(Luisa)u enclose the heavens, and as it murmurs, you(Luisa) enclose the stars; now you(Luisa) enclose the wind, and it murmurs moans and shouts of love; now you(Luisa) enclose the earth, and it murmurs flowers.  So, in your murmuring, you(Luisa) make flow now light, now heavens, now stars, now wind—and flow laments of love, unutterable moans of a wounded heart, and shouts of delirium of an unrequited love; and now flow all the flowerings created by Me.

“Oh! how beautiful is My Sea and yours.  Oh! how the sea of the earth remains behind; because it murmurs, but does not enclose heavens, sun, wind and everything in its murmuring, but only fish; while the Sea of My Volition, and the murmuring of your prayer in It, encloses all of My works, because My Divine Will keeps heavens, sun, stars, sea and so on, all within Itself, as though in Its own power, and as you(Luisa) murmur in It with your prayer, you (Luisa)find them all.  And just as the sea, on top of its continuous murmuring, forms its gigantic waves, so you(Luisa), in the Sea of My Divine Volition, on top of the continuous murmuring of your prayer, when you(Luisa) concentrate more your yearnings, your sighs, for you(Luisa) want the Kingdom of My Divine Will, form gigantic waves of light, of stars, of moans and of flowers.  How beautiful are these waves.

“And I, from this tabernacle, hear your murmuring, the roaring of your waves, that come to unload themselves into My Sea.  And since, here in the tabernacle, I have My own Sea in which I murmur continuously with My prayers, as I hear your waves coming, I unite your sea with Mine, which are already one, and I come to murmur together with you(Luisa).  And I no longer feel alone in this tabernacle, I have My pleasant company, and we murmur together; and in our murmuring one can hear:  ‘Fiat! Fiat! Fiat! Be It known, and Its Kingdom on earth restored.’

“My daughte(Luisa)r, living in My Will, praying in It, is to transport Heaven to the earth, and the earth to Heaven; therefore, it is Our true and total triumph, Our victory, Our Divine conquests.  So, be faithful and attentive to Me.”

After this, Benediction with the Most Holy Sacrament was being given, that I have the good to receive every day in these last periods of my life down here, as I hope to complete this long exile of mine as soon as possible.  And my lovable Jesus, at the moment they were giving Benediction, moved in my interior and told me:  “My daughter(Luisa), I bless you(Luisa), but I would not be content if I alone blessed you(Luisa)—I call everyone together with Me:  the Father and the Holy Spirit, the whole Celestial Court, that all may bless with Me the little daughter of My Divine Will.

“Wherever My Will reigns, everyone, Heaven and earth, feel a powerful force to unite themselves with Me and to do what I do, so as to centralize upon her all the goods that My Divine Will contains.  Therefore, as they see Me blessing you(Luisa), all get down to the work of blessing you(Luisa).  So, a contest, a sort of feast, arises in Heaven, to bless her in whom My Will reigns; and in order to make it more solemn, I call all created things, so that no one may put himself aside, but all may bless My daughter(Luisa).

“So I call the sun to bless you(Luisa), so that the light it gives you(Luisa), it may give to you(Luisa) while blessing you(Luisa).  I call the water to bless you(Luisa), so that, as you(Luisa) drink it, it may bless you(Luisa).  I call the wind, so that, as it blows, it may blow blessing you(Luisa).  In sum, I call everyone, and while they bless you(Luisa), finding My Divine Will in you(Luisa), they feel themselves being blessed in return from within you(Luisa) by the Will of their Creator.  The strength of My Divine Will calls everyone, unites the whole Celestial Family, and gives the feast to all when It must operate over a soul in whom It dwells and dominates.

