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Jan 29
Servant Of God Luisa Piccarreta
Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
Novena Prayers:
Little daughter of the Divine Will, I come to you with sincere confidence in
your closeness to Jesus and Mary.
Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, I need your help, I need your prayers,
I need your intercession to God for His Grace to help me with…
(state your intentions here)
With your love of Mary, our Mother, pray for me!
With your love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, pray for me!
With your love for all those who suffer, pray for me!
Luisa Piccarreta, please pray fervently for the grace that I now ask
from God our Father.
In addition, I pray that the Most Holy Divine Will Reign on earth
as it is in Heaven. Amen.
Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory Be…
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Jan 19
Storm Luisa with your prayers
If we wish the Servant of God to continue, and even hasten, her ascent to the glory of the altar, let us give her a chance to perform first class miracles.
Her holiness and the favors already granted should impregnate our supplications with unquenchable confidence.
It is certainly permissible to pray to her in our daily needs, but let us not be afraid to implore real miracles from her.
Let us invoke her or have her invoked in cases of fatal maladies, wherein science has to declare itself powerless.
That is when Luisa Piccarreta will be able to display the prodigious power of her intercession.
For the glory of God and of Luisa Piccarreta, kindly write out the favors obtained, sign them, with two witnesses, if possible, and send to:
Postulation for the Cause of Beatification Luisa Piccarreta
Palazzo Arcivescoville
70059 Trani (BA) Italy
***Luisa intercede before the Throne of God for the healing of (name of person) and all souls.
Beloved Jesus, You are the Divine Physician. It is You alone who heal both body and soul of Your little children.
In Your great Love for The Little Daughter of the Divine Will, the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, You gave her the Power over Your Sacred Heart to draw You to herself and to do what she wants . It is Luisa in whose Power is the Holy Will of God. You said “ask and we shall receive…,” and that “if two of you join your voices on earth to pray for anything whatever, it shall be granted you by My Father in Heaven”; and “where two or three are gathered in My Name, there I AM in their midst.” We ask You now with great confidence and hope in Your Most Holy Name, together with Our Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary, and under the titles that you have bestowed upon our little mama Luisa in order to heal (name of person) and all Your little children of Your Most Holy Divine Will in body, mind, and soul.
Jesus and Mary, we echo Your words to Luisa who is Totally and Completely Consumed in the Divine Will, Where there is no Greater Power in Heaven or on Earth,***
Luisa, Who Takes Part in Jesus’ Power and Keeps herself and All Things at her Disposal ,***
Luisa, who is the Patience of the Sick ,***
Luisa, Who Has the Power to Give Life to Good and to Give Death to Evil ,***
Luisa that she is in Jesus’ Arms and will Make Works of Power ,***
Luisa, who the demons Know by the Power of Jesus’ Will that they Feel in her,***
Luisa the Daughter of Jesus’ Power , ***
Luisa, Who Has Jesus’ Whole Will in her Power ,***
Luisa, in Whose Power Jesus Gives His Will to ,***
Luisa, Who the Power of the Divine Will is in ,***
Luisa, in Who All Feel the Power of the Divine Will Operating ,***
Luisa, Who Holds the Divine Will in her Power ,***
Luisa, in Whom the Divine Will Carries Out Its Power, Its Divine Operating ,***
Luisa, Who has Everything in her Power , ***
Luisa, Who Possesses the Divine Fiat, Who has Such Power to Shatter the Diabolical Power to Pieces ,***
Luisa, Who Duplicates the Divine Majesty’s Power , ***
Luisa, Whose Littleness Flows in the Triune God’s Power ,***
Luisa, Who Finds a Divine Will in her Power ,***
Luisa, Who Holds the Disarming Power ,***
Luisa, Intermediary Who with the Power of the Divine Fiat Wants to Bind Heaven and Earth ,***
Luisa, Who has Eternity in her Power ,***
Luisa, Who has Jesus’ Works in her Power ,***
Luisa, Who has the Celestial Mama’s Acts in her Power ,***
Luisa, Who has the Acts of the Souls Who Live of Divine Will in her Power ,***
Luisa, Who Holds Everything in her Power and Can do Everything ,***
Luisa, Who Has Sanctity, in her Power ,***
Luisa, Who Has Grace in her Power ,***
Luisa, Who Has Wisdom in her Power , ***
Luisa, Who Has Goodness in her Power ,***
Luisa, Who Has Everything in her Power ,***
Luisa, Who has Jesus Himself in her Power ,***
Luisa, Who Possesses a Powerful Magnet that Attracts the Gazes of the Celestial Mother ,***
Luisa, Who has the Triune God’s Power and Love in her Power ,***
Luisa, Who the Divine Will Armed with Its Power ,***
Luisa, Who the Supreme Majesty Centralizes All Their Power in ,***
Luisa, the Divine Will is hers and Its Power and Immensity are in her Power,***
Luisa, Who the Triune God Arms with Their Power ,***
Luisa, Who the Triune God Loves so Much that They Leave Their Will in her Power to do what she wants ,***
Luisa, a Favorite One of Jesus Who He Surrounds with His Divine Power ,***
Luisa, Who is Little but Powerful ,***
Luisa, Who is Little but Wise ,***
Luisa, the One in Whom Strength and Light are in her Power ,***
Luisa, the Soul in Whose Power Jesus Gives All of Himself ,***
Luisa, Whose Pain Suffered on Jesus’ Behalf Form by Its Power, Seas of Graces, Light and Love for the Benefit of All ,***
Luisa, Who Continuously Generates Life of Sanctity ,***
Luisa, Who Continuously Generates Life of Love , ***
Luisa, Who Continuously Generates Life of Light ,***
Luisa, Who Continuously Generates Life of Beauty , ***
Luisa, Who Continuously Generates Life of Power ,***
Luisa, Who Continuously Generates Life of Wisdom Offering It to God.
