1/13 The Book of Heaven and the Baltimore Catechism No.3

The Book of Heaven and the Baltimore Catechism No. 3
LESSON FIFTH: On our First Parents and the Fall – Part 1 of 3
233. Who were the first man and woman?
The first man and woman were Adam and Eve.
Volume 12 – January 24, 1921
“My daughter, calm yourself – I choose whomever I please. However, know that I begin all of my works between Myself and one creature; and then they are spread. In fact, who was the first spectator of the FIAT of my Creation? Adam, and then Eve. It surely wasn’t a multitude of people. Only after years and years did crowds and multitudes of people become spectators of It. .
234. Are there any persons in the world who are not the descendants of Adam and Eve?
There are no persons in the world now, and there never have been any, who are not the descendants of Adam and Eve, because the whole human race had but one origin.
Volume 20 – October 12, 1926
Don’t you know that, as long as Adam remained the firstborn son of my Will, having therefore primacy over everything, I visited him often? Because my Will reigned in him, I administered to him all the necessary manners in order to be with Me, as the son who forms the consolation of his Father. I spoke to him as to a son, and he to Me as to his Father. As he withdrew from my Will he lost his primacy, the rights of firstborn, and along with them he lost all of my goods. He no longer felt the strength to sustain my presence, nor did I feel drawn by a Divine force and Will to go to him. So, all his bonds with Me were broken; nothing was due to him by right any more, and he no longer saw Me unveiled, but in the midst of lightnings and eclipsed within my light – that light of my Will which he had rejected.
235. Do not the differences in color, figure, etc., which we find in distinct races indicate a difference in first parents?
The differences in color, figure, etc., which we find in distinct races do not indicate a difference in first parents, for these differences have been brought about in the lapse of time by other causes, such as climate, habits, etc.
Volume 21 – March 10, 1927
“My daughter, you must know that, before sinning, Adam did his acts in the Divine Fiat. This meant that the Trinity
had given him possession of this Kingdom, because, in order to possess a kingdom, it takes one who forms it, one who gives it, and one who receives it. The Divinity formed it and gave it; man received it. Therefore, in his first period of the creation, Adam possessed this Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, and since he was the head of all human generations, all creatures received the right to this possession.
236. Were Adam and Eve innocent and holy when they came from the hand of God?
Adam and Eve were innocent and holy when they came from the hand of God.
Volume 20 – December 12, 1926
“My daughter, in creating man, the Divinity placed him inside the Sun of the Divine Will, and all creatures in him. This Sun served as garment not only for his soul, but its rays were such as to cover also his body, in such a way as to serve as more than a garment for him, rendering Him so adorned and beautiful that neither kings nor emperors have ever appeared so adorned as Adam appeared, with this garment of most refulgent light. Those who say that, before sinning, Adam went naked are wrong. False, false. If all things created by Us are all adorned and clothed, he who was Our jewel, the purpose for which all things were created – was he not to have the most beautiful garment and the
most beautiful ornament of all? So, to him befitted the beautiful garment of the light of the Sun of Our Will; and since he possessed this garment of light, he had no need of material garments in order to cover himself. As he withdrew from the Divine Fiat, so did light withdraw from his soul and from his body; he lost his beautiful garment, and in seeing himself no longer surrounded with light, he felt naked. Feeling ashamed in seeing that he was the only one to be naked in the midst of all created things, he felt the need to cover himself, and he used superfluous things, created things, to cover his nakedness.
237. What do we mean by saying Adam and Eve “were innocent” when they came from the hand of God?
When we say Adam and Eve “were innocent” when they came from the hand of God we mean they were in the state of original justice; that is, they were gifted with every virtue and free from every sin.
Volume 20 – December 12, 1926
“My daughter, during my Passion there is one lament of mine which came out, with immense sorrow, from the depth of my tormented Heart: they divided my garments and drew lots for my tunic. How painful it was for Me to see my garments being divided among my very executioners, and my tunic being gambled away. That was the only object I possessed, given to Me, with so much love, by my sorrowful Mama; and now, they not only stripped Me of it, but they make of it a game. But do you know who pierced Me the most? In those garments, Adam became present to Me, clothed with the garment of innocence and covered with the indivisible tunic of my Supreme Will. In creating him, the uncreated Wisdom acted as more than a most loving mother; more than with a tunic, It clothed him with the unending light of my Will – a garment which is not subject to be either disarranged, or divided, or consumed; a garment which was to serve man in order to preserve the image of his Creator and the gifts received from Him, and which was to render him admirable and holy in all his things. Not only this, but It covered him with the overgarment of innocence.