“Therefore, in this sacramental prison of Mine, having My prisoner(Luisa) near Me, I feel, coming to Me, the joys that My Divine Will can give Me in the heart of Our little daughter(Luisa).  So, My many sorrows are interrupted when I must bless you(Luisa), when I descend sacramentally into your heart, when I feel Myself gazed at by you(Luisa) from this tabernacle; and I requite you(Luisa) with My gazes.  Thinking that I must do or give something to Our little newborn of Our Will(Luisa), I put everything aside, even My very sorrows, and I make feast, because My Divine Will possesses innumerable joys and perennial feast.

“Therefore, I want that you(Luisa) too rejoice together with Me; and echoing My blessing—bless Me in the sun, in the water, in the wind, in the air you(Luisa) breathe, in the heartbeat that beats in your heart, and I will feel you(Luisa) blessing Me in all created things.” 


October 26, 1931

The good acts done in the Divine Will change into light.  Admirable effects of the abandonment in the arms of Jesus.  One who lets herself be dominated by the Divine Will becomes people of His Kingdom. 

I am always in the arms of the Divine Will, that forms Its day of light in my little soul; and even though some cloud shows up in this day, the power of Its light fixes on it, and the cloud, seeing itself fixed upon, flees, it dissolves, and it seems to say:  “It shows that there is no place for me in this day that the Divine Will forms in the creature.”

And the Divine Will seems to answer to it:  “Wherever I am present, there is no place for anyone, because I want to make of the creature a single act of My Will, that does not admit anything at all that does not belong to Me.”

Oh! Divine Will, how admirable, powerful and lovable You are—and highly jealous wherever You reign.  O please! always put to flight for me my miseries, the weaknesses, the clouds of my will, so that my day may be always perennial, and the heaven of my little soul may be always serene.

But while I was thinking of this, my lovable Jesus told me:  “My daughter(Luisa), good is light, and if this good is done in My Divine Will, as many rays are formed for as many good acts as are done; and My Fiat fixes these rays of light in the circumference of Its eternal Light.  So, these acts take their place within Our Acts, and do double office:  of praise, of adorations, of perennial love, toward Our adorable Majesty; and of defense, of mercy, of help, of light, toward the mankind, according to the circumstances in which It finds itself.  On the other hand, if the good acts are not done in My Will and with Its Power, though they are light, they do not have the strength to extend in order to fix themselves in the circumference of Our Light, and they remain without supports and like broken rays, and therefore they do not have perennial life; and since the fount of the Light is missing, there is the danger that, little by little, they may be extinguished.”

After this, continuing my abandonment in the Divine Volition, I was feeling all afflicted because of the privation of my sweet Jesus.  His privation is like a hammer that always pounds to exacerbate the pain more; and only then does it cease to pound, when the Divine Host comes out of His hiding place to make His little visit to His beloved creature.  His sweet presence, His lovable manners, makes joy rise again from the very pain, and the hammer ceases its cruel crafting; but as soon as the Celestial Visitor withdraws, it begins to pound again, and my poor soul feels itself all eyes, all ears—who knows, it might see Him and hear Him again; and it anxiously waits and waits for He who, having wounded me, alone has the power to heal the wound He has given me—alas! too painful.

But while I was pouring out my sorrow, my sweet Jesus came back, and embracing my poor soul, told me:  “Daughter(Luisa), I am here, abandon yourself in My Arms, and rest in Me.  Your abandonment in Me calls for My abandonment in you(Luisa), and forms My sweet rest in your soul.  Abandonment in Me forms the sweet and powerful chain that binds Me so much to the soul, that I cannot unbind Myself from her, to the point of rendering Me her dear and sweet Prisoner.  Abandonment in Me gives birth to true trust, and she has trust in Me, and I have trust in her; I have trust in her love that will never fail; I have trust in her sacrifices, for she will never refuse Me anything of what I want; and I have all the trust that I can accomplish My Designs.  Abandonment in Me says that she gives Me freedom, and I am free to do what I want; and I, entrusting Myself to her, manifest to her My most intimate Secrets.  Therefore, My daughter(Luisa), I want you(Luisa) all abandoned in My Arms, and the more abandoned you(Luisa) are in Me, the more you(Luisa) will feel My abandonment in you(Luisa).”

