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Luisa Piccarreta and The Divine Will

Luisa Piccarreta and the Divine Will                    

Who is the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta,

and is it important to know her?


This web-site is available to all, especially to all who love Our Lord and Our Lady; and is consecrated to the Divine Will in the Name of Jesus, under the Mantle of Mary and through the intercession of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. Information is provided for the sake of knowing this victim soul, favored by the Two Hearts, as They found in the soul of Luisa, safe-dwelling for the deposit of all that They wish to give to all Their children. The Cause of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta is presently at the Vatican and all are awaiting the authorized edition of her writings. While references to the writings are provided, the information at this time reflects the person of Luisa.  Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI recently stated, in human beings’ desire for God:

“…The Image of the Creator is engraved on human beings, who feel the need to find a light to answer the questions regarding the profound meaning of reality…we need to open ourselves to something else, to someone or something that can give us what is missing. We must go out of ourselves and go toward the One who is capable of satisfying the width and breath of our desire.”

The following is intended to aid the journey to opening ever more to “the One who is capable”. With that, know that the long story of God’s Will is the beginning, the means and the end of human purpose, and little Luisa, whom Jesus calls the little daughter of the Divine Will, is necessary to this story. Luisa is known best without attachment to other causes.




The other websites have stated:

The writings of The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta are the exclusive property of the Archdiocese of Trani (letter to Bishops of October 14, 2006) and because of the delicacy of the current phase of the proceedings of the Sacred Congregation of the Causes of the Saints, and to be in complete obedience to Archbishop Pichierri (November 1, 2012), the writings of The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta will temporarily be suspended on this website until further notice.

The writings of The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta are not against any moral or dogmatic truths of the Church. This web site is in obedience to Archbishop Pichierri and joyfully awaits Holy Mother Church to proclaim The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, Venerable.  This web site began out of a fervent zeal for The Servant of God, her spirituality and holiness.

Please enjoy the rest of the site.



From the Postulation for the Cause:

Luisa Piccarreta was born in Corato, province of Bari, Italy on April 23, 1865. She was baptized in the Mother Church and there received the first Sacraments in 1874. When she was 11 she became a “Daughter of Mary” and as a teenager a third-order Dominican. She received only a first grade education, and was called to serve our Lord as a victim soul at the tender age of 16.

On February 2, 1899, she was given the obedience by her spiritual director to begin a diary of her spiritual experiences, which she continued until 1938: 36 notebooks which detail her intimate rapport with heaven.

In 1926 she wrote her autobiography under obedience to her extraordinary spiritual director and Censor of her Writings, Saint Annibale Maria Di Francia. Her bed was her cell, her room her chapel, and her bed her Cross. The word which gave her life was God’s own creative Word: Fiat!

When she spoke, it was only briefly, but very wisely; the example and counsel she gave was always illuminating. Carrying invisibly the wounds of our Lord in her own crucified body made her a rare victim of intercession for mankind for more than 60 years, and any physical illness. Her nourishment for the most part of her life consisted of God’s Most Holy Will and the Eucharist.

Luisa, Precursor of the Sanctifying Third Fiat, chosen by God for the holy mission of proclaiming God’s Kingdom: “His Will now done on earth as it is in heaven”, was called into the fullness of that Kingdom on March 4, 1947.

On November 20, 1994 in the Mother Church of Corato, Mons. Carmelo Cassati, Archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie, having received the “non obstare” from the Holy See, blessed the opening of the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, secular third order Dominican.

With the Archbishop himself as president of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal, joined by enthusiastic faithful from southern Italy and from around the world, Luisa began her triumphal journey toward the Honors of the Altar.

Whoever has received particular graces attributed to the intercession of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta is requested to wrote to:

Postulation for the Cause of Beatification Luisa Piccarreta

Palazzo Arcivescovile

70059 Trani (BA) Italy


dawn of a mystery

“Dawn of a Mystery”

This video on the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, Little daughter of the Divine Will, was published by the “Pia Associazione Luisa Piccarreta P.F.D.V.” and offers an insight into the life and times of Luisa, the little daughter of the Divine Will. It was filmed in the places she lived including her last home and includes images of her funeral. Through interviews you can learn about the important events in her life, and hear excerpts from some of the 14 thousand pages of her inspired words. We pray that this video can bring back some hope to a world that needs it, a hope that we can all live in the Divine Will.  (from “Pia Associazione Luisa Piccarreta P.F.D.V. , Corato (Bari) – Italy – copyright 2005 – all rights reserved).

To view the video go to


Notice from Trani – November 1, 2012:

From Giovanni Battista Pichierri, Archbishop – concerning the Cause of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta (Spanish and Italian can be found on subsequent pages).

Please read the letter from Archbishop Pichierri and please e-mail back to the “Associazione Luisa Piccarreta” or “” with your “humble and obedient Fiat!”

Please continue “to pray for the Beatification of the Servant of God, that the Most Holy Trinity might be glorified and the Kingdom of the Divine Will be diffused on earth.”

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity

For the glorification of the Servant of God, LUISA PICCARRETA

Oh Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit we praise and thank You for the gift of holiness You granted to Your faithful servant LUISA PICCARRETA.

She lived, dear Father, in Your Divine Will and became, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, similar to Your Son, who died on the cross due to His obedience.

She was a victim and a host welcome to You, thus contributing to the Redemption of mankind.