And Adam, in Eden, with his passions divided the garments of innocence, and he gambled away the tunic of my Will – a garment which is incomparable and of radiant light.
238. How was Adam’s body formed?
God formed Adam’s body out of the clay of the earth and then breathed into it a living soul.
Volume 15 – May 29, 1923
.. in creating man, the first crafting, both in the soul and in the body, was done by my Divine Father. How much harmony, how much happiness did He not form with His own hands in the human nature? Everything is harmony and happiness in man. The mere external part – how many harmonies and happinesses does it not contain? The eyes can see, the mouth can express, the feet can walk, the hands can operate and take things where the feet have reached. But if the eyes could see, but man did not have the mouth to express himself; or if he had feet to walk but no hands to operate – would there not be unhappiness and disharmony in the human nature? And then, the harmonies and happinesses of the human soul – the will, the intellect, the memory – how many harmonies and happinesses do they not contain? It is enough to say that they are part of the happiness and harmony of the Eternal One.
239. How was Eve’s body formed?
Eve’s body was formed from a rib taken from Adam’s side during a deep sleep which God caused to come upon him.
Volume 12 – January 24, 1920
“My daughter, if you knew how I desire, yearn for, and love the company of the creature! So much that, if in creating man I said, ‘It is not good for man to be alone, let Us make another creature similar to him, who may keep him company, so that one may form the delight of the other’, I said these same words to my Love before creating man: ‘I do not want to be alone, but I want the creature for my company. I want to create him in order to amuse Myself with him, to share all my contentments with him. With his company I will pour Myself out in Love.’ This is why I made him in my Likeness; and as his intelligence thinks of Me and is interested in Me, he keeps company with my Wisdom, and as my thoughts keep company with his, we amuse ourselves together. If his gaze looks at Me and at created things in order to love Me, I feel the company of his gaze. If his tongue prays or teaches what is good, I feel the company of his voice. If his heart loves Me, I feel the company of his love; and so with all the rest. But if he does the opposite I feel lonely, and like a destitute king. But, alas!, how many leave Me alone and neglect Me!”
241. Could man’s body be developed from the body of an inferior animal?
Man’s body could be developed from the body of an inferior animal if God so willed; but science does not prove that man’s body was thus formed, while revelation teaches that it was formed directly by God from the clay of the earth.
Volume 24 – September 10, 1928
Now, you must know that, indeed, Adam possesses a glory in Heaven which is given to no one else, as holy as he may be, except for my Celestial Mama, because no one else possesses even one act in the unity of my Divine Will. It was just and decorous for Our Divine Majesty that the first creature that came out of Our creative hands possess more glory than all the others; more so, since the first period of his life was carried out as We wanted. One can say that it was Our life, Our Will and Our works that flew within him. How could We destroy this first period of the life of Adam, since it was more Ours than his? It is useless even to think about it; whatever is done in Our Divine Will remains untouchable – no one can touch it, because these acts enter the divine and infinite order. And even though Adam slipped and fell, his acts done up to that moment remained intact and beautiful, just as he did them. He was the one who remained wounded, ill, Our image disfigured in him, because Our Divine Will, which had taken on the commitment to keep him beautiful, fresh, strong, holy, completely in order with Us, just as We created him, was no longer in him, because Adam himself had rejected It. But his works done up to the moment in which he had the misfortune to fall, and which possessed the unity of Our Fiat, suffered no change, because We too were jealous of these acts which had glorified Us so much. They had put Us in feast, as We saw that man, Our son, elevated himself up to Us in order to absorb within him Our divine manners, Our likeness, and to bring Us joys, happinesses, the return and the smile of all created things in the unity of Our Will. We were enraptured in seeing Our dear son, the work of Our hands, live in Our Will as in Our home; taking from Our own, he was able to bring Us new happinesses and joys without end.
