From the writings of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, The Little Daughter of the Divine Will
1/4/19 – Vol. 12
Effects of the pains suffered in the Will of God.
Continuing in my usual state, I was all afflicted because of the privation of my sweet Jesus. However, I tried to remain united with Him doing the Hours of the Passion. I was just at the hour of Jesus on the Cross when, at the summit, I felt Him in my interior, joining His hands and saying with articulate voice: “My Father, accept the sacrifice of this daughter of Mine – the pain that she feels because of my privation. Do You not see how she suffers? Pain makes her almost lifeless, deprived of Me, to the extent that, although hidden, I am forced to suffer together with her in order to give her strength; otherwise she would succumb. O please, Father, accept it, united to the pain which I suffered on the Cross, when I was abandoned even by You; and concede that the privation she feels of Me, be light, knowledge, Divine Life in other souls, and all that I Myself pleaded with my abandonment.”
After He said this, He hid again. I felt as if petrified for the pain, and although crying I said: ‘My life, Jesus – ah!, yes, give me souls. May the strongest bond that forces You to give them to me be the tormenting pain of your privation. May this pain run within your Will, so that all may feel the touch of my pain, my incessant cry, and may surrender.’
Then, around evening, blessed Jesus came for just a little, and added: “Daughter and refuge of Mine (Luisa), what sweet harmony did your pain form today in my Will! My Will is in Heaven, and since your pain was in my Will, it harmonized in Heaven, and with its cry it asked the Sacrosanct Trinity for ‘Souls!’. And as my Will was flowing in all the Angels and Saints, your pain asked them for ‘Souls!’ – to the extent that all remained struck by your harmony, and together with your pain they all cried out before my Majesty: ‘Souls, souls!’ My Will flew in all creatures, and your pain touched all hearts, and cried out to all of them, ‘Be saved, be saved!’ My Will centralized Itself in you (Luisa), and like a refulgent sun, It placed Itself on guard for all, in order to convert them. See what great good – yet, who takes the care to know the value, the incalculable price of my Volition?”