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7/9 The Divine Will As Life Forms the Generation of Its Life In the Act of the Creature Who Will Live In It And Forms the Long Generation of the Children of Its Divine Fiat



Luisa 7

Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Servant of God,

Luisa Piccarreta, The Little Daughter of the Divine Will


 March 14, 1937
The Divine Will is Life, and as Life It forms the Generation of Its Life in the acts of the creature who will Live in It, and forms the long Generation of the children of Its Divine Fiat.

The Divine Volition never leaves me. It seems to me that in order to greatly Confirm me and make me long to Live in It—and not only me, but all those who will want to Live in It—It wants to tell New Things and what one additional act that one can do in Its Most Holy Will means.

And my sweet Jesus, who acts as Spokesman for a Volition so Holy, visiting my little soul, told me: “My blessed daughter (Luisa), I need to still tell you (Luisa) what Good one additional act that the creature does in My Volition encloses. My Will is Life, and It does not know how to Operate, nor do anything, except Generate Life—nor can It do less than this.  Now, in every additional act that she does in It, the Generative Act that It possesses becomes enclosed. The creature, by doing her act, lends It the veil for where to form and hide this Divine Birth.  As the act is completed, so My Will goes around through the entire world in order to find the more disposed souls, and It deposits Its Generated Birth and forms there a child of Its of the Kingdom of Its Fiat.  See, therefore, what one additional act means:  to form one more child in My Kingdom.  In fact, however many more acts are done in It, so much more will the Kingdom of My Volition be populated. 

“My daughter (Luisa), it is a delirium of Our Supreme Being that We have, that We want that the creature Live in Our Volition. We use all the astutenesses of Love in order to obtain this Purpose.  How Beautiful it is to see that Our First Children of the Fiat will make use with their acts of forming the New Generation of the Life of Our Will in the creature. Our Love is so much, that We take the occasion of their act to give this Great Good that encloses Heaven and earth.”

While He said this, my sweet Jesus made seen that He held in His Divine Heart all the acts done in His Volition, also including those of the Celestial Mama, that were many. And within each act He Generated the Life of the Divine Will, as if He could not contain It anymore.  He took the step in order to go around through all the generations, and where He found some soul more disposed He drew near, He embraced her, He spoke to her in her ear, He breathed on her, as if He would want to Renew the New Creation, and then, as if in feast, He deposited together with the Act the Life of His Volition.  He did not want to separate the Act from Its Life, because being the Primary Act where He had Generated His Life, He did not want to separate It, wanting to use It as Custodian of Its same Life. 

I, in seeing this, remained amazed, and worried I said to myself: “Is all this possible?  It seems to me that it gives of the incredible.”

And my sweet Jesus, resuming His say: “Daughter (Luisa), why do you (Luisa) marvel?  Perhaps My Will cannot do what It wants?  It is enough It wants it, that everything is done.  And then, the sun, that can be called the shadow of My Fiat, does it.  As it finds the flowers, the plants, with the touch of its light it generates the color, the fragrances, it matures the plants and generates the sweetnesses in the fruits, and so many colors and such diversity of sweetnesses for however many flowers and fruits it touches with its light and warms with its heat.  But if the sun does not find either flowers or fruits, it does not invest anything with its light and with its heat, it gives nothing, all the goods that it possesses it retains in itself.

“Such is my Will. More than sun, as It finds the creature who wants It, It calls her into Its Act, It descends into the depth of the human act, It Invests it, It warms it, It Transforms it, and since It possesses Life, It Generates Life and forms a Divine Portent there.  And like the sun, if It does not find one who wants to Live in My Volition and form her acts there, of the so many Divine Lives of Mine that I could give, they remain in It, waiting with Invincible and Divine Patience for the one who lets Me Generate My Life in her acts.

“My Will is like a tender mother who feels in herself the Long Generation of her Lives that she wants to put forth to the Light in order to form the Long Generation of her Children who would form her Kingdom. And therefore It goes finding the one who lends her acts to It.  But do you know why It goes to find the acts of the creature?  Having to descend into the depth of the human acts in order to form Its Life, It wants to make Its Way in their midst in order to give Its own Life to the creatures.  More so because life does not form itself on the outside of people, but always within, otherwise the necessary things, the vital humors in order to form a life, would be lacking.

“In the same way My Will cannot form Its Life from Heaven, nor outside of the creature, but It must descend within them, and the human will must cede the place to the Divine, it must be concurring, because We do not want forced things. And when We have found her, who can tell you what We do, the Graces that We pour, the Good that We want for her?  It is not dealing with works, but Our Life that We must grow.  So We do not spare anything, and only in Heaven will what We have done be known.  Therefore be attentive and always Live under the rain of My Volition, so that Investing all your acts, It animates them with Its Life, and in this way you will give Me as many children for however many acts you will do.”



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