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April 23, 2018: Archbishop D’Ascenzo’s first visit to Luisa Piccarreta

April 23 2018: Archbishop D’Ascenzo’s first visit to Luisa Piccarreta

Archbishop Monsignor Leonardo D’Ascenzo

(Click here for website)

On April 23, on the occasion of the anniversary of the birth of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, our Archbishop Monsignor Leonardo D’Ascenzo will visit, for the first time, the house of Luisa and will meet the Association Luisa Piccarreta Little Children of the Divine Will.

Our bishop will have the opportunity to know the reality of the sons and daughters of the Divine Will and it would be nice that in some way this visit can be shared also by all the brothers and sisters in Italy and in the world.

For this reason, those who have the opportunity to come to Corato can participate in the Celebration of Holy Mass at 7, 00 pm in the Church of Saint Mary the Greek and at the end take part in the meeting with the Archbishop.

However, for those who, can’t be present we ask to participate the same, first of all with the prayer and also with a photo or a video that you can send to the Association. Then they will merge into a video that we will show to the Archbishop in the evening of April 23rd.

It is a beautiful gesture to make him feel the presence of the great family of the children of the Divine Will in the world.

You can send your photos or videos to the email address of the association: or

We look forward to meeting lots of youI


Associazione Luisa Piccarreta


What should I do with my blessed palms?


Whatever you do, don’t throw them away!

After leaving church Sunday, you may have come home with several long palm branches from the celebration of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem.

You may be asking yourself, “Well, what should I do with these?”

Whatever you do, don’t throw them away!

According to the Code of Canon Law, blessed items are not to be discarded in a trash can, but treated with respect (cf. #1171). At Mass these palm branches were set apart by a blessing from the priest and made into a “sacramental,” an object that is meant to draw us closer to the celebration of the seven sacraments. Throwing them in the trash ignores their sacred purpose and treats them like any other object we no longer need.

The obvious question then becomes, “So if I can’t throw them away, what am I to do with all these branches?”


Over the years many people have used palm branches to decorate their homes. It could be as simple as tucking them behind a religious painting or crucifix, or as complex as a making them into a palm rose. Lacy at has some excellent ideas on what you can do with your old palm branches, and she provides step-by-step instructions anyone can follow.

The benefit of using them as decorative pieces in your home is that the palm branches will be a constant reminder of Palm Sunday and bring to mind the Passion narrative that was read at Mass. This is a perfect way to stay connected to Holy Week throughout the year and honor Christ as the Messiah who came to save us from sin and death.

Burn or bury

Most sacramentals, like palm branches for example, can be burned or buried in order to properly dispose of them. This type of disposal honors their sacred purpose and returns them to the earth in a dignified way. Anyone can do this, but if you don’t have the ability to burn or bury them, simply drop off your palm branches at the parish office.

Often priests will encourage the faithful to return palm branches to the church so that he can burn the branches and make ashes for Ash Wednesday. This way the liturgical year remains connected and nothing goes to waste.

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