Letters from Trani Archdiocese
Note: When available, have included links to where you can also view the letters:
Mons. Guiseppe Carata
Arcivescovo Di Trani – Nazareth E Barletta
Amministratore Perpetuo Di Bisceglie
4th of March of 1987
We consider as a perennial and authentic gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church of Christ, the rising and the spreading, according to the time’s needs, of Movements, Groups and Associations, which identify and appreciate the various charisms poured for the benefit of the community, and which contribute to the perfection of the Christian life, as well as to an authentic and ever growing witnessing in the world, to the most humble and charitable service, and to the most fraternal communion.
With highest gratitude to God our Father, We note a special abundance of this gift of the Holy Spirit in Our beloved Church Community in the period after the Vatican Council, which We undoubtedly define as “a Spring for the Church”, observing—as the fruit of a deeply lived experience within the Church according to the dictates of the Second Vatican Council—the blooming of Pious Associations and Movements, of certain Christian-catholic inspiration, through which the faithful live more visibly the mystery of the communion with Christ, participate responsibly in the life of the Church, and perform functions and ministries with awareness and competence, and in the harmony of unity and charity.
Among these Associations, the one called “LITTLE CHILDREN of the DIVINE WILL” was recently established in Corato. Its main purpose is the Christian education and the ascetic perfection, in the spirit and with the practice of a community prayer of Its members, in the light of the example, the teachings and the writings of the Dominican Tertiary LUISA PICCARRETA, who died in odor of sanctity in Corato, in 1947.
Therefore, having examined the request, which We received by the promoter Sister Assunta Marigliano, in the name of all the supporters, on February 15, 1987;
Having examined and approved ad experimentum the Statute containing the purpose of the Association, the instruments for the education, the organisms of direction and other basic norms, as well as the apostolic projection of the Association;
As laid down by cann. law 299, §§ 2 and 3; 300 etc.;
The PIOUS ASSOCIATION “Luisa Piccarreta” LITTLE CHILDREN OF THE DIVINE WILL with center in Corato (Archdioceses of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie) in via Nazario Sauro n.25.
The established Association will be ruled by the general norms of CJC (cann. 321-326) and by the above mentioned Statute which We approved.
In full uniformity and submission to the Divine Volition, which appears to Us clear in this, through the signs of the times, through the fervor of the supporters and their beneficial fruits in the apostolic field, We encourage and exhort all to continue in their good intentions of sanctity and ministry for the Church, sustained by copious celestial blessings.
Given in Trani, from Our Archbishop’s Palace, on the 4th of March of 1987, on the fortieth anniversary of the pious transit of Luisa Piccarreta.
For more information, please write to:
Pious Association Luisa Piccarreta, Little Children of the Divine Will
Via Nazario Sauro, 25
70033 Corato (BA) Italy
The Congregation for the Causes of Saints
February 25, AD 1994
The Congregation for the Causes of Saints, answering to the request which has been proposed to It, declares on the part of the Holy See the NON OBSTARE for the opening of the Cause of Beatification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, Laywoman, Tertiary Dominican; everything, however, according to the instructions which are established in the enclosed letters of March 25, AD 1994, written to the Most Excellent and Reverend Msgr. Carmelo Cassati, Missionary of the Sacred Heart, Archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglia, after having observed all things which must be observed by law.
Given in Trani, from the place of the same Congregation, on February 25, AD 1994
Archbishop of Trani – Barletta – Bisceglie, Titular of Nazareth
November l9, l994
Cause of Beatification of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, Secular, Dominican Tertiary
for the Collecting of the Writings
The Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Trani – Barletta – Bisceglie has begun the cognitive process about the life and virtues in general, as well as the miracles and supernatural gifts of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, secular, Dominican Tertiary; and having to collect the writings attributed to her, according to the Code of Canon Law and conforming to Norms issued by the Pontiff, John Paul II, on the 7th of February 1993, We order all those who may have been in possession of any object, and writing on any subject, which may have for author the foresaid Servant of God, to return them with due promptness to Us personally or to the Postulator of the Cause, Mons. Felice Posa, House of Divine Providence – 70052 Bisceglie (Bari) Italy.
Those who wish to retain the originals of the writings, may present duly authenticated copies.
Furthermore, We remind everyone and each of the faithful, be they ecclesiastics, religious or laity, that the Code of Canon Law directs them to give Us information on everything which may shed light on the reputation of sanctity of the foresaid Servant of God, as well as the miracles which have occurred or may occur through her intercession.
Lastly, We order that the present Edict be affixed on the doors of the Curia and the Parish Churches and Rectories of our Archdiocese for a period of three months, and that it be brought to the attention of the faithful in all those Dioceses in which there may be found writings of the Servant of God, in a manner which the Ordinary of the place will deem most opportune, and that he may, moreover, give this matter the maximum disclosure, even by printed means.
Given in Trani, from the See of the Curia, November l9, l994.
Homily Given at the Opening of the Cause for the Beatification of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta
Feast of Christ the King
November 20, 1994
Praise be to Jesus Christ!