And I:  “My Love, how can I abandon myself in You if You escape from me?”

And Jesus added:  “Then is the abandonment perfect when, seeing Me escape, you abandon yourself more.  This gives Me no field to be able to escape; on the contrary, it binds Me more.”

Then He added:  “My daughter(Luisa), life, sanctity, consists in two acts:  God giving His Will, and the creature receiving It; and after she has formed within herself the life of that Act of Divine Will that she has received, giving It back again as act of her will, to then receive It again.  Giving and receiving, receiving and giving—everything is in this.  God could not give more than His continued Act of His Will to the creature; the creature could not give more to God—for as much as it is possible for a creature—than His Divine Will, received into herself as formation of Divine Life.  In this way—giving and receiving, receiving and giving—My Divine Fiat takes dominion and forms Its Kingdom in her; and the whole interior of the creature forms as though the people of the Kingdom of the Divine Will:  the intelligence, faithful people that glories in being directed by the Sovereign Commander of the Divine Fiat; and the crowd of the thoughts that press themselves around, and aspire to know always more, and to love the great King who sits, as though on a throne, in the center of the intelligence of the creature.  The desires, the affections, the heartbeats that are unleashed from the heart, increase the number for the people of My Kingdom; and—oh! how they throng around Its Throne; they all stand at attention to receive the Divine Orders and even lay down their life in order to execute them.

“What an obedient, orderly people is the people of the Kingdom of My Fiat.  There are no contentions, no disagreements, but this whole crowd of people of the interior of this fortunate creature wants one thing alone, and like a fierce army, it posts itself in the fortresses of theKingdomofMy Divine Will.  Then, when the interior of the creature becomes all My people, it bursts out of the interior and increases the people of the words, the people of the works, of the steps.  It can be said that each act formed by this celestial people contains the password, written in characters of gold:  ‘Will of God.’  And when this crowd of people moves to exercise each its own office, they put at the front the flag with the motto ‘Fiat,’ followed by the words, written with vivid light:  ‘We belong to the great King of the Supreme Fiat.’  See then, each creature who lets herself be dominated by My Will forms a people for the Kingdom o fGod.”


March 13, 1932 

[She] The prisoner and [He] the Divine Prisoner.  The Virgin, Announcer, Messenger, Leader of the Kingdom of the Divine Will.  One who Lives in the Divine Will forms the Speaking Creation. 

My abandonment in the Fiat continues; but I feel, vividly, my extreme poverty, my nonentity, the continuous pain of the privation of my sweet Jesus.  If it weren’t for His Divine Volition that sustains me, and very often fraternizes me with Heaven, in such a way as to infuse New Life in me, I would not be able to go on without He who so very often takes off, hides Himself, while I remain on the stake of love, waiting for Him; and as I am slowly consumed, when I reach the extremes only then does He repeat His short little visit.

So, I was thinking to myself:  “Jesus has shackled me and bound me with chains, such that there is no danger that they might break—I am, indeed, the poor prisoner.  O! how I would like my Celestial Mama in my company, so that, under Her Guidance I may Live the way one should Live in the Divine Will.”

But while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus repeated His short little visit, and, all Tenderness, told me:  “My dear prisone(Luisa)r!  How happy I am that I shackled you(Luisa) and bound you(Luisa)—because My shackles and My chains say that My Love alone, to keep you(Luisa) at My Disposal, has used shackles and chains to make you(Luisa) a prisoner only for Me.  But, you(Luisa) know?  Love wants tit for tat—if I made you(Luisa) a prisoner, first I made Myself Prisoner for you(Luisa) in your own heart; and not wanting to be alone, I made you(Luisa) prisoner, so as to be able to say:  ‘We are two prisoners, such that one cannot be without the other.’  In this way we will be able to prepare the Kingdom of My Divine Will.  The works done on one’s own are not enjoyable, but company renders them pleasant, it pushes one to work, it sweetens the Sacrifice and forms the Most Beautiful Works; and in seeing you call Our Celestial Mama as your Guide, your Prisoner Jesus exulted with Joy in having Her Sweet Company in Our Work.

