6/29 Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul

Hours of the Passion
Eighth Hour: From Midnight to 1 AM
… But, again, I (Luisa) hear Your (Our Lord’s) most tender voice that says, as You go to meet Your enemies, “Who are you looking for?” And they answer, “Jesus the Nazarene.” And You, to them, “It is I.” With only this word You say everything, and You let Yourself be known for who You are; so much so, that the enemies tremble and fall to the ground, as though dead. And You, Love that has no equal, repeating again, “It is I,” call them back to life and You give Yourself, on Your own, into the power of the enemies. Perfidious and ungrateful, instead of falling at Your feet, humbled and palpitating, to ask for Your Forgiveness, taking advantage of Your Goodness and despising Your Graces and Prodigies, they lay hands on You, they bind You with ropes and chains, they grip You, they cast You to the ground, they trample upon You, they tear Your hair. And You, with unheard-of patience, remain silent, suffering and Repairing for the offenses of those who, in spite of miracles, do not surrender to Your Grace, and become more obstinate.
With those ropes and chains, You impetrate from the Father the grace to snap the chains of our sins, and You bind us with the sweet chain of Love. And, Lovingly, You correct Peter, who wants to defend You to the point of cutting off the ear of Malchus. With this, You intend to Repair for the good works, which are not done with holy prudence, or which fall into sin because of excessive zeal. …

Book of Heaven
12/16/08 – Vol. 8
… “Even more, I (Our Lord) tell you (Luisa) that if to Paul I gave my efficacious grace at the beginning of his conversion, to you I give it almost continually – and this is the sign of it: that you continue in your interior everything that you used to do when I was with you almost continually – doing what now you seem to do by yourself. Your feeling all immersed in Me and bound to Me, always thinking of Me even though you do not see Me – this is not your own thing, nor an ordinary grace, but special and efficacious grace. And if I (Our Lord) give you (Luisa) much, it is a sign that I love you much, and I want to be loved much by you.” …3/9/03 – Vol. 4
3/9/03 – Vol. 4
“My daughter, how terrible it can be for those souls who have been much fecundated by my grace, but have not corresponded to it. The Jewish nation was the favorite one, the most fecundated, and yet, the most sterile; and the whole of my Person could not obtain that fruit which Paul obtained in other nations, less fecundated, but more corresponding. In fact, lack of correspondence to grace blinds the soul, it makes her deceive herself, and disposes her to obstinacy, even in the face of any miracle.”
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