In the Holy Divine Will
Divine Fiat’s Scepter of Command
V27 – 10.27.29 – “The many Truths I have Manifested to you about My Divine Fiat are Sips of Life, Some of which Water, Some Cultivate, Some Increase the Humors for the Tree of humanity Grafted by Me. Therefore, if the Life of My Divine Fiat has Entered into the Tree of My Humanity and has Formed the Graft, there is all the Reason to Hope that My Kingdom will have Its Scepter, Its Just Dominion and Its Command in the midst of creatures. Therefore, pray and do not doubt.”
V36 – 3.27.38 – “My daughter, how Beautiful it is when a soul loves to do the Divine Will. Heaven lowers Itself and Everybody Assumes the Posture of Venerating and Adoring the Supreme Volition. They see Its Majesty, Height and Power Enclosed in the little circle of the creature, doing what It does in Its Celestial Royal Palace; Sumptuously Showing Its Love and Works, being Honored as Great Queen; to the Extent that Royal Lives Arise for as many Acts as the creature does. Then My Fiat Feels All Its Divine Power, Its Ruling Scepter Brandished in Royal Modes, while the creature renders It All the Honors It Deserves. Since My Fiat Embraces All, It Feels So Glorified that it is as if All would let It Reign. In sum, we can’t find Truer Beauty, Receive Greater Love, Operate More Exceptional Prodigies than in the soul who Loves to Live in Our Will.”
Jesus’ Scepter of Command
V6 – 8.5.04 – Jesus, Ruler of kings and Lord of lords – “Continuing in my usual state, Blessed Jesus Came for just a little, in the Act of Ruling and Dominating Everything, and of Reigning with the Crown of King on His Head and with the Scepter of Command in His Hand. While I was seeing Him in this Position, He Told me (though in Latin, but I will say it according to what I understood): “My daughter, I AM the Ruler of kings and the Lord of lords. To Me Alone is this Right of Justice Due, which the creature owes Me; and by not giving it to me, she denies Me as Creator and Master of Everything.” While Saying this, He seemed to Take the world in His Hand and Turn it upside down, so that creatures would submit to His Regime and Dominion. At the same time I could also see how the Lord Ruled and Dominated my soul, with Such Mastery that I felt all submerged in Him. From Him Came the regime of my mind, of my affections, of my desires; Many Electric Wires Passed between me and Him, through which He Directed and Dominated Everything.”
V22 – 8.15.27 – “Then, you Must distinguish what I wanted from Adam—the little sacrifice of depriving himself of a fruit—and it was not granted to Me. How could I Trust him and ask of him a greater sacrifice? On the other hand, I did not ask of Abraham a fruit as sacrifice, but first I Asked him to go into a foreign land in which he was not born—and he promptly obeyed Me; and then I wanted to Trust him more, I Lavished Grace upon him, and I Asked of him the sacrifice of his only son, whom he loved more than himself—and he promptly sacrificed him to Me. From this I knew he was up to it, and I could Trust him—I could Entrust everything to him. It can be said that he was the first repairer to whom the Scepter of the Future Messiah was Entrusted, and therefore I Raised him to head of the generations, to God’s Great Honor, as well as his own and of the peoples.”
V25 – 3.31.29 – “If Adam had not sinned, the Eternal Word, Who is the Very Will of the Celestial Father, was to Come upon earth Glorious, Triumphant and Dominator, Accompanied visibly by His Angelic Army, that all were to see; and with the Splendor of His Glory, He was to Charm everyone and Draw everyone to Himself with His Beauty; Crowned as King and with the Scepter of Command, so as to be King and Head of the human family, in Such a Way as to give creatures the great honor of being able to say: ‘We have a King who is Man and God.’
Virgin Mary’s Scepter of Command
V25 – 12.8.28 – “But this Holy Virgin gave Her will in order to Live of the Divine, and therefore All Creation Felt the Happiness of the Order that, Through Her, was Given Back to It; and the heavens, the sun, the sea and everyone, competed among themselves to Honor She Who, by Possessing My Fiat, Gave the Kiss of the Order to All Created things. And My Divine Volition Placed in Her Hand the Scepter of Divine Queen, and Surrounded Her Forehead with the Crown of Command, Constituting Her Empress of the Whole Universe.”
V27 – 1.20.30 – “The Creation of the Virgin says in Clear Notes what Our Divine Will Means and what It can Do. As soon as It Took Possession of Her Virgin Heart, We did not wait even one minute, but Immediately We Made Her Queen. It was Our Will that We were Crowning in Her, because it was not befitting for a creature Who Possessed Our Will not to have the Crown of Queen and the Scepter of Command. Our Divine Will Wants to Hold Nothing Back, It Wants to Give Everything to One Who lets It Form Its Kingdom in her soul. Now, you Must Know that Just as you find, Present in the Divine Fiat, the Creation of the Sovereign Lady and you sing Her Praises as Queen, so did She find you Present in the Same Divine Fiat and Heard your singing. The Mama does not want to be outdone by the daughter; from that time She Sang your Praises to Honor that Divine Will that was to Possess you; and in order to Requite your singing, how many times She Calls the Heavens, the Sun, the Angels, and Everything, to Sing the Praises of Her little daughter who wants to Live in that Fiat that Formed All Her Glory, Her Greatness, Beauty and Happiness.”
