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7/13 and 7/15 Saint Henry II-Patron of Benedictine Oblates


July 15: St. Henry II – Patron of Benedictine Oblates

Today’s saint in the Roman EF calendar, St Henry, actually has a strong Benedictine connection: indeed, Pope St Pius X declared him the patron saint of the Benedictine Oblates. Quite why he doesn’t feature in the 1962 Benedictine calendar is therefore a mystery…

According to Catholic Online:

“The saint was probably born in Hildesheim, Bavaria, Germany, on May 3, 973. When his father died he became the duke of Bavaria in 995 and emperor in 1002 when his cousin Otto III died. His wife was St. Cunegundis, and St. Herisbert was his chancellor. A patron of the Benedictines, he was crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Benedict VIII. He was also miraculously cured by St. Benedict. Tradition states that Henry wanted to be a Benedictine and lived as an Oblate. He was canonized in 1146 by Pope Eugene III.”

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7/12 What our Lady Said About Hell on July 13, 1917


What Our Lady Said About Hell on July 13, 1917 

  Antonio A. Borelli

 The Third Apparition
Fatima, Portugal
June 13, 1917

Mr. Marto, father of Jacinta and Francisco, says that when the third apparition began, a little grayish cloud hovered over the holm oak, the sunlight diminished, and a cool breeze blew over the mountain range, even though it was the height of summer. He also heard something that sounded like flies inside an empty jug. The seers saw the customary glare, and immediately afterward they saw Our Lady over the holm oak.

Lúcia: What does Your Grace wish of me?

Our Lady: I want you to come here on the thirteenth of next month and to continue to pray the Rosary every day in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary, in order to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war, for she alone can be of any avail.

Lúcia: I would like to ask you to tell us who you are and to perform a miracle so everyone will believe that Your Grace appears to us.

Our Lady: Continue to come here every month. In October, I will tell you who I am and what I wish, and I will perform a miracle that everyone shall see so as to believe.

Lúcia then made a number of requests for conversions, cures, and other graces. Our Lady recommended the constant recitation of the Rosary; thus they would obtain those graces during the year.

Then she went on: “Sacrifice yourselves for sinners and say many times, especially when you make some sacrifice, ‘O Jesus, this is for love of Thee, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.’”

The three seers shortly after the vision of hell, July 13, 1917

The three seers shortly after the vision of hell, July 13, 1917.

The Vision of Hell
“As she said these last words,” writes Sister Lúcia, “she once again opened her hands as she had done in the two previous months. The radiant light (which streamed from them) seemed to penetrate the earth, and we saw, as it were, a great sea of fire; submerged in that fire were demons and souls in human shapes who resembled red-hot, black and bronze-colored embers that floated about in the blaze, borne by the flames that issued from them with clouds of smoke, falling everywhere like the showering sparks of great blazes – with neither weight nor equilibrium – amidst shrieks and groans of sorrow and despair that horrified us and made us shudder with fear.

“The devils stood out like frightful and unknown animals with horrible and disgusting shapes, but transparent like black coals that have become red-hot.”

The vision lasted only a moment during which Lúcia let out a gasp. She remarks that if it were not for Our Lady’s promise to take them to heaven, the seers would have died of fright and terror.

Frightened and as though pleading for help, the seers raised their eyes to Our Lady, who said with kindness and sadness:

“‘You saw hell where the souls of poor sinners go. To save them, God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. If what I say to you is done, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.’”

Fatima: The Vision of Hell & the Torments of the Damned in Hell 

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7/11 Feast Day of St. Benedict, Abbot

7/11 Feast Day of St. Benedict, Abbot

Benedictine Daughters of DW
The Benedictine Daughters of the Divine Will!

July 11th: Feast of Saint Benedict of Nursia, Abbot

St. Benedict Saint Benedict, the Father of Western monasticism was born in Nursia, Italy about 480 AD, and educated in Rome. He was repelled by the vices there and in 500, fled to Enfide, thirty miles away. Benedict lived as a hermit. settling in Subiaco  where he resided in a cave for three years, fed by a monk named Romanus. Despite Benedict’s desire for solitude, his holiness and austerities became known and he was asked by a community of monks at Vicovaro to be their abbot He accepted, but when the monks resisted his strict rule and tried to poison him, he returned to Subiaco which became a center of spirituality and learning.

A few years later Benedict left Subiaco to found the abbey of Monte Cassino on the heights of Campania. There he wrote his Rule of Benedict in which he combined the Roman genius and the monastic wisdom of the Christian East. St. Benedict died in 547.

The Life of St. Benedict 

Born in Nursia, Italy, he was educated in Rome, was repelled by the vices of the city and in about 500 fled to Enfide, thirty miles away. He decided to live the life of a hermit and settled at mountainous Subiaco, where he lived in a cave for three years, fed by a monk named Romanus.

