Ascension of the Lord
In the Divine Will
From the Writings of
The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
The Little Daughter of the Divine Will
Letter 19. To Mrs. Antonietta Savorani, widowfrom Faenza
My good daughter in the Divine Volition,
Your letter brought me great contentment, especially in hearing that you want to strip yourself of the mourning clothes of the human will; and I briefly answer to your difficulties. To live in the Divine Will is not so difficult as you and others believe, nor does sweet Jesus want impossible things, nor can He teach difficult things; rather, in all He teaches, His love is so great that not only does He facilitate His teachings, but in order to make all that He wants and teaches easier, He puts Himself at our disposition, doing together with us all that He wants and teaches. My daughter, everything is in a strong, firm, constant resolution to deliver our will into the hands of Jesus, so that His Will may underlie each one of our acts. Therefore, in all our being, in the most natural acts of life – in food, in sleep, in sufferings, in prayer, and also in legitimate pleasures, the Divine Will must have Its royal place, Its field of action, and our will must be the ground in which to receive these divine acts, and the footstool on which the Divine Will must place these acts; and these acts, united together, will form its Life. Life cannot be formed with one single act, but with many acts, repeated and incessant.
Moreover, the love of Jesus, His sighs and also His tears for desire that His Will reign in us as life, are such that He never leaves us alone; He Himself descends into the depth of our will; He molds it, strengthens it, purifies it, prepares it, and does all that we do together with us. So, if we want it, everything is done; however, it is not that we must no longer feel our will: to operate on a dead will would be neither ours nor Jesus’ victory. The dead are buried. Therefore Jesus wants our will alive, so that it may feel all the good, as His operating Will lays Its acts in it. The human will becomes the residence of the Divine, and g! ives It all the freedom to dominate and to do whatever It wants.
Do you see, then, how easy it is? Nor does one have to be a religious to do this. The Sanctity of living in the Divine Will is for all; or rather, to tell the truth, It is for all those who want It. Therefore, get down to work; tell Jesus from the heart: “I firmly want it, I continuously want it; I want it!”, and Jesus will make wonders, and will use everything you do and suffer as raw material so that you may ask for His Will and let It operate with Its creative virtue.
As far as the vow, do it on the day of ASCENSION, so that sweet Jesus may bring your will to Heaven as the most beautiful victory He has achieved over you…
I finish here, as I cannot continue further. Pray for me and make yourself a saint, for Jesus wants it. I leave you in the place of honor of the Divine Will, with a thousand regards,
the little daughter of the Divine Will
Letter 29. To Mother General of the Daughters of the Divine Zeal
My good Reverend Mother General,
Today is the sacred day of ASCENSION, the name of which you carry, and I feel the duty, although I am the least among all, to send you my sincere and affectionate wishes. But what wishes can I give you? I wouldn’t know what else to wish you other than that dear Jesus may make facts correspond to the name He gave you – that is to say, that He may take each one of your acts within Himself and bring it to Heaven, so making of all your life a continuous ASCENSION, like many conquests that sweet Jesus takes from earth to Heaven, and like the triumph of His Love in which your life must be consumed. To live in order to be consumed in love is the most beautiful act, which, putting us on the stake of love, consumes us with Jesus and ma! kes His Life rise within us.
But this is not enough, most dear Mother, if I don’t let my Divine Fiat act. Therefore I send it to you with all my heart, and I pray that It may pronounce Its Omnipotent Fiat in the center of your soul, and create Its Life within it, nourish it, and carry you always in Its arms of light; and that It may pronounce Its Fiat in every action you do and form in it Its Heaven, the most beautiful stars, the brightest sun, in order to make the most adorned room in which to reign and form Its first Kingdom.
My Mother, He always gives something to do to those who live in His Divine Volition. He lets not one of our acts escape Him without animating it, molding it, investing it, caressing it with His Creative Virtue. These are the best wishes I can send you, and I want you to accept them, so that the Divine Will may fulfill the wishes I am sending you with all my heart. I commend myself very much to your prayers…
Luisa Piccarreta
The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will:
Day Twenty-nine
The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will Jesus departs for Heaven. The soul to her Mother Queen:
Now, dear child, my beloved Son Jesus spent forty days, risen, on the earth. Very often He appeared to His apostles and disciples to confirm them in the faith and certainty of His Resurrection; and when He was not with the apostles, He was with His Mama in the cenacle, surrounded by the souls who had come out of Limbo. But at the end of the forty days, Jesus instructed the apostles, and leaving His Mama as their guide and Teacher, He promised us the descent of the Holy Spirit. Then, blessing us all, He departed, taking flight for the vault of the heavens, together with that great crowd of people who had left Limbo. All those who were there, and they were a great number, saw Him ascend; but as He got up high, a cloud of light removed Him from their sight.
Now, my child, your Mama followed Him into Heaven, and was present at the great feast of the ASCENSION. More so, since the celestial Fatherland was not foreign to me; and then, the feast of my Son, Ascended into Heaven, would not have been complete without me.
Now a little word to you, dearest child. All that you have heard and admired has been nothing other than the power of the Divine Will operating in me and in my Son. This is why I so much love to enclose in you the life of the Divine Will; It is an operative life, because everyone has it – but the majority of them keep It suffocated and to their service.. And while It could operate prodigies of sanctity, of grace, and works worthy of Its power, It is forced by the creatures to remain with folded arms, without being able to display its power. Therefore, be attentive, and let the Heaven of the Divine Will extend within you, and with Its power, work whatever It wants, and however It want’s!
The soul:
Most holy Mama, your beautiful lessons enrapture me, and – oh, how I wish and sigh for the operating life of the Divine Will in my soul! I too want to be inseparable from my Jesus and from you, my Mama. But to be sure of this, you must take on the commitment to keep my will enclosed in your maternal heart; and even if I should see that it costs me much, you must never give it to me. Only then will I be certain; otherwise, they will always be words, but I will never do facts. Therefore, your child commends herself to you, and hopes for everything from you.
Little Sacrifice:
Today, to honor me, you will make three genuflections in the act in which my Son ascended into Heaven, and pray to Him that He might let you ascend in the Divine Will.
Ejaculatory Prayer:
My Mama, with your power, triumph in my soul, and let me stay in the Will of God.