‘The Kingdom of The Divine Will in the midst of creatures. Book of Heaven. The call of the creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose for which he was created by God’
Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, The Little Daughter of the Divine Will
July 11, 1923
You must know that this fulfillment of my Will is so great that It numbers among the greatest Works the Divinity has ever operated. And I want It to be known, so that in knowing Its greatness and the immense goods It contains, souls may esteem It and desire It.
Three times did the Divinity decide to operate “ad extra”. The first was in Creation, and it was without intervention of the creature, since none of them had yet come to daylight. The second was in Redemption, and with it intervened a Woman, the holiest, the most beautiful – my Celestial Mama. She was the channel and the instrument I used in order to fulfill the Work of Redemption. The third is the fulfillment of my Will, that It be done on earth as It is in Heaven – that the creature may live and operate with the Sanctity and the Power of Our own Will; a Work inseparable from Creation and Redemption – just as the Most Holy Trinity is inseparable. Nor can We say that the Work of Creation is completed, if Our Will, as We decreed, does not act in the creature and live with the freedom, sanctity and power with which It acts and lives in Us. Even more – this is the most beautiful point, the most radiant and high, and the seal of the fulfillment of the Work of Creation and of Redemption.