My dearest brothers and sisters, for Corato this evening it is certainly THE DAY. It is an evening of great importance; and, even if we cannot have present here all its citizens, your presence is particularly significant. You are the citizens of Corato (“the Coratini”) who wish to honor one of your own citizens in a particular way because your Luisa was the first to honor you.
Starting this evening (we must add — in awe and fear) we open this process, entrusting it to God that it will unfold conforming to all laws and rules but, at the same time, with the speed or slowness that God reserves for all his things.
God is not in a hurry like us; therefore, for Him a thousand years are like a day; a day like a thousand years. We are the ones in a hurry, and that is why we do so many bad things — because we are always in such a big hurry. God is not in a rush. Time is in his hands; therefore, ‘when and how’ this process will conclude is known only to God. We only wish to place ourselves in his hands and say that we want to fulfill his Will because, if we do not dedicate ourselves, we are also going against the thoughts and will of our own Luisa, who had only one, single desire: to fulfill the Will of God. The FIAT that she continually repeated was an immense desire to do only the Will of God, and she presented her FIAT by sacrificing herself.
For many years, almost her entire life, she was bed-ridden, many times in great pain and overwhelmed with much of the Passion of our God, Jesus Christ. As a young child, even before her illness, she saw our Christ asking her for assistance in suffering the Passion, to carry the Cross; and she was willing. From that moment, the rest of her long life was a continuous sacrifice.
In our human terms we could ask: for what reason did this woman live her entire life bed-ridden? What could have been the reason for such a life? With today’s mentality and the diabolical theories of euthanasia, someone would probably have killed her. For what did a bed-ridden life serve? For what did the life of a small woman serve, whom, among other things, upon her death, could not be made to lie in a coffin; and a special casket had to be made in the shape of the letter ‘L’ because her body could not be straightened? For what did that life serve? Humanly speaking, we must say that such a life was unsuccessful, a useless life — but in the eyes of God it was the life of one who willingly climbed upon the Cross and, having known the Will of God said: “Here I am; your Will be done.” Not for three days nor for three years but for sixty years on the Cross, bed-ridden.
This sacrifice, this gift, this offering enters directly into the Chalice of the Passion and Death of our God, Jesus Christ, in the Blood of Christ. And Luisa, with her sacrifice, becomes the one who makes reparation, who makes restitution for the sins of others. Therefore, this life becomes heroic. God wanted her alive because He was grateful for her sacrifice given freely. Before such generosity one should not marvel, then, if Luisa had particular visions, if Luisa also had some particular insights seen in her writings, if Luisa had been able to speak about God in a determined way, and if Luisa speaks about God as God Love, who immolates Himself for this creature, whom He has made to his image and likeness and who once was lost, to come Himself and take the trouble to bring him back. And, if God was so humbled, then, well spent were ‘my more than sixty years in a bed of the Cross.’
You will see that it makes sense, then, and that it is no longer a useless life in the way men think. It becomes a most precious life because it collaborates the Crucifixion of Christ for the salvation of the world. We will never know if one day in the hereafter, when we arive at our Fathers house (if God wishes to receive us into his house), if maybe then we will see the value of the souls who have immolated themselves for Him. And, if the world is still standing, maybe we should give credit not to our techniques and to our people’s skill in knowing always how to quarrel; but we should give credit to these hidden souls who sacrifice in order to compensate for the tide of sin in this world.
We saw the flood two weeks ago and the damage provoked by a small earthquake. If a small quake of that kind can bring about so much damage to all nature, what damage does a soul obstinate in sin do? Then we can realize and not be astonished if at a certain moment God asks: “Soul, will you give Me a hand?” That is the reason for the invitation to Luisa: “Soul, will you give Me a hand?” My Redemption is enough, but I need other souls to participate with Me in this Calvary, in this Sacrifice, because man never grows tired of offending God.
Therefore, my dear ones, we must try to see Luisa by her Light and not try to seek in her writings something that we might not be able to understand; and we will not understand unless we put ourselves in Luisa’s Light. If we do not put ourselves in the Light of the God who asks of this soul reparation, suffering, sacrifice, the cross, calvary, blood and life, what restitution can I give to my God for the sins of the world?
If I see myself a rationalist, if I see myself a schemer, if I see that I want to reason like a man, I am off my path. With God either you love Him, and He takes you where He wants you, or our rationalization is of no use. God has given us intelligence so that we can love Him, not to engage in criticizing Him and debating his plans of Love. Luisa never did this; she offered herself; she sacrificed herself; and God loved and bestowed privileges upon her.
I hope that Luisa’s writings may penetrate the hearts of men in one way or another and also be understood. We certainly have an immense responsibility because Luisa is not a Saint like all the others. Luisa was a Saint placed on the Cross. On the Cross, Christ received insults; Christ was ridiculed; Christ was scorned; and, therefore, we should not be astonished if she has received some of those things as well. It was necessary for her in order to be more like the Crucified Christ. She had asked to participate in his Passion.