My daughter, the first period of the life of Adam is unforgettable for Us, for him, and for all Heaven. After he fell into sin, he remained like a blind person who, before losing his sight, has done so many beautiful works as to fill Heaven and earth. Who could ever say that those are not works done by him, only because he voluntarily lost his sight? And that, since he can no longer repeat them because he is blind, the ones he has done remain without value? Certainly no one. Or, if a person who applies himself to study science, in the middle of his studies no longer wants to continue, can anyone take away or destroy the good of the science he has acquired, only because he does not continue? Certainly not. If this happens in the human order, much more so, and with more validity and certainty, in the divine order.
So, by virtue of the first period of his life, innocent and carried out all in the unity of Our Fiat, Adam possesses such glory and beauty that no one can equal him. At the mere sight of him, all of the Blessed recognize how beautiful and majestic the creation of the first man was, enriched with so much grace. In looking at him, they can see, in him, the incalculable good of the Divine Will in the creature, and the joy and happiness that the creature can possess. In him alone, as though within a mirror, the Blessed can see how man was created, the exuberant love that We had for him, the abundance with which We enriched him. We gave him everything, as much as a creature could contain, to the point of overflowing outside and being able to flood the whole earth. If it were not so – if the whole magnificence of Our creative hands could not be seen in Adam – then the great things We did in the Creation, and that which the creature does and can do in Our Divine Will would not be known even in Heaven. It is Our love that demands this, and also Our justice that wants to keep, in Heaven, the reality of that image, as man was created – and not another man, but the very one who came out of Our creative hands, so that, if the earth does not know him, Heaven may know him. They look at their origin in Adam, and, grateful, they thank Me and pray that my Fiat may come to reign upon earth, and form more images, more beautiful than Adam, because he was not a complete work in my Divine Will, but a period of life. Only the Sovereign Queen possesses complete life and works in my Fiat, therefore there is no one who can equal Her. My Will wants to make more complete lives in It, so as to repeat what It did in the Creation, to make known to the earth the way and the order in which the creature was created, and the great, beautiful, holy things that my Divine Will can do in her.
242. Could man’s soul and intelligence be formed by the development of animal life and instinct?
Man’s soul could not be formed by the development of animal instinct; for, being entirely spiritual, it must be created by God, and it is united to the body as soon as the body is prepared to receive it.
Volume 20 – February 6, 1927
Such was the state of Adam when he was created, until he sinned – that which was Ours, was his; the fullness of light centered in him, in view of the fact that his will was one with Ours, brought him the communion of Our goods. How We felt Our happiness redoubled – on the part of Creation, not because of anything else – as We saw Adam, Our son, happy of Our own happiness. In fact, since his will was one with Ours, Our Will could pour Our goods and Our happiness in torrents upon him; so much so that, unable to contain it all, because he did not have the capacity of his Creator, while being filled to the brim to the point of overflowing, he would make all the rest ascend to the One from whom he had received it. And what did he make ascend? His perfect love, which he had received from God; his sanctity, his glory, which he possessed in common with Us, so as to almost match Us with happiness, love and glory.
We gave him happiness – happiness he gave to Us; We gave him love, sanctity and glory – love, sanctity and glory he gave to Us. My daughter, to possess a Divine Will is something astonishing; the human nature cannot comprehend everything – it feels, it possesses, and knows not how to express.”
243. Did God give any command to Adam and Eve?
To try their obedience, God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat of a certain fruit which grew in the garden of Paradise.
Volume 21 – April 8, 1927
“My daughter, Adam fell so low, because he withdrew from a Will expressed by his Creator, which enclosed the test in order to prove his faithfulness toward the One who had given him life and all the goods he possessed. More so, since after the so many goods He had given to him for free, God asked of him to deprive himself of one fruit alone of the many He had given him, for love of the One who had given him everything. And in this little sacrifice which God wanted from him, He had let him know that it was for nothing else but to be sure of his love and of his faithfulness. Adam should have felt honored that his Creator wanted to be certain of the love of His creature. Moreover, the one who attracted him and convinced him to fall, was not a being superior to him, but a vile serpent – his major enemy.
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