“You(Luisa) must know that She was the True and Celestial Prisoner of My Divine Will, therefore She knows all the secrets, the ways, She possesses the Keys of Its Kingdom.  Even more, for each Act that the Queen Prisoner did, She prepared in Her Act the place to receive the acts of the creature done in the Divine Will; and—O! how the Celestial Sovereign stands in waiting, and at attention, to see whether the creature operates in My Fiat, so as to take these acts with Her Maternal Hands and enclose them in Her Acts, as pledges, as antidotes, that the Kingdom of the Divine Will is wanted upon earth.  So, this Kingdom was already formed by Me and by the Celestial Lady—It already exists, It only has to be given to creatures.

“In order for It to be given, it is necessary to know It; and since She is the Holiest, the Greatest Creature, who knew no other kingdom but the Kingdom of My Divine Will alone, She occupies the first place in It; by Right, the Celestial Queen will be the Announcer, the Messenger, the Leader of a Kingdom so Holy.  Therefore pray Her—invoke Her, and She will act for you as Guide, as Teacher, and with Love, all Maternal, will receive all your acts and will enclose them in Her own; and will say to you:  ‘The acts of My daughter are like the Acts of Her Mama; therefore they can stay with Mine, in order to double the Right for creatures to receive the Kingdom of the Divine Will.’  Since this, His Kingdom, God must give and the creature must receive, it takes the acts of both sides in order to obtain the intent.

“So, She who holds more Ascendancy, more Power, more Empire over the Divine Heart is the Sovereign of Heaven; Her Acts will be at the Head, with the retinue of the other acts of creatures, changed into Divine by virtue of My Will, to give them the Right to receive this Kingdom.  And God, in seeing these Acts, will feel moved to give It for the sake of that Love that He had in Creation, as He Created everything so that His Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven, and each creature be a Kingdom of His Will, that would have Its Total Dominion.  Therefore, always forward in Operating and Living in the Supreme Fiat.”

After this, my mind was wandering in the Divine Volition, and my sweet Jesus added:  “My daughte(Luisa)r, the soul who enters into My Will converts into Light, and all her acts, without losing anything of their diversity, of their nature, and of what they are in themselves, are Vivified and Animated by Light.  So, all the acts, though distinct among themselves, have the Light of My Fiat as Life; and My Fiat delights in forming, with Its Life of Light, now the thought, the word, the work, the step and so forth; and the soul, as the original Heaven animated by the Fiat, forms with her acts the sun, the stars, the sea that always murmurs, the wind that moans, that speaks, that shouts, that whistles, that caresses and forms its refreshments.  She gives Divine Light to her Creator, to herself, and it descends even into the depths of creatures; and since the Light is fecund and has the virtue of diffusing everywhere by Itself, she forms the most beautiful flowerings, but all invested with Light.

“And here is how My Divine Will repeats Its beloved Creation in the soul who Lives in Its Light; or rather, an even more beautiful one, because the Creation is mute, and if It eloquently speaks, It does so always in Its mute language; while the Creation It forms in the soul is all Speaking.  The sun speaks of her works, the sea of her thoughts, the wind of her words; the treading of her steps that, as she walks, leaves the virtues of its flowers, and everything she does, speak like brilliant stars that, with their twinkling, pray, love, praise, bless, repair and thank continuously, without ever ceasing, that Supreme Fiat that, with so much Love, delights in forming in them the Beautiful Speaking Creation, all animated by Its Divine Light.