My dear ones, Luisa’s phenomenon, although she was born, she died, and was buried in Corato, is a phenomenon difficult to explain. They love her more outside of Corato. The New World loves her more. That truly becomes a problem and an incessant prayer for us — that they truly understand the thought of Luisa, the writings of Luisa, and that it be understood, above all her spirit, because today we live in a world where sorcerers, fortune-tellers, spiritists and many others say that they see God, the Madonna, the Saints; and so many others who say they see the devil. We are in a world full, very full of these realities, of these miseries; and it becomes easy for us to run to the place where there is a fortune-teller; and it is easy to run to the place where some fellow has said that he sees Jesus Christ, that he sees the Madonna. We have flocks of people, even in our city, who run right and left, back and forth in search of those who have seen the Madonna, who have seen Saint Michael, who have seen Christ, in search of those who sweat blood, who sweat this, who sweat that. We go about in search of emotion; but the Faith — our religion — is not emotions. We cannot be emotional people who follow fortune-tellers, visionaries, people who even go after the devil!
My dear ones, open your eyes because the world, and maybe even Corato, is full of people who run to and fro. To understand Luisa, we must go, I repeat, to one point alone: the FIAT, Your will be done! We have no other choice. That “Your Will be done” meant for her an entire life upon the Cross; FIAT, I accept. And then we can say that we are in tune.
Now, I do not know if I will be able to explain myself, but I would like to say a few words to these friends who have come from America because, as I have said, even there, the name of Luisa and her writings has spread among them and is still developing among very many. But, perhaps it is over there that there could be a greater danger, in that they could misunderstand her. Let us hope that I will be successful in explaining myself a little.
Archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie
Titular of Nazareth
Trani, January 23, 1997
Dearest Priests, Consecrated Souls,
and Faithful of our Archdiocese,
LUISA PICCARRETA died in Corato on March 4, 1947. It has been 50 years since her death; and while in Corato she continues to be remembered as “Luisa the Saint,” in very many parts of the world her name is known because of her writings.
These are composed principally of her “Diaries,” which were handwritten by Luisa in obedience to her confessors. In them is seen the continuous preoccupation of wanting to imitate Jesus Christ in the best of ways, placing herself in harmony with the Will of God.
She prayed ardently that the KINGDOM OF THE DIVINE WILL would be established on earth; and, for this to happen, it is necessary for men to begin to know this ardent desire of God, because no one can appreciate a gift without having experienced it.
The DIVINE WILL is the most precious thing that can be imagined, and It is unveiled to us in the measure which God deigns to make It known.
St. Paul prayed that we would have a full knowledge of the Divine Will with every wisdom and spiritual intelligence. The just are sanctified in the measure in which they have appreciated and loved It; and Jesus spoke continually of his desire to do the “WILL OF THE FATHER.”
Unfortunately, THE DIVINE WILL is the great unknown, notwithstanding the fact that It is spoken so much of in Sacred Scripture. This is because our sin brings us overbearingly to do our own will, turning away from the Divine Will.
The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, urges us to immerse ourselves in the Will of God. According to her, God created man in his image and likeness, adding a gift all His: THE GIFT OF HIS MOST ADORABLE WILL, so that man might act and live as a little God capable of conversing with his Creator.
The 50th anniversary of the death of Luisa “the Saint” might be for all of us the propitious occasion for an attentive study of her writings in order to feel closer to her.
We pray, also, for the good outcome of the Cause of her Beatification should it be in the Will of God that his Servant be exalted.
With affection,
Your Archbishop
+ signed (Mons. Carmelo Cassati)
Archbishop Emeritus of Trani/Bari/Bisceglie &
Co-Founder of the Canonically approved “Association Luisa Piccarreta”
November 12, 1997
Dear friends,
What a joy it is to have arrived at the best years of life and to reflect on so many years of having lived in the land of the saints, as our beautiful Apulia is often called. One of my greatest joys has been able to work so close with the Association which I co-founded in Corato, together with Sister Assunta Marigliano, and to now see that, we are ever closer to having a new saint. For us here in Corato she will never be “Saint Luisa,” but will always be “Luisa the saint.” As a seminarian in the late 1930’s, our spiritual director shared Luisa’s Writings with us students on a daily basis, and we were awed that a soul so intimate with God resided in our very midst.
During my many years of ministry in this Archdiocese I have seen Luisa loved, crucified, risen, and I know my days will not end until I see her exalted to the honor of the altar as, without any shadow of doubt, she deserves. The theology of her spirituality brings confusion to the intelligent, wonder and hope to the simple, and now brings a depth of understanding to the Church which, as I have always held, could very well be a new heavens and a new earth for all the faithful. The praises which I offer do not come from having served as rector of our pontifical seminary for fifteen years, but from many years of meditating our Lord’s own prayer – let Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven!
