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5/11 Archbishop Mons. Addazi obtained permission from the Holy Office on May 11, 1963 to transfer the mortal remains of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta to inside Saint Mary the Greek Church, with the internment occurring on July 3, 1963

5/11 – Archbishop Mons. Addazi obtained permission from the Holy Office on May 11, 1963 to transfer the mortal remains of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta to inside Saint Mary the Greek Church, with the internment occurring on July 3, 1963.

The body of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta was transferred to Saint Maria Greca on July 3, 1963


Prayer on the holy picture (with relic) printed immediately after Luisa Piccarreta’s death with the authorization of Archbishop Reginaldo Addazi O.P.
 (Note: Archbishop Reginaldo Addazi O.P. gave Luisa the title of Servant of God) 



to implore the beatification of the Servant of God


O Most Sacred Heart of my Jesus, who chose your humble Servant LUISA as the herald of the Kingdom of your Divine Will and the angel of reparation for the countless sins that grieve your Divine Heart, I humbly pray you to grant me the grace that through her intercession I implore of your Mercy, so that she may be glorified on earth as you have rewarded her in Heaven. Amen.

Pater, Ave, Gloria.

O Divine Heart of my Jesus who gave to your humble Servant LUISA as a victim of your Love the strength to suffer all her life the spasms of your painful Passion, grant that for your greatest glory the halo of the blesseds may shine around her head. And through her intercession grant me the grace that I humbly implore of you…

Pater, Ave, Gloria.

O Merciful Heart of my Jesus who, for the salvation and sanctification of so many souls, deigned to preserve for long years on earth your humble Servant LUISA, your little Daughter of the Divine Will, hear my prayer: that she may be glorified by your holy Church without delay. And through her intercession, grant me the grace that I humbly beseech of you…

Pater, Ave, Gloria.

Nulla osta:
Trani, 27 November 1948




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