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2/14 Today is Ash Wednesday

2/14 Today is Ash Wednesday

The focus of this Season is the Cross and penance as we meditate on Christ’s Passion and await the triumph of Easter. We fast, abstain, mortify the flesh, give alms, and think more of charitable works.

One way to make this Lent a most special spiritual journey is by the meditation on the book “The Twenty-Four Hours of the Passion” by by Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, Little Daughter of the Divine Will.


Shroud of Turin

Meditations for the Stations of the Cross
from the 
“The Twenty-Four Hours of the Passion”

Book of Heaven
The Call of the Creature to the Order, the Place and the Purpose
for which He was Created by God
Volume 1

The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will:

Sometimes, then, He (Jesus) would bring me (Luisa) into churches, and even there my good Jesus was offended. Oh! how awfully those works reached His Heart – holy works, yes, but done roughly; those prayers empty of interior spirit, that piety, false, apparent, which seemed to give more insult than honor to Jesus. Ah! yes, that holy, pure, upright Heart could not receive those works, done so badly. Oh! how many times He lamented, saying: “Daughter, see how many offenses I receive, even from those people who are said to be devout – even in the holiest places. In receiving the very Sacraments, instead of coming out purified, they come out dirtier.”

Ah! yes, how much pain it was for Jesus to see people receiving Communion sacrilegiously, priests celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in mortal sin, out of habit, and some – it is a horror to say it – even out of self-interest. Oh! how many times my Jesus made me see these scenes so sorrowful. How many times, while the priest was celebrating the Sacrosanct Mystery, Jesus is forced to go into his hands, because He is called by the priestly authority. One could see those hands dripping with rot, blood, or smeared with mud. Oh! how pitiful then, was the state of Jesus, so holy, so pure, in those hands which were horrifying to the mere sight. It seemed He wanted to escape from between those hands, but He was forced to stay until the species of bread and wine would be consumed.

Sometimes, while remaining there with the priest, He would come hurriedly to me, all lamenting, and before I could say it, He Himself would say to me: “Daughter, let Me pour it into you, for I cannot take anymore. Have pity on My state, which is too sorrowful – have patience, let us suffer together.” And while saying this, He would pour from His mouth into mine. But who can tell what He poured? It seemed to be a bitter poison, a fetid rot, mixed with a food so hard, disgusting and nauseating, that sometimes it would not go down. Who can tell, then, the sufferings that this pouring of Jesus produced? If He Himself had not sustained me, I certainly would have died; yet, He would pour in me but the smallest part – what would it be for Jesus, who contained tons upon tons of it? Oh! how awful is sin! Ah! Lord, let everyone know it, so that all may flee from this monster so horrible. But while I would see these scenes so sorrowful, other times, He would also make me see scenes so consoling and beautiful as to be enrapturing; and this was to see good and holy priests celebrating the Sacrosanct Mysteries. Oh God! how high, great, sublime is their ministry. How beautiful it was to see the priest celebrating Mass, and Jesus transformed into him. It seemed that it was not the priest, but Jesus Himself that celebrated the Divine Sacrifice, and sometimes He would make the priest disappear completely, and Jesus alone would celebrate Mass – and I would listen to Him. Oh! how touching it was to see Jesus recite those prayers, do all those ceremonies and movements that the priest does. Who can tell how consoling it was for me to see these Masses together with Jesus? How many graces I received, how much light, how many things I comprehended! But since these are past things, I don’t remember them too clearly, so I keep silent.

But as I am saying this, Jesus has moved in my interior and has called me – He doesn’t want me to do so. Ah! Lord, how much patience it takes with You. Well then, I will content You. Oh! sweet Love, I will say a few little things, but give me your grace to be able to manifest them, because, by myself, I would not dare to utter one word about mysteries so profound and sublime.