Be gentle with our Luisa, for she is our pride and joy. Honor the inheritance she has passed on to the world in her Writings. Pray for her intercession before the Trinity for your sanctification in God’s very own Spirit, for this is the reason why we were created. It is a matter of glory – given, and shared – which will shepherd us through eternity. “If you only knew what it means not to live in the divine Fiat you would die rather than give life to your own will.” These words, often spoken by our Lord to Luisa, have led me through my own episcopacy, and now that I may rest in my aged reflections, I can see that it is a wine in which I greatly delight.
God bless you all in your retreat. May you mature in love and holiness in your days of friendship and rejoicing.
With the affecton of a father,
Archbishop Guiseppe Carata
Archbishop Emeritus of Trani/Bari/Bisceglie & Co-Founder of the Canonically approved “Association Luisa Piccarreta”
Archdiocese of Trani – Barletta – Bisceglie
Diocesan Ecclesiastical Tribunal
Archepiscopal Curia
Via Beltrani, 9
70059 TRANI (Bari) Italy
On December 18, 1997, Rev. Cosimo Reho, Professor of Dogmatic Theology, tendered his theological evaluation of the writing of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, to the Diocesan Tribunal responsible for her Cause of Beatification.
Rev. Father Reho has determined that the writings of Luisa Piccarreta contained nothing contrary to Catholic faith or morals.
His findings, therefore, concur with the findings of Rev. Antonio Resta, Rector of the Pontifical Theological Institute of Southern Italy, who submitted his report to the same Tribunal on June 2, 1997. He also found nothing in Luisa Piccarreta’s writings contrary to Catholic faith or morals.
These two independently commissioned theologians have arrived at the same conclusion of other esteemed theologians who have evaluated Luisa’s writings at previous occasions during this century. It should be recalled that Blessed Hannibal Di Francia, who was Luisa’s extraordinary confessor for 17 years, and was appointed by the Church to be the censor of her writings, also, found nothing contrary to Catholic faith or morals and granted the “Nihil Obstat” to the first 19 of her Volumes in 1926, shortly before his death, Archbishop Joseph Leo granted the Imprimatur to those Volumes, also in 1926.
The Official Theological review of Luisa’s writings is now nearing completion. Any further theological evaluations will depend upon the judgement of the President of the Tribunal responsible for Luisa’s Cause, Archbishop Carmelo Cassati, who, according to Church Protocol, is the only official judge in this matter. Later, when all the necessary work has been completed in the diocese where Luisa lived, the Cause will be forwarded to the Vatican, whose offices, gave the appropriate permissions to Archbishop Cassati to open Luisa’s Cause in 1994.
Year 1998
At the beginning of 1998, Archbishop Carmelo Cassati, President of the Tribunal for the Beatification of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, established a Diocesan Commission and Office headquartered in Corato. Archbishop Cassati charged the Commission with the following responsibilities:
– The course of the Cause of Beatification.
– The spiritual activity of the Pious Association “Luisa Piccarreta P.F.D.V.”
– The typical edition of the writings of Luisa (the Diaries).
– The coordination of the Centers that already exist and those which will be formed.
– Answering the numerous questions for clarification that arrive from all over the world.
– Inquiries can be addressed to the:
Diocesan Office
Via Carmine, 6
70033 Corato, (BA) ITALY
Phone/Fax: 011-39-080-898-6887
Trani – Barletta – Bisceglie – Nazareth
70059 TRANI – VIA BELTRANI, 9 – TEL.0883-583498
Trani, June 4, 2005
The “Divine Will” has guided the Archdiocese, in this last decade, for the completion of the works regarding the process of the Cause of Beatification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. The Diocesan Postulation announces having completed this journey. It communicates that on the days of the 27th, 28th, and 29th of October 2005 it will celebrate the 2nd International Congress with the conclusion of the diocesan process.
The Pious Association Luisa Piccarreta Little Children of the Divine Will*, in Corato, has been charged with performing the job of Secretary for the celebration and welcome of guests. Later the program of the celebration will be published in a definitive way.
May Jesus Christ present in the Eucharist guide us as He has guided His Servant Luisa.
The Vicar General
(His Grace Mons. Savino Giannotti)
* Pious Association Luisa Piccarreta Little Children of the Divine Will Referent: Sister Assunta Marigliano 70033 Corato (BA) – Via Nazario Sauro, 27 – Tel. +39.080.8982221
*This Web Site is in Italian
– e-mail : pia.ass.luisalasanta@libero.it
Sr. Assunta Marigliano, President of the Pious Association “Luisa Piccarreta – Little Children of the Divine Will”, based in Corato, Italy, who is responsible for promoting the Cause for Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
Father Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci
Parish Priest Cappuccino
Trani – Barletta – Bisceglie – Nazareth
70059 TRANI – VIA BELTRANI, 9 – TEL.0883-583498
The Vicar General
Trani, July 31, 2003
Most Eminent
Mr. Luigi Perrone
The City of Corato is honored to preserve the mortal remains of the Servant of God, Luisa PICCARRETA, in the Parish Church of S. Maria Greca.