“Therefore, it is no wonder that your Jesus forms His continual Dwelling in the midst of this Speaking Creation, that My Divine Will forms for Me.  It would be more surprising if I were not there, because the Owner, the King who has formed it for Himself with so much Love, would be missing.  Why form it if I were not to dwell inside of it and enjoy My lovely Speaking Creation?  More so, since in this Speaking Creation there is always work to do, always something to add.  Each of her acts is one more voice that she acquires, and that, with all eloquence, speaks to Me of My Love and of hers; and I must listen to it.  Not only this, but I want to enjoy her tastes that she gives to Me.  I like them so much that I long for them, and therefore I cannot put them aside.

“Then, there is always something to give, and always something to take; therefore I cannot leave her without Me even for one instant.  At the most, now I speak and now I remain silent; now I let Myself be felt and now I remain hidden—but to leave one who Lives in My Divine Will I cannot.  Therefore, be sure that as long as you(Luisa) do not go out of It, your Jesus does not leave you(Luisa)—He will always be with you(Luisa), and you(Luisa) will always be with Me.”


January 24, 1938

How our Lord left for Heaven remaining on earth in the tabernacles, to accomplish the Kingdom of the Divine Will.  One who Lives in the Divine Will can say with Jesus:  “I leave and I stay.” 

My flight in the Divine Volition continues.  While I was visiting Jesus in the Sacrament, I wanted to embrace all the tabernacles and each Sacramental Host in order to live together with my Prisoner Jesus.  And I was thinking to myself:  “What a sacrifice.  What a long imprisonment—not of days, but of centuries!  Poor Jesus… could He at least be repaid for this!”

And my beloved Jesus, visiting my little soul, all immersed in His Flames of Love, said to me:  “My good daughter(Luisa), My First Prison was Love.  It imprisoned Me so much that I did not even have the freedom to breathe, to palpitate or to work if these too were not imprisoned in My Love.  Therefore, My Love imprisoned Me inside the tabernacle, but with reason and with highest Divine Wisdom.  Now, You must know that the chains of My Love made Me depart from Heaven during My Incarnation.  I left to descend upon earth in search of My children and My brothers and sisters, in order to form for them, with My Love, so many prisons of Love as to make it impossible for them to leave.  But while I left, I also remained in Heaven, since My Love—being My Prison—bound Me within the Celestial Regions.

“Now, having completed My Office down here, I left for Heaven, remaining imprisoned inside each Sacramental Host.  Do you know why?  Because My Love, being My Sweet Imprisonment, told me:  ‘The Purpose for which You descended from Heaven to earth is not accomplished.  Where is the Kingdom of Our Will?  It does not exist, neither is it known.  So, remain there as a Prisoner in each Sacramental Host.  In this way, there will not be only one Jesus, as in Your Humanity, but a Jesus for each Sacramental Host that will exist.  In a fury of Love, Your many Lives will make a way to the Divinity, as well as in each heart that will receive You.  These Lives will have a little word to say to make Our Will known, because when they descend into each heart, they will not be mute, but Speaking, and You will Speak about Our Fiat in the secret of their hearts.  You will be the Bearer of Our Kingdom.’  I recognized the demands of My Love as just, so I remained willingly on earth in order to form the Kingdom of My Will—until the Complete Fulfillment of the Work.

“You(Luisa) see, by departing for Heaven while remaining on earth, My Life, spread in many Sacramental Hosts, will not be useless down here.  I will certainly form the Kingdom of My Will.  I would have never stayed if I knew I wasn’t going to obtain the intent; more so, since this is for Me a Sacrifice greater than My very Mortal Life.  How many secret tears, how many bitter sighs in the midst of many Devouring Flames of Love!  I would like to devour all souls inside My Love to make those who are going to Live in My Divine Volition rise again to New Life.  This Kingdom will come from the Center of My Love.  It will burn the evils of the earth, relying upon Itself and arming Its Omnipotence; so, Victory after Victory, It will win Our Reign in the midst of the creatures, to give It to them.

