The 24 Hours of the Passion on Holy Thursday and Good Friday 2020
Dear generous souls in the Divine Will linked to The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta,
United together with all the little children of the Most Holy Divine Will throughout the entire world in every country and time zone, please Prayerfully read The Twenty-Four Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, before a Crucifix on Holy Thursday and Good Friday 2020.
Begin on Holy Thursday evening from 5 pm to 10 pm to (the 12 Hour)
then 8+ hours of sleep rise at 7 am to prayerfully read from (the 13th Hour) to and conclude on (the 24th Hour) of Good Friday.
Once again, begin to prayerfully read on Holy Thursday evening at 5pm (not including the Reflections and Practices each hour)
Prayerfully read the 1st Hour (from 5 pm to 6 pm), continue to prayerfully read the subsequent Hours
until bedtime at 10:00 pm (by finishing the 12th Hour).
(It does not take a full hour to read each “Hour,” but use these 5 hours to comfort Our Lord in His Passion.)
One more time for people like me:
Begin at 5:00 pm Holy Thursday prayerfully read the 1st Hour (possibly 20-25 minutes to read), then continue to prayerfully read the 2nd, 3rd, 4th Hours etc., up to (the 12th Hour from 4am to 5 am) before retiring for the night by 10:00 pm.
Make sure you get your 8+ hours of sleep (recommended) and begin again at 7am where you left off at (the 13th Hour from 5 am to 6 am) prayerfully read to the end of (the 24th Hour from 4 pm to 5 pm).
Please stay with Our Lord in His Passion from Holy Thursday at 5 pm to Good Friday up to comforting Our Lady at Jesus’ Burial at 5 pm.
Again, we will not pray the Reflections and Practices at the end of each hour.
It is highly recommended that we pray the 24 Hours of the Passion before a Crucifix.
This is the most Essential and Advantageous time of 2020. We are Praying the 24 Hours of the Passion in these most difficult times, all for the Glory of God and the Salvation and Sanctification of souls, repairing and redoing for everyone and everything past, present and future so the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as it is in Heaven may have Its Completion and Fulfillment!
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