All citizens residing in Corato and outside of the city show great veneration toward the Servant of God; and this Archdiocese of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie has, in process, the Cause of Beatification of Luisa, worthy of veneration. The attestations concerning her heroic virtues are numerous, and the Ecclesiastical Diocesan Tribunal, according to canon law, is bringing to conclusion Its process in order to begin the one at the Holy See.
I make known that the name of the Servant of God is very well known abroad, especially in the United States, in Mexico, in the Netherlands, in Spain, etc.
The work of the Diocesan Postulation and of the Theologians is not easy, but the Holy Spirit is guiding the action of the research of testimonies, and of the formation of the typical edition of the writings, quite numerous and a source of great spirituality concerning the Divine Will.
In the name of the Archbishop and of the faithful of Corato, I ask you to name a public street or square after the Servant of God, in proximity to the places of the birth and death of Luisa Piccarreta, worthy of veneration.
I thank you for welcoming this request, which the City Administration will certainly be able to fulfill for the ever greater honor of the City, which gave birth to so worthy a Daughter.
With expressions of fraternal esteem,
Msgr. Savino Giannotti
Trani – Barletta – Bisceglie – Nazareth
70059 TRANI – VIA BELTRANI, 9 – TEL.0883-583498
The Vicar General
Trani, August 5, 2003
Trani, Barletta, Bisceglie, Nazareth
Trani, Via Beltrani, 9
Vicar General
With reference to the Cause of Beatification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, in process within the Archdiocese of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie (Italy) we present that on the 10th day of October an official communiqué about the Postulation of the Cause that is in process was given. The same communique indicates the future itinerary of work in conformity to the laws of the Congregation of the Cause of Saints of the Holy See issued in 1983.
This communique states the acquired rights of the Archdiocese concerning the ownership of the writings of Luisa Piccarreta and the juridical norms for the use of these writings. Consequently, when previously those who were engaged in the spreading of some writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta were considered unworthy. Only the Publisheers of Mr. Gamba of Bergamo in Italy and the Publisher of Thomas Fahy of Jacksonville (USA) had permission to use up whatever had been printed. But without any imprimatur or nulla obstat from the Archdiocese.
The Tribunal of the Postulation of the Cause of Beatification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, following the resignations of His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Cassati and of several priests, was reformed. Rev. Michael Adams, Rev. John Brown and Mons. Felice Posa no longer are part of the Tribunal.
Currently, the Ecclesiastical Tribunal is made up of Mons. Pietro Ciraselli,President, Very Rev. Bernardino Bucci,Promoter of the faith, Dr. Giuseppe Iurilli, Secretary, Mons. Giuseppe Asciano, Registrar.
Rev. Giuseppe Iannuzzi never had any position within the Archdiocese of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie. He is concerned with finishing his studies on the mystical life, examining the texts of Luisa Piccarreta, up until now never being recognized by the Archdiocese; and neither has he ever been a Censor or preacher.
In faith,
Msgr. Savino Giannotti
Letter to EWTN
4 October 2003
The writings of Luisa Piccarreta have not been judged by this Dicastery: as such they enjoy neither the official approbation, nor the official condemnation, of this Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. In fact, they are currently being studied, by reason of competence, by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, after this Servant of God, independently of the content of her writings, received the nihil obstat of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith regarding her cause for beatification.
As such, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith makes, at this time, no pronouncement on the writings in question.
Letter from Trani to EWTN
Trani – Barletta – Bisceglie – Nazareth
The Archbishop, Msgr. Giovan Battista Picchieri and the Postulation for the Cause of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, thanks EWTN for the interest it has always shown toward the Servant of God, and for having raised questions which have brought about a clarification on certain misconceptions which have occurred in some groups.
The Diocese is aware of the importance of the personality, Luisa Piccarreta, and of how great a beneficial influence she can have on the Holy People of God. Because of this, a clarifying word, pronounced by the competent authorities, which at the present are the Archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie and the Postulation, is urgently needed.
1. The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, is in the Church, is with the Church, is for the Church, as Her obedient daughter.
2. Luisa is a Catholic woman who consumed her life in prayer and in daily suffering, always sweetly submitted to priestly authority and to the Magisterium of the Church.
3. To interpret the Servant of God outside of this view is to falsify the truth.
4. The Servant of God loved the Church, and for Her sake she offered her whole life, becoming a lightning rod for Divine Justice. Her life was transformed into a continuous prayer, with a profound devotion to the Mother of God.
5. Not a doubt has emerged concerning the holiness of Luisa Piccarreta. Upon this all agree, so much so, that the people would refer to her as: “Luisa the Saint”; a people which has always surrounded her with respect and veneration, without clamor; when passing by her home, men would remove their hats.
6. Because of her reputation of holiness, which has never dimmed among the people, the Diocese, authorized by Rome, opened the process for her beatification, which has now reached the concluding stage and, shortly, should pass to the Congregation of the Saints.
7. The process is being conducted on the holiness of Luisa Piccarreta (not on her writings); on how she exercised the Christian virtues.