Her virtues of obedience, humility, love of Christ and to the Church urge us to ask You for the gift of her glorification on earth, so that Your glory may shine, and Your kingdom of truth, justice and love may spread all over the world in the particular charisma of:

“Fiat voluntas tua sicut in coelo et in terra.”

We appeal to her merits to obtain from You, Holy Trinity, the particular grace for which we pray to You in Your Divine Will.  Amen.

Three Glory be’s …

Our Father …

Our Lady, Queen of Saints, pray for us.

Trani, Italy  October 29th 2005

+Archbishop Giovan Battista Pichierri

Prayer to Obtain the Beatification of the Servant of God, LUISA PICCARRETA

O Most Holy Trinity, Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us that as we pray, we should ask that our Father’s Name be always glorified, that His Will be done on earth, and that His Kingdom should come to reign among us.

In our great desire to make known this Kingdom of love, justice, and peace, we humbly ask that You glorify Your Servant, LUISA PICCARRETA, the little daughter of the Divine Will, who, with her constant prayer and suffering, deeply yearned for the salvation of souls and the coming of God’s Kingdom in the world.

Following her example, we pray to You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, to help us joyously embrace the crosses of this world, so that we may also glorify Your Name and enter into the Kingdom of Your Will.  Amen.

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

Curia of the Archdiocese Solemnity of Christ the King 20 November, 1994

                                    +Carmelo Cassati

Archbishop Emeritus

Prayers to implore the Beatification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
I. O Most Sacred Heart of my Jesus, who chose your humble Servant LUISA as the herald of the Kingdom of your Divine Will and the angel of reparation for the countless sins that grieve your Divine Heart, I humbly pray you to grant me the grace that through her intercession I implore of your Mercy, so that she may be glorified on earth as you have rewarded her in Heaven. Amen  Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

II. O Divine Heart of my Jesus who gave to your humble Servant LUISA as a victim of your Love the strength to suffer all her life the spasms of your painful Passion, grant that for your greatest glory the halo of the blesseds may shine around her head. And through her intercession grant me the grace that I humbly implore of you…  Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

III. O Merciful Heart of my Jesus who, for the salvation and sanctification of so many souls, deigned to preserve for long years on earth your humble Servant LUISA, your little Daughter of the Divine Will, hear my prayer: that she may be glorified by your holy Church without delay. And through her intercession, grant me the grace that I humbly beseech of you… Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

Nulla osta: Trani, 27 November 1948 


Prayer on the holy picture (with relic) printed immediately after Luisa Piccarreta’s death with the authorization of Archbishop Reginaldo Addazi O.P.


Luisa Piccarreta Association

We inform all those who are interested in supporting the Cause of Beatification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta that the credit card service on – line is operating on the web site of the cause of beatification:

Sure that Our Lord reward you with His spiritual graces we thank you for your generosity.

Association Luisa Piccarreta

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Luisa Piccarreta, Servant of God, The Little Daughter of the Divine Will

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Luisa Piccarreta, Servant of God, Little Daughter of the Divine Will

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Pope Francis: Loss of the Sense of Sin Leads to “Christian Mediocrity”

Today at 11:28 AM

Pope Francis: Loss of the Sense of Sin Leads to  ‘Christian Mediocrity’

Reflects on Those Who Suffer the Consequences of  Other’s Sins

VATICAN CITY, January 31, 2014 – Losing the sense of sin causes others  to pay for our “Christian mediocrity.” This was the central point of Pope  Francis’ homily today at Casa Santa Marta.

The Holy Father reflected today on the first reading which spoke of David’s  sin of adultery with Bathsheba which led to the murder of her husband, Uriah.  David, he said, rather than seeing his adultery as a grave sin, sees it as a  problem that needs to be resolved.

“This thing can happen to all of us,” he said. “We are all sinners and we are  all tempted and temptation is our daily bread. If one of us said: ‘I never had a  temptation’, either you’re a cherubim or a bit stupid, no?”

“Struggle is normal in life and the devil is never calm, he wants his  victory. But the problem – the most serious problem in this passage – is not so  much temptation and the sin against the 9th commandment, but how David behaves.  And David here does not speak of sin, he speaks of a problem that he needs to  resolve. This is a sign! When the Kingdom of God is  lessened, when the Kingdom of God decreases, one of the signs is that the sense  of sin is lost.”

The Holy Father went on to say that in praying  the Our Father, we pray for God’s kingdom to come, meaning “thy Kingdom  grow.” When the sense of sin is lost, so is the sense of the  Kingdom of God lost. In its place, he said, “emerges a very powerful  anthropological vision, in which ‘I can do anything.’”

“The power of man in place of the glory of God! This is the daily bread.  For this [reason] the everyday prayer to God ‘Your  kingdom come, your kingdom grow’ [is important], because  salvation does not come from our cleverness, our astuteness, in our intelligence  in doing business. Salvation comes from the grace of God and from the daily  training that we do with this grace in Christian life.”

Referring to Pius XII’s assertion that “the sin of the century is the loss of  the sense of sin”, the Pope reflected on Uriah, who represents the innocent  victims who suffer as consequence of our sins.

“I must confess, when I see these injustices, this human pride, also when I  see the danger that would happen to me, the danger of losing the sense of sin,  it does me well to think of the many Uriahs in history, the many Uriahs who even  today suffer from our Christian mediocrity, when we lose the sense of sin, when  we let the Kingdom of God fall.

Concluding his homily, Pope Francis called on the faithful to take a moment  to “pray for ourselves so that the Lord give us  always the grace to not lose the sense of sin, so that the Kingdom does not fall  from within us.”

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