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4/5 – A Very Blessed and Holy Easter in the Most Holy Divine Will!

4/5 – A Very Blessed and Holy Easter in the Most Holy Divine Will!


Letters of Luisa Piccarreta
Letter #72.  To Mother Cecilia

In Voluntate Dei!

My good and reverend Mother,

(…) Now I (Luisa) feel the need to send you my Easter wishes.  My Mother, what wish can I send you?  I know that crosses surround you; how many times you have to swallow bitter pills, that make your heart bleed.  It seems to me that dear Jesus surrounds you with these pains in order to give you strength, and with tender and loving voice, He says to you:  “My daughter, give these pains to Me, that they may form my arms, my heart, my steps – my whole Life, to be able to live within you.”  My Mother, it is the crosses, the sufferings united to the Divine Volition, that form the raw material in order to receive in us the life of Jesus, Who calls our littleness to live in Him and to rise in Him.

Here is my wish, my Mother:  to rise not only on Easter, but continually in Jesus; so that every pain and each one of our acts, may be the means in order to rise in the One Who loves us so muchI believe I could not send you a more beautiful wish; and I believe you will appreciate it, more so, under the rain of unheard-of crosses and of profound humiliations.  The storms give no sign of ceasing.  Pray that He will make peace rise again from the storms, otherwise one cannot live.

My sister tells you many things and sends you her affectionate wishes.  In a special way, I send my wishes to Sister Remigia (and our website sends this wish to you, dear reader), that she may form her perfect resurrection in the Divine Will, and use every act she does in order to grow in sanctity.  We must be convinced that not the great things make us saints, but the little ones, which we have in our power and which serve as the nourishment of sanctity.  I commend myself to your prayers, and leaving you rising together with Jesus, I kiss your right hand and with a thousand regards, united to my sister, I say,

The little daughter of the Divine Will.

Corato, April 5, 1939


Divine Mercy Novena

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