Day 7 – The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will – The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will Takes the Scepter of Command, and the Most Holy Trinity Constitutes Her Its Secretary – “Queen Mama, here I am, prostrate at Your Feet. I feel that, as your child, I cannot be without my Celestial Mama; and even though today You Come to me with the Glory of Your Scepter of Command and with the Crown of Queen, yet You are always my Mama. So, though trembling, I fling myself into Your Arms, that You may Heal the Wounds which my bad will has made to my poor soul. Listen, my Sovereign Mama, if You do not Make a Prodigy – if You do not Take your Scepter of Command in order to Guide me and Hold Your Empire Over All my acts, so that my will may have no life – alas, I will not have the Beautiful Destiny of Coming Into the Kingdom of the Divine Will.”
Day 31 – The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will – Transit from Earth to Heaven. Happy Entrance. Heaven and Earth Celebrate the New Comer – “…And as I Gave My Last Breath of Pure Love in the Endlessness of the Divine Will, My Son Received Me in His Arms and Took Me to Heaven, in the Midst of the Angelic Choirs which Praised Me as their Queen. I can say that Heaven Emptied Itself to Come to Meet Me. All Celebrated for Me, and in looking at Me, Remained Enraptured and Said in Chorus: “Who is She, Who Comes from the exile, All Cleaving to Her Lord – All Beautiful, All Holy, with the Scepter of Queen? Her Greatness is Such that the Heavens have Lowered Themselves to Receive Her. No other creature has Entered These Celestial Regions So Adorned and Striking – So Powerful as to Hold Supremacy Over All.”
Luisa’s Scepter of Command
V22 – 8.28.27 – “Now, in order to Give you the Right that It might Reign in you (Luisa), with Justice It Demanded your Love while It Conceived in My Humanity. And since for My Supreme Fiat there is no past or future, but Everything is Present, while I Conceived in the Sovereign Queen, I Conceived in your Love, in your Pains, in that Very Volition that was to Reign in you. So, now you do nothing but give It Its Rights, Providing to It what is Needed so as to have It Conceive in you, and for you to Receive the Rights to have It Lay Its Kingdom and Take in Hand the Scepter of Command with Absolute Dominion.”
Day 7 – The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will – The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will Takes the Scepter of Command, and the Most Holy Trinity Constitutes Her Its Secretary – “…Now, My child, listen to your Mama: I Saw that you were surprised in hearing Me Narrate the Story of the Possession, in the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Know that This Destiny is Given also to you: if you decide never to do your will, the Divine Will shall Form Its Heaven in your soul. You will feel the Divine Inseparability; the Scepter of Command Over yourself, Over your passions, will be Given to you. You will no longer be slave to yourself, because the human will alone puts the poor creature into slavery, clips the wings of her Love for the One Who Created her, and takes away from her the Strength, the Support and the Confidence to fling herself into the Arms of her Celestial Father – in Such a Way that she is unable to know either His Secrets, or the great Love with which He Loves her, and so she lives like a stranger in the House of her Divine Father. What a distance the human will casts between Creator and creature!”
V21 – 4.18.27 – “The same for you, My daughter: as you do your First Acts in My Will, the other creatures receive the Right to enter into It and to repeat your Acts, in order to receive the same effects.”
Scepter of Command Prayer
Abba Father, In the Name of Jesus, in the Unity, Power and Love of the Holy Spirit,
Under the Mantle of Mary, with All the Angels and Saints,
Through the Intercession of the little daughter of the Divine Will, Luisa Piccarreta,
May we be one with Luisa and Live in Your Fiat,
and may Your Kingdom have Its Scepter, Its Just Dominion and Its Command in the midst of creatures,
whereby creatures render It All the Honors It Deserves,
Please take my humble prayer and make it Your Command,
With the Crown of King on Your Head, Jesus, and with the Scepter of Command in Your Hand,
let us be one with Luisa, the One Who Lives In Your Will,
that You may Recognize Her in us so that You may be Everything for us, and we may be All for You.
Please take my humble prayer and make it Your Command,
With the Scepter of Command of the Divine Queen, the Sovereign Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary,
and the Crown of Command You Surrounded Her Forehead with, Constituting Her Empress of the Whole Universe, may we be one with Luisa, and Echo her Praises of our Divine Queen,
and with our Queen Mama Sing the Praises of Her little daughter, Luisa, the One who Lives in that Fiat.
Please take my humble prayer and make it Your Command,
As Luisa Received the Right to Possess within her soul the Kingdom of the Divine Will, as well as the Right to Take in Hand the Scepter of Command with Absolute Dominion, let us be one with her in binding our love in all the Divine Acts, returning to You the Right of Justice that Your Will Demands, that with these Links of Connection of All Divine Acts, You Give us the Right that the Divine Will Reign in us, Your children.
May this be the Reality of what You have Decreed, Almighty Triune God.
Please take my humble prayer and make it Your Command,
May all be Accomplished and Completed in Your Most Holy Divine Will.