Despite Benedict’s desire for solitude, his holiness and austerities became known and he was asked to be their abbot by a community of monks at Vicovaro. He accepted, but when the monks resisted his strict rule and tried to poison him, he returned to Subiaco and soon attracted great numbers of disciples. He organized them into twelve monasteries under individual priors he appointed, made manual work part of the program, and soon Subiaco became a center of spirituality and learning. He left suddenly, reportedly because of the efforts of a neighboring priest, Florentius, to undermine his work, and in about 525 settled at Monte Cassino.

He destroyed a pagan temple to Apollo on its crest, brought the people of the neighboring area back to Christianity, and in about 530 began to build the monastery that was to be the birthplace of Western monasticism. Soon disciples again flocked to him as his reputation for holiness, wisdom, and miracles spread far and wide. He organized the monks into a single monastic community and wrote his famous rule prescribing common sense, a life of moderate asceticism, prayer, study, and work, and community life under one superior. It stressed obedience, stability, zeal, and had the Divine Office as the center of monastic life; it was to affect spiritual and monastic life in the West for centuries to come.

While ruling his monks (most of whom, including Benedict, were not ordained), he counseled rulers and Popes, ministered to the poor and destitute about him, and tried to repair the ravages of the Lombard Totila’s invasion. He died at Monte Cassino on March 21.

Excerpted from the Dictionary of Saints, John J. Delaney

Patron: Against nettle rash; against poison; against witchcraft; agricultural workers; cavers; coppersmiths; dying people; erysipelas; Europe; farm workers; farmers; fever; gall stones; Heerdt, Germany; inflammatory diseases; Italian architects; kidney disease; monks; nettle rash; Norcia, Italy; people in religious orders; schoolchildren; servants who have broken their master’s belongings; speliologists; spelunkers; temptations.

Symbols: Bell; broken cup; broken cup and serpent representing poison; broken utensil; bush; crosier; man in a Benedictine cowl holding Benedict’s rule or a rod of discipline; raven.

Collect Prayer

O God, who made the Abbot Saint Benedict an outstanding master in the school of divine service, grant, we pray, that, putting nothing before love of you, we may hasten with a loving heart in the way of your commands. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.


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7/11 How the Blessed Virgin Mary Will Form the New Hierarchy In Her Inheritance



 Luisa 7

Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta,

The Little Daughter of the Divine Will


August 9, 1937

 Prodigies of Love in the Divine Volition. How the Divine Will Redoubles Its Love, in order to be Loved with Its own Love.  How the Queen will form the New Hierarchy in Her Inheritance.

My flight continues in the Divine Volition. He awaits me with so much Love that He takes me in His arms of Light and says:  “My daughter (Luisa), I Love you (Luisa), I Love you (Luisa).  And you (Luisa), tell me that you (Luisa) love Me, so I can place My big ‘I Love you’ on your little ‘I love You’ and, spreading it in the Immensity of My Fiat, I make everyone and everything Love you (Luisa), while you (Luisa) love Me for everyone and everything.  I am the Immensity and I like to give to creatures and to receive from them My Immense Love.  I give and receive the harmonies, the various notes, the sweetness, and the enchanting and enrapturing sounds contained in My Love.  When My Will Loves, the heavens, the sun, the whole of Creation, the Angels and the Saints—all of them Love together with Me.  They are all attentive in waiting for the ‘I Love you’ from the One to whom they directed their ‘I love You.’  So, on the wings of My Will, I send your ‘I love you’s’ to all, so as to repay them for their love for you (Luisa), united to My Love.  If one loves, it is to be loved in return.  Not having love returned is the hardest pain—a pain that makes one delirious.  It is the most transfixing nail, which can be pulled out only by the medicine—the balm of returned love.”

Then, I was thinking to myself: “My God, who could ever repay You for Your great Love?  Ah, maybe only the Queen of Heaven can claim the merit of having repaid Her Creator in Love… And I?  And I…?”  I felt oppressed.

And my always adorable Jesus, making His short little visit, all Goodness said: “Daughter of My Will (Luisa), don’t worry.  For the soul who Lives in My Will there is Perfect Harmony in Love.  By possessing Its Life in the creature, My Will Redoubles Its Love; so when It wants to Love, It Loves within Itself and within the soul, since It possesses her life.  In My Will, Love is in Perfect Harmony—Joys and Happiness of Pure Love are always in full force.

“Our Paternal Goodness for the soul who Lives in Our Will is so Great that We count her breaths, heartbeats, thoughts, words and movements, to return them with Our Own and fill them up with Love. In Our Emphasis of Love we say to this creature:  ‘She loves Us and We must Love her.’  And while We Love her We show off such Gifts and Graces as to astonish Heaven and earth.