“But I was not satisfied to remain Prisoner by Myself.  My Love, flaring up even more, made Me choose you to make you prisoner with chains so strong as to be impossible for you to escape Me.  This, as an Outpouring of My Love and for company in My Imprisonment; to be able to talk to you extensively about My Will—Its anxiety, Its sighs for desire to Reign—and also as a pretext of My Love to be able to say before the Supreme Majesty:  ‘A creature of the human race is already Our prisoner.  We speak with her about Our Will, to make It known, and extending Its Kingdom.  This prisoner is like a deposit for the whole human family, so that We will have Our Kingdom by right.  I can say that each of My Sacramental Lives is also like a deposit that I give You, sufficient to secure My Kingdom for My children.  But to these many deposits, My Love wanted to add the deposit of a simple creature who carries the marks of My Imprisonment, so as to strengthen the bonds between creature and Creator, and therefore accomplish and Complete the Kingdom of Our Will in the midst of the creatures.’

“My Prayers from each tabernacle are Incessant, so that the creatures may know My Will and may let It Reign; and all I suffer—tears and sighs—I send to Heaven in order to move the Divinity to concede a Grace so Great.  I send it to every heart, to move them to compassion for My tears and sufferings—to make them surrender to receive such a Great Good.”

Jesus remained silent.  I was thinking to myself:  “By making Himself a Prisoner, my dear Jesus did an Act of heroism so Great, only a God could do it.  But while He is Prisoner, He is also Free; more so, since He is Free in Heaven, where He enjoys the Fullness of His Freedom.  Not only this, but even on earth, how many times does He not come to me without His Sacramental Veils?  But having imprisoned my poor existence… He’s really done it this time.  He knows in what a narrow prison He has put me, and how hard my chains are; and I cannot be like Him, Who while being a Prisoner, is also Free… my prison is continuous.’

But as I was thinking this, He continued saying:  “My daughter(Luisa), poor daughter of Mine, you(Luisa) were given My own Destiny!  When My Love wants to do Good, It does not hold anything back—neither sacrifices nor Pains.  It almost seems as if It doesn’t want to hear about anything else:  Its whole Purpose is to make the Good It wants arise.  So, certainly I had to do this.  This was not about any random good, but about a Kingdom of Divine Will to be established on earth.  This Good will be so Great that no other good can be compared to it; all other goods will be like many little drops before the sea—like little sparks before the sun.  Therefore, don’t be surprised if  ‘I have really done it this time,’ as you(Luisa) say.  Your continuous imprisonment was necessary to My Love, to keep Me company and to let Me Speak about the Knowledge of My Will which is so important to Me, and which I felt the need to make known.  You(Luisa) must know that as I Speak to you(Luisa) about It, My Love repays you(Luisa) and frees you(Luisa) from the shackles of your human will, setting you(Luisa) free in the fields and dominions of the Kingdom of My Will.  All the knowledge is directed to this:  to unchain the creature from her will, from her passions and from her miseries.  Therefore, thank Me for what I have made of you(Luisa).  My Love will know how to repay you(Luisa), and will take into account every single breath of yours, and every instant of your imprisonment.”

After this, I continued to think about the Prodigies of the Divine Volition, and my beloved Jesus added:  “Daughter of My Wil(Luisa)l, as your Jesus said, in descending from Heaven to earth:  ‘I leave and I stay;’ when He Ascended into Heaven He said:  ‘I stay and I leave.’  My Word repeats upon descending as Sacrament in the creatures:  ‘I leave and I remain in the tabernacles.’  In the same way, the creature who Lives in My Will can repeat My Word in all her acts.  As soon as she begins her act, her Jesus is formed in that act.  My Life has the virtue of Multiplying Itself to Infinity as many times as I want.  Therefore, in all truth, she can say:  ‘I leave and I stay.  I leave for Heaven to beatify It, to reach my home and to make known to everyone my dear Jesus, Whom I enclosed in my act so that all may enjoy Him and Love Him.  I stay on earth, as my life, support and defense for all my brothers and sisters.’  How Beautiful one Act in My Will!”