8. The writings remain exclusive property of the Diocese, which possesses copies of the originals, given to It by the Congregation of the Faith (formerly Holy Office). The Diocese is working prudently on a typical edition with explicatory notes, so that there might not be interpretations which might contradict the Magisterium of the Church and falsify the authentic thought of Luisa Piccarreta, who submitted everything to the authority of the Church. Her writings must be authenticated only by the Church, which alone can express a judgment on her thought.
9. The Diocese and the Postulation have not permitted or promoted the printing of the writings, because the process is in progress, and they do not want to create obstacles to the proceeding of the Cause.
10. The Archbishop, therefore, blesses all prayer groups inspired by Luisa Piccarreta, but does not intend to assume responsibility for them, which is deferred to the ordinary authorities of each place for the verification of their authenticity and orthodoxy. It would be desirable that these be guided by prudent priests, and of proven orthodoxy.
11. EWTN is exhorted to publicize the figure of the Servant of God as much as possible, without going into her writings. It is a good for all to recognize the Servant of God as a gift of God to the Church and as an authentic daughter of the Church.
12. To exhort the groups to imitate Luisa in prayer and to form true groups of prayer; to earnestly pray God to glorify this creature of His on earth; to plead, through her, for a kingdom of peace for all men.
13. If signs or miracles should take place through the intercession of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, it is necessary to notify the Postulation, with precise and serious documentation.
14. No one can be authorized to diffuse the writings of the Servant of God through inappropriate publications. It is licit to diffuse only the writings concerning the biography of the Servant of God, that she may become ever more known. In the near future, as soon as the Diocese has examined all of the writings, It will certainly give them to the Congregation for the Cult of Saints. At the present moment, other unauthorized initiatives can be an obstacle to the “Cause in Process”. The Congregation of the Saints will indicate the representative from the Holy See and the censors of the writings. The Postulation will take care of any informing about all the stages concerning the Cause, and hopes that the conclusion of the process before the Congregation of the Saints, about the holiness of the Servant of God, may soon be reached, so that she may be declared Venerable by the Church. We state that, by official document, the Archdiocese is the only proprietor of that which belongs to Luisa Piccarreta. Currently, the Archdiocese maintains all rights over the writings and their printing. The violation of these writings will be punished according to the laws in force.
Msgr. Savino Giannotti
Trani – Barletta – Bisceglie – Nazareth
70059 TRANI – VIA BELTRANI, 9 – TEL.0883-583498
Trani, June 4, 2005
The “Divine Will” has guided the Archdiocese, in this last decade, for the completion of the works regarding the process of the Cause of Beatification of the Servant of God LuisaPiccarreta. The Diocesan Postulation announces having completed this journey. It communicates that on the days of the 27th, 28th, and 29th of October 2005 it will celebrate the 2nd International Congress with the conclusion of the diocesan process.
The Pious Association Luisa Piccarreta Little Children of the Divine Will*, in Corato, has been charged with performing the job of Secretary for the celebration and welcome of guests. Later the program of the celebration will be published in a definitive way.
May Jesus Christ present in the Eucharist guide us as He has guided His Servant Luisa.
The Vicar General
(His Grace Mons. Savino Giannotti)
* Pious Association Luisa Piccarreta Little Children of the Divine Will
Referent: Sister Assunta Marigliano
70033 Corato (BA) – Via Nazario Sauro, 27 – Tel. +39.080.8982221
www.luisalasanta.com – e-mail : pia.ass.luisalasanta@libero.it
Mons. Giovanni Battista Pichierri
Prot. 29/06GBP
Dearest brothers,
In the meeting held at Corato last October (in 2005) on the occasion of the closing of the Cause of Beatification of Luisa Piccarreta, Providence had allowed many of you to participate, who for so many years worked in order to make known the great spiritual wealth and the gift that the Lord offers us in the life and in the writings of Luisa. At that gathering stood out the desire of meeting again in the next few months, in order to deepen the sense of fraternity that must be there between those who serve the Kingdom of the Divine Volition according to the spirituality of the Servant of God, keeping in mind the Pauline text 1, Cor. 1,10: “Therefore I urge you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to be completely unanimous in speaking, so that there are no divisions among you, but be in complete union of thought and intent.”
The meetings are profitable for various reasons:
1st. The life of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta is extraordinary, especially in the way of how she lived the spirituality of the Divine Will, of which she is an exemplary model. But not only her life gives proof of it, also her writings do. It is necessary, therefore, to understand them and to present them in the context of her life. We must therefore know how to present her spirituality taking into consideration the deeply human Christian and Ecclesiastical roots that sustain and accompany all her spiritual experience.
2nd. Such mystical experience, by itself very profound, Luisa sometimes had difficulty in manifesting in writing because of the limits of the human language and of her own personal, cultural, and historical limits. We cannot therefore teach or claim to apply to life, in a literal and radical way, all that one reads in her writings.
We need a mature reflection in the context of the Catholic Faith and in the overall view of all her writings for however long she lived and wrote, so that our teaching be fruitful. Otherwise we run the risk of diffusing not a spirituality that helps to fully grow, but a spiritualism separated from the concrete life and from the ecclesiastical life, that easily becomes fanaticism.