Now, while seeing Jesus or the priest celebrating the Divine Sacrifice, Jesus would make me understand that in the Mass there is all the depth of our sacrosanct religion. Ah! yes, the Mass tells us everything and speaks to us about everything. The Mass reminds us of our redemption; It speaks to us, step by step, about the pains that Jesus suffered for us; It also manifests to us His immense love, for He was not content with dying on the Cross, but He wanted to continue His state of victim in the Most Holy Eucharist. The Mass also tells us that our bodies, decayed, reduced to ashes by death, will rise again on the day of the judgment, together with Christ, to immortal and glorious life. Jesus made me comprehend that the most consoling thing for a Christian, and the highest and most sublime mysteries of our holy religion are: Jesus in the Sacrament and the resurrection of our bodies to glory. These are profound mysteries, which we will comprehend only beyond the stars; but Jesus in the Sacrament makes us almost touch them with our own hands, in different ways. First, His Resurrection; second, His state of annihilation under those species, though it is certain that Jesus is there present, alive and real. Then, once those species are consumed, His real presence no longer exists. And as the species are consecrated again, He comes again to assume His sacramental state. So, Jesus in the Sacrament reminds us of the resurrection of our bodies to glory: just as Jesus, when His sacramental state ceases resides in the womb of God, His Father, the same for us – when our lives cease, our souls go and make their dwelling in Heaven, in the womb of God, while are bodies are consumed. So, one can say that they will no longer exist; but then, with a prodigy of the omnipotence of God, our bodies will acquire new life, and uniting with the soul, will go together to enjoy the eternal beatitude. Can there be anything more consoling for a human heart than the fact that not only the soul, but also the body will be beatified in the eternal contentments? It seems to me that on that day it will happen as when the sky is starry and the sun comes out. What happens? With its immense light, the sun absorbs the stars and makes them disappear; yet the stars exist. The sun is God, and all of the blessed souls are the stars; with His immense light, God will absorb us all within Himself, in such a way that we will exist in God and will swim in the immense sea of God. Oh! how many things Jesus in the Sacrament tells us; but who can tell them all? I would really be too long. If the Lord allows it, I will reserve saying something else on other occasions.

2/14 Prayer for each day from Ash Wednesday to Divine Mercy Sunday

Prayer of the little children of the Divine Will

For each day from Ash Wednesday to Divine Mercy Sunday



Heavenly Father, In the Name of Jesus, In the Unity, Love and Power of the Holy Spirit, Under the Mantle of Mary Our Blessed Mother, with all the Angels and Saints, and through the Intercession of The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, we, the little children of the Divine Will, echo her Prayer to help fulfill her task, to repair and re-do all the acts, thoughts, words and deeds of all souls, past, present and future, and to hasten the Salvation and Sanctification of mankind, and with our voice, give You, Triune God, the Divine Glory as if it was done by all in a Divine Manner, as You Originally Wanted from Adam and his children. And so we say:

‘Heavenly Father, we come to Your Throne to bring to You Your dear children, broken and separated from You, so that You may bind and re-tie once again that Divine Will which was severed from You by Adam. We the little children of Your Most Holy Divine Will asks this of You and we take on the commitment to satisfy You for everyone. Please bind again the human will with the Divine Will bringing the Kingdom of Your Will so that It may come and Reign upon earth as it is in Heaven. Nothing is denied to Your little ones because what they ask is nothing other than the Echo of Your Own Divine Will and of what You Yourself Want.’

We pledge to pray these prayers each day from Ash Wednesday to Divine Mercy Sunday, 

for the complete healing and restoration of all Your children and situations:

February 14 – For Our Holy Father Pope Frances, and for all Popes from Peter to the last

February 15 – For all Cardinals, Bishops, Priests and Deacons of all time

February 16 – For all Seminarians, all Religious men and women of all time

February 17 – For all teachers and Promoters of the Faith of all time

February 18 – For all Fathers, Adoptive Fathers, Grandfathers, throughout the generations

February 19 – For all Mothers, Adoptive Mothers, Grandmothers throughout the generations

February 20 – For all the unborn, newborns, infants, toddlers, and all children

February 21 – For all young people, teenage, young adult, and all seeking their vocations

February 22 – For all the single men and women and for all elderly

February 23 – For all the infirm and suffering, mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally

February 24 – For all souls before death, at any age and circumstance

February 25 – For all soldiers, law enforcement, fire protectors, service persons of all types

February 26 – For all farmers, workers, slaves of all time

February 27 – For all Your chosen people, the Hebrews, Israelites, Jews

February 28 – For all Patriarchs, Prophets, saints of the Old Testament

March 1 – For the Apostles, disciples, for all saints of the New Testament

March 2 – For all missionaries and martyrs

March 3 – For all Saints having aided Redemption and Sanctification

March 4 – For all Catholics of the East, of the West, of all Rites

March 5 – For all Protestants and all Christians

March 6 – For all Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and for all who do not know You, O God

March 7 – For all sinners and all in need of Your Infinite Mercy

March 8 – For all leaders, from Kings to politicians, from high authority to low

March 9 – For all medical persons, lawyers, professors, business persons of every sort