December 22, 1929

How the greatest works cannot be done on one’s own, for they would die at birth.  The three prisons of Jesus.  The two mamas.

My abandonment in the Divine Fiat continues, and my tender Jesus, making Himself seen as a tiny little baby, either in my heart or in the womb of the Celestial Mama, but so very tiny, with an enrapturing beauty, all love, with His face wet with tears—and He cries because He wants to be loved—sighing, tells me:  “Ah! ah! why am I not loved?  I want to renew in souls all the love I had in incarnating Myself, but I find no one to whom to give it.  In incarnating Myself I found My Queen Mama who gave Me the field to pour out My Love and to receive in Her maternal Heart all the love that creatures rejected from Me.  Ah! She was the depository of My rejected Love, the sweet company of My pains, Her ardent love that dried My tears.

“The greatest works cannot be done on one’s own, but two or three at least are needed, as depositories and nourishment of the work itself.  Without nourishment works cannot have life—there is the danger that they might die at birth.  This is so true that, in Creation, there were the Three of Us, Divine Persons, in creating It; and then We made man as the depository of Our work.  Not content, because works alone do not bring happiness, We gave him the company of the woman.

“In the Incarnation, the Three Divine Persons were concurring, and in My company—or rather, They were inseparable from Me, with the addition of the Celestial Queen; and She Herself was the Divine depository of all the goods of the Incarnation.  See, then, how the company of the creature is necessary to Me in order to form My works—a creature who would place herself at My disposal in order to receive the great good I want to give her.  So, do you want to be My second mama?  Do you want to receive the great good of the renewing of My Incarnation, as the endowment of theKingdomofMy Divine Fiat?  In this way I will have two mamas—the first, who let Me form theKingdomofRedemption; the second, who will let Me form theKingdomofMy Divine Will.”  And placing His tiny little hands on my face, caressing me, He told me:  ‘My mama! My mama!  Maternal love surpasses all loves; so, you will love Me with insuperable love of mother.’”

After this, He kept silent, wanting to be rocked in my arms; and then He added:  “My daughter(Luisa), now, you(Luisa) must know the excess of My Love—where it led Me.  In descending from Heaven to earth it led Me into a most narrow and dark prison, that was the womb of My Mama.  But My Love was not content; within this very prison it formed for Me another jail, that was My Humanity, that jailed My Divinity.  The first prison lasted nine months for Me; the second prison of My Humanity lasted for Me as many as thirty-three years.  But My Love did not stop; toward the end of the prison of My Humanity it formed for Me the prison of the Eucharist, the littlest of prisons—a little host in which it imprisoned Me, humanity and Divinity; and I would have content Myself with being there as though dead, letting not one breath, not a movement, nor a heartbeat be heard—and not for a few years, but until the consummation of centuries.

“So, I went from prison to prison—they are inseparable from Me; therefore I can be called the Divine Inmate, the Celestial Prisoner.  In the first two prisons, in the intensity of My Love I matured theKingdomofRedemption; in the third prison of the Eucharist I am maturing the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat.  And this is why I called you(Luisa) to the prison of your bed, so that, together, both of us prisoners, in our solitude, bonding together, we may make the good of theKingdomofMy Willmature.

“If a Mama was necessary to Me for Redemption, so also do I need a mama for theKingdomofMy Fiat, and My demanding Love wanted this mother as imprisoned, so as to keep her at My disposal.  Therefore, I will be your prisoner, not only in the little host, but also in your heart; and you(Luisa) will be My dear prisoner, all intent on listening to Me and on breaking the loneliness of My long imprisonment.  And even though we are prisoners, we will be happy, because we will mature the Kingdom of the Divine Will to give It to creatures.”







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