“We did the same with Our Queen; We displayed so much… but do you (Luisa) know what this showing means? We are looking at Ourselves, and We want to give all that We are and all that We possess.

“Dissimilarity would cause Us pain. The creature, seeing herself dissimilar from Us, would not be with Us with the trust of a daughter, and with that confidence that comes from sharing the same Goods and the same Gifts.  This disparity would be an obstacle to forming One Single Life and Loving each other with One Single Love.  On the other hand, to Live in our Divine Will is exactly this: One Single Will, One Single Love—common Goods.  In all that may be lacking within the creature We give of Ourselves to compensate her in everything, and to say:  ‘What We want, she wants too.  Our Love and her love are One Single Love—and as We Love her, she Loves Us.’

“My daughter (Luisa), is it that We lack the Strength to elevate the creature to the level of Our Image—to make her possess Our Goods so that she may Live in Our Will? My Celestial Mother, from the moment She existed, possessed the Life of My Divine Fiat.  We Love each other with One Love, and We Love the creature with a twin Love. 

“Our Love for Her is such that, just as We have Our Hierarchy of Angels in Heaven as well as the various orders of Saints, the Great Lady—Celestial Empress and Owner of the Great Inheritance of Our Will—will call Her own children to possess Her Inheritance when Our Kingdom will be established on earth. We will give Her the Great Glory of having Her form the New Hierarchy that will be similar to the nine choirs of Angels.  So, She will have the choir of Seraphim, of Cherubim and so forth, as well as the New Order of the Saints who Lived in Her Inheritance.   After She will have formed them on earth She will take them to Heaven, surrounding Herself with the New Hierarchy, the Newborn in the Divine Fiat, Reborn in Her own Love—those who Lived in Her Inheritance.

“This will be the Fulfillment of the Work of Creation—Our ‘Consumatum est.’ We will have the Kingdom of Our Will among creatures, thanks to the Celestial Heir who wanted to give Her Life for each of them, to make It Reign. How glorified and Happy We will be, because the Sovereign Queen will have Her own Hierarchy just as We keep Ours; even more so, since Our own Hierarchy will be Hers too, while Hers will be Ours, because all that is done in Our Will is inseparable.

“If you (Luisa) knew how much this Celestial Queen Loves the souls. She, faithful copy of Her Creator, looks inside Herself and finds Her Seas of Love, Grace, Sanctity, Beauty and Light; then She looks at the creatures and wants to give all of Herself with all Her Seas, so that creatures may have their Mama with all Her Riches.  Having to see Her children poor, while their Mother is so rich—and only because they do not Live in the Inheritance of their Mother… it is such a Pain… She would like to see them inside Her Seas of Love, Loving their Creator as She does, hidden inside Her Sanctity, embellished by Her Beauty, filled with Her Grace.  But not seeing them there—if She wasn’t in the state of Glory, in which pains cannot have place—She would die of pure Pain for each creature who does not Live in the Divine Will.  Therefore, She prays unceasingly.  She places all Her Seas in Prayer, to beseech that the Divine Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven.

“Our Love is such that, by the virtue of Our Will, She Bilocates Herself within each creature, to prepare the interior of her soul, synchronizing her with Her Maternal Heart, squeezing her in Her Arms, to dispose her to receive the Life of the Divine Fiat. O, how much She prays, in every single heart, to Our Adorable Majesty, saying:  ‘Hurry up.  My Love can no longer be contained.  I want to see My children Living together with Me in that same Divine Will that forms all of My Glory, My Richness, My Great Inheritance.  Trust me, and I will know how to defend My children and Your own Will, which is also Mine.’

“The Love of this Celestial Queen and Mother is Insuperable. Only in Heaven will creatures know how much She Loves them and how much She has done for them.  Her most exuberant, magnanimous and Greatest Act is in wanting them to possess the Kingdom of My Will as She possesses It.  O, what wouldn’t the Celestial Lady do to obtain this Purpose!  You too, unite with Her, and pray for a Purpose so Holy.”



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7/10 Jesus tells Luisa 94 Years ago Today


Luisa 7 Volume 14 – July 10,1922

Now it is necessary that you Luisa to rise (to Heaven)

and carry with you Luisa, My Life, My Divine Will,

so that My Volition of the earth and that of Heaven May Fuse Together,

and you Luisa, may Live for some time in the womb of the Divinity (in Heaven),

where your volition shall be acting in Mine,

in order to expand it as much as a creature can be capable of.

Then, you Luisa, shall descend again upon the earth,

bringing the Power and the Prodigies of My Divine Will on earth,

in such a way that the creatures shall be Shaken,

they shall Open their eyes,

and many shall Know what it means to Live In My Divine Will

– to Live In The Likeness to their Creator.

This shall be the Beginning of the Coming of My Kingdom upon earth,

and of the Final Fulfillment of My Divine Will.


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