March 10 – For all astronomers, scientists, intellects of every degree

March 11 – For all handicapped and all suffering imperfections of mind and body

March 12 – For all abandoned, outcast and unwanted

March 13 – For the poor, homeless, week, the unloved everywhere

March 14 – For the cancellation of all debts and curses in all family lines

March 15 – For the generational healing of all family lines

March 16 – For the exorcism of all demons in souls and in or on the earth anywhere

March 17 – For the Angels to descend upon earth in the aid and protection of all Your chilren

March 18 – For the Angels of the Last Times to come and fulfill Their Tasks according to the Divine Will

March 19 – For all displaced people, those in refuges and in transition 

March 20 – For all homosexuals and those uncertain of their Divine dignity

March 21 – For all addicts of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, food, entertainment, sex and of every vice

March 22 – For all aborted babies at any stage of development 

March 23 – For all persons in having supported abortion by politics, human reasoning or indifference

March 24 – For all mothers, fathers, medical or evil persons responsible for killing any unborn child

March 25 – For the conversion of all souls, for their Salvation and Sanctification

March 26 – For the Proclamation 5th Dogma of Our Lady Mediatrix, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate

March 27 – For Our Lady, Mother and Queen of the Divine Will, to Honor Her as such

March 28 – For Luisa Piccarreta, the Little Daughter of the Divine Will, to Honor Her as such

March 29 – For the Gift of the Divine Will be given to the Holy Father

March 30 – For the release of all souls from Purgatory

March 31 – For the Unification of the East and the West Churches under the Roman Pontiff

April 1 – For the intentions of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the fulfillment of all Her Requests

April 2 – For the Glorification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

April 3- For the blessing of the little family of which we are members.

April 4 – For the Book of Heaven to be known, loved and possessed by all

April 5 – For the Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ in His Second Coming, all for His Glory

April 6 – For the Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Second Pentecost

April 7 – For One Church, One Flock, One Shepherd

April 8 – For the Kingdom of the Divine Will on earth as It is in Heaven


The Command Prayer


Abba Father,

In the name of Jesus

In the Unity and Power

of the Holy Spirit,

under the Mantle of Mary

with all the Angels and Saints

through the Intercession of

The Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

please take my humble prayer

of Today

and make it Your Command.

that all be accomplished and completed

in Your Most Holy Divine Will.



2/13 Feast of Shrove Tuesday


Most Holy Face of Jesus
Click here for Website on the Feastday 

In Tours, France during the 1840’s a young Carmelite nun received a series of revelations from Our Lord about a powerful devotion He wished to be established worldwide—–the devotion to His Holy Face and Name.


MAY the Most Holy, Most Sacred, Most Adorable, Most Incomprehensible and Unutterable Name of God be always praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified, in Heaven, on earth, and under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Amen.  

Short Novena in preparation for His Feast: 

– O Lord Jesus Christ, in presenting ourselves before Thy adorable Face, to ask of Thee the graces of which we stand in most need, we beseech Thee above all, to grant us that interior disposition of never refusing at any time what Thou requires of us by Thy holy commandments and divine inspirations. Amen.
– O Good Jesus, who has said, “Ask and you shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you,” grant us O Lord, that faith which obtains all, or supply in us what may be deficient. Grant us, by the pure effect of Thy charity, and for Thy eternal glory, the graces that we need and that we seek from Thy infinite mercy. Amen.
Be merciful to us, O my God, and reject not our prayers, when amid our afflictions, we call upon Thy Holy Name and seek with love and confidence Thy adorable Face. Amen.
– O Almighty and Eternal God, look upon the Face of Thy Son Jesus. We present It to Thee with confidence to implore Thy pardon. The All-Merciful Advocate opens His Lips to plead our cause. Hearken to His cries, behold His tears, O God, and through His infinite merits, hear Him when He intercedes for us poor miserable sinners. Amen.
– Adorable Face of Jesus, my only love, my light and my life, grant that I may know Thee, love Thee and serve Thee alone, that I may live with Thee, by Thee and for Thee. Amen.
– Eternal Father, I offer Thee the adorable Face of Thy Beloved Son for the honor and glory of Thy Name, for the conversion of sinners and the salvation of the dying. O Divine Jesus, through Thy Face and Name, save us. Our Hope is in the virtue of Thy Holy Name! Amen. 

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