St. Juliana and the Feast of Corpus Christi
Homily on the origin of the feast of Corpus Christi. St. Juliana, Belgian religious and mystic of the late 12th century, was chosen by God to begin the work of establishing the Feast of Corpus Christi. She was shown a vision that signified Christ’s desire for a feast in honor of the Most Blessed Eucharist, (1) to fortify the faithful against coming attacks on this great Mystery; (2) to strengthen the faithful on their path to virtue; (3) to make reparation for the many outrages committed against Christ in the Sacrament of Love. The Feast was eventually established by Pope Urban IV in 1264. St. Thomas Aquinas, Dominican friar and Doctor of the Church, wrote the Office of Corpus Christi; a miracle attested to the Lord’s approval of his work. The Feast of Corpus Christi is unique amongst all the great feasts of the Church. By means of the miracle of Transubstantiation, Christ is truly present, whole and entire, in all the consecrated Hosts in the whole world. Christ remains present in the Eucharist for love of us; we can visit Him any time we wish, and should visit Him often. Ss Francis of Assis, John Bosco, Alphonsus, & Teresa of Avila comment also. Remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest