So, there are four parts to this email:
- Archbishop Jose Gomez, president of the U.S. bishops’ conference, is inviting all U.S. bishops to join him on May 1st in re-consecrating the United States of America to the Blessed Virgin Mary in response to the pandemic. The re-consecration is timed to coincide with the bishops of Canada consecrating their own country to Mary at the same time. Archbishop Gomez, who is the Archbishop of Los Angeles, said in a letter sent to all American bishops April 22, that the Marian re-consecration would be done under the title of “Mary, Mother of the Church.” He invited all the bishops of the country to join him in prayer on May 1st at 12 p.m. PDT, or 3 p.m. EDT.In the Most Holy Divine Will, we, the little children of the Divine Will, through the Intercession of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, unite with the bishops and all the faithful of the United States and all countries throughout the world, in praying the following prayer to Our Lady, Mary, Mother of the Church and Our Lady of the Divine Will (prayer at bottom).
- Also beginning May 1st we shall offer a 54 day Rosary Novena for the intention that the bishops of the United States will fulfill the Wishes of Our Lady of America – “Our Lady has asked that a statue be made as She Appeared on the Sept. 26th, 1956 (Our Lady of America). After being solemnly carried in procession in the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Wash. D.C., She desires that there it be enshrined in the place of honor and to be venerated there, in a special way as ‘Our Lady of America, the Immaculate Virgin’. (Sister Mary Ephrem to Arb. +Alter – 4/13/60)
- Please find attached a brief document on the Arc of the Covenant, Our Lady, the New Arc and little Luisa.With this, please pray the Command Prayer each day with the Rosary for the 54 day Rosary Novena, that the bishops process the New Arc of Mary.
- Please pray “The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will” for 31 days in the Month of May 2020.
In Union with all the Bishops of the world on First Friday, May 1, 2020 we, the little children of the Most Holy Divine Will, one with Luisa, on behalf of all souls, Re-consecrate ourselves, offering our human wills to Mary our Celestial Queen, Our Lady of the Divine Will.O Most Sweet Mama Mary, we, Your little children of the Holy Divine Will, present ourselves before You through Luisa, and prostrate at the Foot of Your Throne, Re-consecrate all human wills of all Countries, past, present and future. We Your little children Give You all our Filial Love, and as Your little children, we want to braid together all the little sacrifices, prayers, and promises of never doing our human wills. Forming a Crown for You, we want to place it on Your Lap as Proof of Love and Thanksgiving to You our Queen Mama.But this is not enough; we want You to take all human wills and all our acts in Your Hands as a Sign that You Accept our gift, and at the Touch of Your Maternal Fingers Convert them into Many Suns, for at least as many times as we have tried to do the Divine Will in our little acts.O, yes, Mother Queen, Your little children want to give You Homages of Light and of Most Refulgent Suns for all people in all countries of the world. We Know You have many of these Suns, but they are not the Suns of all Your little children; so through Luisa, we want to Give You ours, to tell You that we Love You, and to Bind You to Loving all Your little children. Holy Mama, You Smile at us and in All Goodness You accept our gifts; and we Thank You from our hearts in the name of everyone past, present and future. We want to tell You many things; we want to enclose all pains, fears, weaknesses, from every little child in Your Maternal Heart, as the Place of our Refuge.O please, Queen Mama, accept all Your children through Luisa and the little children of the Divine Will. Make this Re-consecration a Triumph of Grace, and a Field upon which the Divine Will may Extend Its Kingdom! These human wills of ours, Re-consecrated to You, shall render all souls Inseparable from You and Your Son and shall keep us all in Continuous Relations with You and Jesus. The Doors of Heaven shall not be closed for us, because, Re-consecrating our human wills to You, You shall give us Yours in exchange. Therefore, either Mama shall come and stay with Her children on earth, or Her children shall go to Live with their Mama in Heaven. Oh, how Happy we all shall be!O please listen, Dearest Mama, in order to Make the Re-consecration of our human wills and of all souls to You More Solemn, we call upon the Sacrosanct Trinity, all the Angels, and all the Saints. Before all, we promise with this oath, in the name of everyone in all countries past, present and future our Solemn Re-consecration of all human wills to You our Celestial Mama.O, Sovereign Queen, as Fulfillment, we ask for Your Holy Blessing for ourselves and for everyone. May Your Blessing be the Celestial Dew that Descends upon sinners, to Convert them, and upon the afflicted, to Console them. May it Descend upon all Countries so the whole world be Transformed into Holiness; may it Descend upon the Purging souls and smother the fire that burns them. May Your Maternal Blessing be a Pledge of Salvation for all souls past present and future, and may It bring about the Kingdom of the Divine Will, through The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, on earth as It is in Heaven.FIAT!AMEN!SO BE IT!OUR LORD AND OUR LADY, THROUGH LITTLE LUISA, ARE ASKING THE LITTLE CHILDREN OF THE DIVINE WILL TO INTENSIFY PRAYERS THIS MONTH OF OUR LADY, MAY 2020!Fiat!
Apr 30
MAY 2020
Permanent link to this article: https://luisapiccarreta.com/may-2020/