Luisa, Who has the Divine Sanctity in her Power ,***
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Nov 15
Comunicato n.3/Communication n.3/Comunicado n.3 – From S.E. Arc.vo Mons. G.B. Pichierri
Please give widest possible dissemination. Fiat!
Si prega di dare la massione diffusione. Fiat!
Por favor dé la difusión más amplia posible. Fiat!
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Jan 14
Please continue to pray daily for:
Silvia Monica Correale, from Argentina,
The Postulator for the Cause of
The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta.
One of the most important missions
on the face of the earth.
Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity
For the glorification of the
Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
Oh Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit we praise and thank You for the gift of holiness You granted to Your faithful servant Luisa Piccarreta.
She lived, dear Father, in Your Divine Will and became, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, similar to Your Son, who died on the cross due to His obedience.
She was a victim and a host welcome to You, thus contributing to the Redemption of mankind.
Her virtues of obedience, humility, love of Christ and to the Church urge us to ask You for the gift of her glorification on earth, so that Your glory may shine, and Your
kingdom of truth, justice and love may spread all over the world in the particular charisma of:
“Fiat voluntas tua sicut in coelo et in terra.”
We appeal to her merits to obtain from You, Holy Trinity, the particular grace for (add your intention) which we pray to You in Your Divine Will. Amen.
Three Glory be’s …
Our Father …
Our Lady, Queen of Saints, pray for us.
Trani, Italy 29 October 2005
+Archbishop Giovan Battista Pichierri
Prayer for the Beatification of the Servant of God
O Most Holy Trinity, Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us that, as we pray we should ask that our Father’s Name be always glorified, that His Will be done on earth and that His Kingdom should come to reign among us.
In our great desire to make known this Kingdom of love, justice and peace we humbly ask that You glorify Your Servant Luisa, the Little Daughter of the Divine Will who, with her constant prayer and suffering, deeply yearned for the salvation of souls and
the coming of God’s Kingdom in the world.
Following her example, we pray to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to help us joyfully embrace the crosses of this world so that we may also glorify Your Name and enter into the Kingdom of Your Will.
Prayer written and authorizied by: Curia of the Archidiocese of Trani-Nazareth, Italy
+ Carmelo Cassati Archbishop
Trani, Italy – Solemnity of Christ the King
20 November 1994
PRAYERS to implore the beatification of the Servant of God
O Most Sacred Heart of my Jesus, who chose your humble Servant LUISA as the herald of the Kingdom of your Divine Will and the angel of reparation for the countless sins that grieve your Divine Heart, I humbly pray you to grant me the grace that through her intercession I implore of your Mercy, so that she may be glorified on earth as you have rewarded her in Heaven.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
O Divine Heart of my Jesus who gave to your humble Servant LUISA as a victim of your Love the strength to suffer all her life the spasms of your painful Passion, grant that for your greatest glory the halo of the blesseds may shine around her head. And through her intercession grant me the grace that I humbly implore of you…
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
O Merciful Heart of my Jesus who, for the salvation and sanctification of so many souls, deigned to preserve for long years on earth your humble Servant LUISA, your little Daughter of the Divine Will, hear my prayer: that she may be glorified by your holy Church without delay. And through her intercession, grant me the grace that I humbly beseech of you…
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.
Nulla osta:
Trani, 27 November 1948
Prayer on the holy picture (with relic) printed immediately after Luisa Piccarreta’s death with the authorization of Archbishop Reginaldo Addazi O.P.
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