3rd. All of you who have taken part in the meeting of October, certainly feel as one called and feel a duty shared with everyone in the Church, the spirituality lived by Luisa.
Nevertheless, the experiences of these years says to us that the doctrine of the Divine Will has not always been presented in a respectful and correct way, according to the Doctrine and the Magisterium of the Church, placing in the mouth of Luisa statements that one does not find even implicitly in her writings. This causes trauma in consciences and even confusion and refusal in the people and among the Presbyteries and Bishops.
Other times they distort certain essential themes or points of this spirituality, presenting them outside of the context and the totality of the writings. They make unauthorized deductions or conclusions; subjective thoughts are given as objective truth, or else they emphasis secondary aspects as if they were essential, in this way distorting the substance and diverting attention to less important things. From this is the need of seeing possible deformations, inaccurate interpretations, imprudent or inappropriate teachings, in order to correct them and to present everything in full conformity with the Doctrine of the Church.
The meetings should help us to have a clear hierarchy of the truths that the Lord has given Luisa, so as to pass them on in order and with the suitable educational methods.
4th. The gatherings will help us to remember those essential points of our Faith, that we can never forget in presenting the Divine Will. If at times they become implied, ignoring them or diminishing their importance, it is because the writings of Luisa and the spirituality of the Divine Will are placed above, creating a kind of confrontation between both of them. Other times they are reinterpreted in the light of such doctrine, but not in a correct way.
5th. In each meeting we can examine some from among the most significant or essential aspects of the spirituality of the Divine Will, to make evident what possibly does not go well in the way it is presented and taught to the faithful, and arrive at practical conclusions for a more uniform and healthy diffusion of the writings of Luisa and of the spirituality that they contain.
Therefore, by personal and restricted invitation, in the month of October, a gathering of thorough study will take place. (Detailed invitation will follow)
The subject to be taken into consideration is: the Life of Luisa as life in the Divine Volition. From the analysis of the writings drawn from:
– The Hours of the Passion;
– The Queen of the Kingdom of the Divine Will;
– Letters of Luisa and St. Annibale
– The First 19 Volumes of the Diary; It will have the following question to argue: “What does to live in the Divine Volition mean?”
The meeting will conclude with the preparation of a summary of the subjects dealt with, and proposal of a presentation of themes for the faithful.
I thank each one in advance for your helpfulness, I cordially bless you,
Trani, March 9, 2006
X Giovan Battista Pichierri
President Association “Luisa Piccarreta” P.F.D.V. Rev. Mother Sister Assunta Marigliano Secretary Cause of Beatification of Luisa Piccarreta
Study team for the writings of the Servant of God “Luisa Piccarreta”
Prot. 30/06GBP
Most dear,
I rejoice with you for having submitted to the Congregation for the Cause of the Saints the conclusion of the diocesan process concerning the cause of Beatification of the Servant of God “Luisa Piccarreta”. I am waiting to receive the decree “ad valididatem”.
I bring to your attention that I have no difficulty in approving the publication of the writings of the Servant of God after they have been examined with criterion and historical-scientific method by the Committee established ad hoc by me.
Concerning the Printer to which one turns to in Italy, I think that it is as much as ever appropriate it be carefully selected by the plaintiff for the Cause, that is, by the Association “Luisa Piccarreta” P.F.D.V., in a way as to assume all the responsibility concerning the undertaking.
The publication of an edition authorized by the Archbishop of Trani will certainly put an end to every other publication that for a long time now circulates on the Internet, to the detriment, unfortunately, of a correct interpretation of the writings of the Servant of God.
I urge you to deal with the work asked of you so as to arrive as soon as possible at the printing of a first edition that is evidence of one unique text, and later on a second typical and critical edition.
Regarding translations in other languages, I think it is the job of the Secretary to intelligently and with much prudence to broaden the network of collaborators, in a way that it gives security to the translations from the content and stylistic point of view.
I wish you good work for the glory of the Most Holy Trinity and for the positive outcome of the Cause of the Beatification of “Luisa”.
I bless you from the bottom of my heart!
Trani, March 13, 2006
Giovan Battista Pichierri Archbishop
Mons. Giovan Battista Pichierri Archbishop of Trani – Barletta – Bisceglie Titular Bishop of Nazareth Italy
Mons. Giovanni Battista Pichierri
On the process of Beatification of the Servant of God LUISA PICCARRETA
Phases of the diocesan process
- Plaintiff for the process of Beatification of Luisa Piccarreta is the Association of the Divine Volition, approved by the Archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie, Mons. Giuseppe Carata.
- The process of Beatification has been opened in the Archdiocese by His Excellency Mons. Carmelo Cassati in 1994, instituting the ecclesiastical Tribunal. From February 15, 2001 the Postulator is Sac. Sabino Lattanzio.
- The ecclesiastical Tribunal is still busy in the compilation of all the requested acts by norm of the rule given by the Holy See on January 25, 1983. It is hoped to reach, as soon as possible, the closure of the process on the renown of the holiness of the Servant of God.
Writings of Luisa Piccarreta
- The writings of Luisa, contained in 36 volumes, require a typical edition, properly approved by the ecclesiastical authority. It is a demanding work that requires serious application of scholars who devote time and expertise.
- All the writings of Luisa are property of the Archdioceses of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie.
- Publishers and diffusers of printing cannot publish and diffuse the writings of Luisa without permission from the Archdioceses of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie. Whoever arbitrarily acts should know that they damage the rights that are reserved for the owning entity.
- The groups of prayer that are inspired by Luisa and that are scattered in the world have exclusively their own Bishop as point of ecclesiastical reference. They, therefore, must make their own Bishop the leader in order to be assured about the ecclesiasticy of the group.
- Their own Bishop must authorize the initiatives that are taken with reference to Luisa, as for example conferences, days of spirituality, prayer meetings, etc., in order to give peace of mind to those who participate.
Jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie
The Archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie is the one responsible:
- for the diocesan canonical process for the Beatification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta;
- for the assurance of the writings of Luisa by expert scholars and critic theologians in view of their reading in the light of the Magisterium of the Church and achievement of the typical edition;
- of giving correct information about the work that he is carrying out with great responsibility in the diocesan process of Beatification of the Servant of God.
What we ask of one who knows Luisa Piccarreta
- To pray for the Beatification of the Servant of God, that the Most Holy Trinity be glorified and the Kingdom of the Divine Volition be diffused.
- To send to the Postulation, with an accurate documentation, depositions and anything else that regards the Servant of God.
- Prudence in the wait for the carrying out of the canonical procedure for the process in action, and for the judgment on the holiness of Luisa and on the credibility of her spirituality; a thing exclusively up to the qualified ecclesiastical authority: the Archbishop first, then the Holy Father.
Thank you to whoever will want to cooperate, in full humility, obedience, and ecclesiastic communion, with the Postulation for the cause of Luisa, keeping in mind the address of the Postulation:
Postulazione Luisa Piccarreta
Palazzo Vescovile
Via Beltrami, 9
70059 TRANI (BA)
With feelings of respect and cordiality, regards and blessing to whoever welcomes this communiqué with the sincere desire of cooperating for the cause of the Divine Volition, Archbishop
†Giovan Battista PICHIERRI
Mons. Giovan Battista Pichierri
Archbishop of Trani – Barletta – Bisceglie
Titulator ofNazareth
Very dear brother priests, very dear friends,
The days of grace lived in the meeting of the 12th, 13th and 14th of last October at the Sanctuary Madonna of Graces at Corato with persons in charge of the groups of faithful animated by the spirituality of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta present in the world, has given us the opportunity of growing in communion. How much has been constructed can not then be increased by every means, above all in view of an authentic testimony rendered to the wisdom enclosed in the life of Piccarreta. In fact, it recalls to us Saint Giacomo that “Where there is jealousy and spirit of quarrel, there is disorder and every sort of bad actions. The wisdom that comes from above instead is first of all pure; then peaceful, mild, easy-going, full of mercy and of good fruits, without partiality, without hypocrisy” (3,16-17). Therefore I applaud the initiative undertaken by you from the 7th to the 10th next December at Miami in Florida in order to increase your unity and prove your activity of apostolate of service to the Church.
I take the opportunity to remind that the groups and associations present in the world must constantly keep themselves in contact with the Diocesan Ordinaries of the Diocese in which they are found in order to submit their activities to their discernment. They are, in fact, the only ones to have full jurisdiction over associations which in force of the recognition received by them, they maintain also their own autonomy. The respect of such autonomy is condition for an authentic collaboration in the Spirit of unity.
They must be avoided, moreover, in all ways “escapes ahead” concerning the publication by means of print or computer of the writings of Luisa both in Italian and in the translations into other languages. This, as well as for reasons of legal order (the Archdiocese of Trani possesses in an exclusive way the property and the rights) above all for precautionary reasons since the Cause of Beatification is in act before the Sacred Congregation for the Cause of the Saints that provides for a thorough examination also of the writings at the hands of expert censors.
At present we are waiting for the judgment concerning the validity of the process carried out in our Archdiocese, that is, the verification that it was carried out in compliance with the canonical norms.
Such a precaution does not have to mortify your apostolate, but orient it on the spread of the knowledge of the holiness of the life of the Servant of God, on the exhortation to pray for her glorification, and above all to create a network of connections between the various groups and our Archdiocese (Secretary of the Cause) with the communication of testimonies and the collection of economic resources useful today more than ever.
Dispersion and individualism are not good for the spread of the Reign of God but slow down Its coming.
May the Fiat Voluntas Tua guide your meeting and make a true reciprocal love and a spirit of effective collaboration grow between you.
With greetings for Christmas and .a prosperous New Year, I greet you and I bless you.
Trani, December 6, 2006
Notice about the process of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
April 23, 2007